If the Militia deploys to the border they could end up in trouble and need our help. If the fed decides to try to stop them from patrolling our border, they could get in a tough situation very quickly that would require us to step up to the plate and help out. We are all Militia. We need to support the guys who are going down there in the beginning. This thing could drag out for a long time.
We need to have our bags packed and be able to deploy on a moment’s notice or at least within 24 hours if it goes south down there. If you are serious about doing your duty, start getting your gear packed for a long term deployment and stay alert to the situation down there. If we are needed, we need to be able to muster and deploy a force of armed and prepared American Nationals to do our jobs. I think there are enough Trenchers here that can make this happen if it becomes necessary. Continue reading “To all who live within one state of Texas”