Continue reading “Weather Channel Founder DESTROYS Global Warming Mythology – John Coleman”
Month: July 2014
The Obama administration, in July 2013, quietly introduced a new regulation that critics say will dramatically increase Washington’s power over local zoning laws in every city and town that accepts federal block grants through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
And it’s the federal grants that could be used as a hook in the nose of these cities, forcing them to house illegal immigrants against their will.
Some are calling it the “Common Core of local zoning” that has flown under the radar for nearly a year. Instead of the U.S. Department of Education dictating education standards to local school districts, this rule change would allow HUD to influence zoning laws from the biggest cities down to the tiniest towns. Continue reading “New Obama rule could force cities to house illegals”
American Free Press – by Ronald L. Ray
Zionists are worried.
For decades, conservative evangelical Christians have been among the most fervent backers of the terroristic, rogue nuclear, apartheid Zionist occupation government in the Holy Land, known as Israel. They typically also have failed, knowingly or not, to acknowledge even basic human rights for the oppressed native Palestinians—Muslim and Christian—who face racial extinction at the hands of the region’s Jewish overlords. But that seemingly impregnable mountain of support has started to erode. A growing minority of ministers and younger believers have begun to challenge the established doctrine and practice, asserting that Zionism is contrary to God’s teaching in the Bible, and that continued persecution of Palestinians is a gross violation of fundamental morality. Continue reading “Christian Evangelicals Turning Backs on Israel”
Washington’s BlogA Shift Among Evangelicals … Especially Among the Young
We documented yesterday that the biggest supporters of Israel are American evangelical Christians … Protestants or – to a lesser extent – Catholics.
But that support base is slipping …
Buzzfeed reported in January:
Figures with deep roots in America’s religious right have launched a quiet effort aimed at pushing evangelical Christians away from decades of growing loyalty to Israel and toward increased solidarity with the Palestinians. Continue reading “Israel Losing Support from Its Biggest Ally: American Evangelical Christians”
It seems as though hemp is not only an answer to our global health problems, both for people who don’t have enough to eat and for people in the western world who are malnourished from eating the wrong foods, but also an answer to our environmental crisis.
The healing properties of hemp
Hemp seeds are perhaps the purest, most nutritionally dense food on our planet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are also the only edible seeds with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential fatty acid. In fact, its essential fatty acid ratio is absolutely perfect for our bodies.
Continue reading “The Many Environmental and Health Benefits of Hemp”
Read this below and please keep it in mind as you read and ponder the information given as well as the next blogs coming up, since they are indirectly related. Now, I am a student of history and I had never been exposed either in my private grade school, public High School, or any of the various colleges I attended, to what you are about to read here. That is how buried our history has become. The importance our founding fathers placed on the unorganized Militia has always been down played and almost never discussed, now why is that? Continue reading “George Washington and the U.S. Republic Militias”
Updated 2:00 pm: An Israeli air strike in southern Gaza hours before a humanitarian truce was declared killed 20 people, including 11 children, most of them from a single family, medics said.
Separately, the bodies of at least another 85 Palestinians were recovered from rubble across Gaza on Saturday, raising the overall Palestinian death toll in the 19-day Israeli terror campaign to 985, the overwhelming majority of them civilians.
“Ambulance crews have recovered the bodies of 85 martyrs under destroyed houses, including children and women, across the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of martyrs to 985 as a result of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip,” Emergency services spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra wrote on Twitter. Continue reading “Palestinians pull 85 bodies from under Gaza rubble”
Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon
Earlier this month we reported that Remington seemingly scrubbed nearly all mention of their new pistol, the R51, from their website. There was speculation this was either a move to pull the plug on the pistol or remove its presence from their only catalog while they made improvements to the design which had taken quite a bit of criticism from the review community. It appears as though it is the latter.
Remington released a statement today saying that they are planning to make some changes to the pistol and start a new production run. Anyone who owns a current R51 will be able to return the pistol and get a new production gun in its place. Continue reading “Remington Announces They Will Replace R51 Pistols With New Production Models”
Fighter bombers attacking civilian targets in Eastern Ukraine, flying with Ukrainian Air Force markings, have been traced to air bases in Romania, Moldova and Azerbaijan, armed and some perhaps piloted by Poles and even Israelis.
Canadian journalist, Geoffrey West, working with online “plane spotting” groups has identified combat aircraft flying “packages” over Ukrainian air space as taking off from NATO and other facilities. Continue reading “Mystery bombing running over Ukraine”
Ticks can spread a number of diseases, including human babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease, which has become one of the most serious and controversial epidemics of our time.
According to preliminary statistics1 released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last year, approximately 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are diagnosed in the US each year. Continue reading “Under Our Skin—The Hidden Reality of Lyme Disease”
Homeland Review – by William Vaughns
Residents of Boston do not need shotguns or rifles, according to Boston Police Commissioner William Evans.
Boston’s top cop made that statement Wednesday on Boston Public Radio in response to Massachusetts state senator Stan Rosenberg’s position that there are already “sufficient controls” on long guns at the federal level, giving no need for new state laws that grant police additional powers to deny ownership to citizens. Continue reading “Boston Police Say Residents Do Not ‘Need’ to Own Shotguns, Rifles”