Pro Liberate

In his private life, Justin Klitch of Payette, Idaho may be kind, personable, generous, and compulsively honest. While on the clock, however, he’s a professional thug – in the original sense of the expression.

The Thugs of India were a nomadic, secretive order of highway robbers notorious for gaining the confidence of travelers before ambushing, plundering, and sometimes killing them. Klitch plays a similar role as a patrol officer with the Idaho State Police, conducting pretext stops of drivers in order to search their vehicles for drugs or large amounts of cash. He does this in the tacit but provable hope of justifying the “forfeiture” – that is, the theft – of their vehicles and anything else of value he and his comrades can find.   Continue reading “High Desert Highwaymen: More Scenes from the Drug War in Treasure Valley”

WND – by F. Michael Maloof

WASHINGTON – The well-organized army of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, claims it has access to nuclear weapons and a will to use them to “liberate” Palestine from Israel as part of its “Islamic Spring,” according to a WND source in the region.

Franklin Lamb, an international lawyer based in Beirut and Damascus, said the move is part of the ISIS aim of creating a caliphate under strict Islamic law, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq.   Continue reading “Iraq invaders threaten nuke attack on Israel”

Judge Timothy M. TymkovichThe Newspaper

Utah state troopers who used a drug dog as a pretense to search a car belonging to an innocent woman are in legal trouble. The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on Friday ruled that the victims could sue the troopers for spending two hours rifling through their vehicle without finding anything unlawful, in violation of their constitutional rights.

Utah State Trooper Brian Bairett had been running a speed trap on Interstate 15 when a Jeep driven by Sherida Felders passed through. Bairett said he developed probable cause during the traffic stop because she was nervous, had an air freshener and her license plate holder said “Jesus.” Continue reading “Federal Court: Cops Cannot Push Drug Dog Into Open Car Door”

broccoli detox 263x164 Good News: Compound in Broccoli Proven to Rid Body of Toxic PollutantsNatural News – by Elizabeth Renter

You don’t have to look far to find information on foods and herbs that have detoxifying properties. And while many of them may be effective, few of these claims have been put to the test in a lab. Broccoli is one vegetable that has been tested and passed with flying colors, indicating it can help rid the body of potentially harmful toxins and help detoxify the body as a whole.

Published in the journal Cancer Prevention Researcha recent study indicates there is something in broccoli (and it’s sprouts) that can “rapidly” and “sustainably” detox airborne pollutants from the body.   Continue reading “Good News: Compound in Broccoli Proven to Rid Body of Toxic Pollutants”

World News – by Dallas Darling

The “too big to fail” premise has become a popular slogan in U.S. political and economic theories. According to proponents, the theory ascertains that some institutions are so large and important and vital that they must be supported at all costs. However, from corporations and financial institutions to government bureaucracies and social programs, over-taxation, cronyism, inefficiency and moral ineptitude is causing many to question and challenge such a preposterous notion. In reality, universal truths and historical cycles reveal just the opposite. What some perceive to be as too big to fail always becomes “too big not to fail.” And bailouts create more problems and cause more hard hardships.   Continue reading “Is U.S. Stuck in ‘Too Big To Fail’ Illusions?”

Warren County Undersheriff Shawn Lamouree poses in front the department's mine resistant ambush protected vehicle, or MRAP, on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013, in Queensbury, N.Y. The hulking vehicles, built for about $500,000 each at the height of the war, are among the biggest pieces of equipment that the Defense Department is giving to law enforcement agencies under a national military surplus program. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)Yahoo News – by Liz Goodwin

Robert Shellmyer was relieved to see last week at his hometown’s 175th anniversary celebration that the local police department’s new prized possession was not driving alongside the tractors and floats in the parade.

That’s because a 45,000 pound, explosion-resistant vehicle from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan might spoil the mood.   Continue reading “As wars wind down, small-town cops inherit armored vehicles”

Washington’s Blog – by David Swanson

Now that the U.S. government has released parts of its We-Can-Kill-People-With-Drones memo, it’s hard to miss why it was kept secret until now.

Liberal professors and human rights groups and the United Nations were claiming an inability to know whether drone murders were legal or not because they hadn’t seen the memo that the White House said legalized them. Some may continue to claim that the redactions in the memo make judgment impossible.   Continue reading “So That’s Why They Kept the Drone Kill Memo Secret”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

Moments after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was elected the new majority leader, La Raza and other Hispanic and Asian ethnic groups demanded a vote on amnesty.

“The new Majority Leader can either schedule a House floor vote on workable immigration reform or he can kill the best chance in decades to fix the immigration system and miss a big opportunity to work with Latino, AAPI, and immigrant communities,” they said in a Wednesday statement. “Our communities and our country need a response now.”   Continue reading “La Raza Demands Amnesty Vote from New Maj. Leader Kevin McCarthy”

Yahoo News

Dakar (AFP) – An epidemic of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa is now “out of control” with more than 60 outbreak hotspots, the medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said.

“The scale of the current Ebola epidemic is unprecedented in terms of geographical distribution, people infected and deaths,” MSF said in a statement.   Continue reading “Ebola ‘out of control’ in West Africa: MSF”

autismNatural News – by PF Louis

Autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are terms used to describe a constellation of developmental brain disorders characterized by a spectrum of behavioral deficits including problems in social interaction, problems with communication both verbally and non-verbally, and repetitive, often harmful behaviors.

The DSM-V, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition, has merged all distinct autism subtypes into one simplified diagnosis, ASD. Continue reading “Autism now costs U.S. over $236 billion per year”

Video Rebel’s Blog

You are special kind of stupid if you still support Barack Obama.

Anonymous Black Vlogger

The dollar’s status as the international reserve currency being as good as gold has been under attack for some time. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have allied themselves with 80 other nations to take down the dollar as a reserve currency. In the past many nations around the world had to either use gold or British pounds to buy goods from overseas. Until recently people on two different continents had no choice but to use US dollars to buy and sell from each other. Those days are rapidly disappearing. China is setting up direct currency exchange hubs in London, in Germany, Australia and in other American allied states.   Continue reading “The Perfect Storm: Amnesty, Hyperinflation, Food Riots, Race Wars”

ZEdwardsTea Party News Network

In America, we have certain rights. Central to our civil liberties is a presumption of innocence until having been found guilty in a court of law and the right of citizens to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.

One Florida couple found out the hard way that though these rights exist in theory, the modern federal government feels free to play fast-and-loose with these concepts.

At approximately 6:16 am on June 10th, 2014, Kari Edwards and her live-in boyfriend were seized upon by a SWAT team who smashed in the door and using flashbangs and armed to the teeth, swarmed upon the couple and even stripped Ms. Edwards naked in the process.   Continue reading “Outrageous Video: DHS Trashes Couple’s Home, Strips Woman Naked at Gunpoint, Offers No Explanation”

Sent to us by a reader who said, “This happened to a friend of mine over the weekend. He is from Wichita, Ks and was visiting Salina, Ks last weekend and was pulled over. The video speaks for itself. He was a smart ass for sure, but to me it didn’t warrant tasing and forceful removal from his car. His suspended license was a mistake by the state.”

Free Thought Project

A video submitted to the Free Thought Project Monday, shows a ridiculous interaction with an overzealous cop.   Continue reading “This Guy Asks a Cop a Question. The Cop Answers with His Taser”

More help coming: Texas has put its own public safety personnel on the border, working alongside U.S. Border Patrol agents and guided by National Guard troops in Lakota helicopters, in order to find illegal immigrants crossing into the USMail Online

  • Sen. Ted Cruz and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott toured Lackland Air Force Base, where more than 1,000 children are being held after crossing the border illegally
  • Drug dealers force children ‘to cut off the fingers or cut off the ears of other little boys and little girls, in order to extort money from their families’
  • ‘And these children are told, “If you don’t cut off the fingers or ears of another child, you’ll be shot”‘
  • Cruz and Abbott blame Obama for suggesting to Central American parents that their children can receive amnesty if they make it to the United States

Continue reading “Illegal immigrant children forced to CUT OFF fingers and ears of other kids by ‘coyote’ gangs, claims Ted Cruz”

Police Shot-Las VegasThe News Tribune – by Ken Ritter

 — A man and woman who killed two Las Vegas police officers in a pizza shop and a shopper in a Wal-Mart before they died in a store shootout earlier this month were heavily armed and carried ammunition including armor-piercing bullets, Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie said Monday.

Jerad and Amanda Miller wore adult diapers and carried four handguns, a shotgun, water and food, Gillespie said. The couple also smashed a Wal-Mart sporting-goods display case with a baseball bat to get more ammunition as they exchanged gunfire with SWAT officers, he said.    Continue reading “Police: Cop killers heavily armed, wore diapers”

ImageLas Vegas Sun – by Joe Schoenmann

Fifteen days after the shooting deaths of two police officers and a bystander in eastern Las Vegas, Metro Police have not determined a motive for their killers, Jerad and Amanda Miller.

“It would be pure speculation on my part to say what their motive was,” Sheriff Douglas Gillespie said in a news conference this morning at Metro Headquarters.

Gillespie briefed the media and gave additional details in the deadly June 8 shootings at a CiCi’s pizza restaurant at 309 N. Nellis Blvd., and a nearby Wal-Mart at 201 N. Nellis.   Continue reading “Cop-killer declares, ‘I am in charge now,’ before fatal shootout”

Stockman sponsors ‘Dog Ate My Tax Return Act’Your Houston News

Taxpayers who do not produce documents for the Internal Revenue Service will be able to offer a variety of dubious excuses under legislation introduced by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX 36) a week after the IRS offered an incredibly dubious excuse for its failure to turn documents over to House investigators.

“The United States was founded on the belief government is subservient and accountable to the people. Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves,” said Stockman. “Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.”    Continue reading “Stockman sponsors ‘Dog Ate My Tax Return Act’”


In case you are a rabid partisan supporter of theObama administration, or forgot your history, Richard Nixon was charged for ostensibly the same offense, that President Obama’s loyal minion Lois Lerner oversaw. Joseph Curl writes in the Washington Times, IRS scandal gets Nixonian: The 18½-minute (or 26-month) gap.

Article 2 of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon charged that he:

Continue reading “Impeachment Refusal Means Heads Will Roll”