
Every year beginning just after Thanksgiving, Sunbeam Bread reaches out to remind its customers that Christmas is a time to “reflect on our beliefs and remember those around us, especially those less fortunate.”

For 75 years, Sunbeam has put their faith into action by labeling their bread packages with an iconic image of Little Miss Sunbeam kneeling with folded hands and praying Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:4, “Not by bread alone.”   Continue reading “Thank this company for their bold public statement”

Fox News

The premiere of Seth Rogen and James Franco’s comedy “The Interview” in New York has been canceled in the wake of a message sent by the Sony hackers that threatened a 9/11-style attack on theaters showing the film.

In a message emailed to various reporters and accompanying the latest in a series of leaks that have included employee emails, health and financial information, the hackers who call themselves “Guardians of Peace” sent a grim warning to people planning to attend screenings of “The Interview,” even warning people who live near cinemas to leave home, according to a report from Variety.   Continue reading “New York premiere of ‘The Interview’ canceled”

The New American – by Alex Newman

With the federal government engaged in a de facto unconstitutional occupation of some two thirds of Utah’s territory, citizens of the state and their elected representatives have had just about enough. So, on December 31, the State of Utah is formally demanding that Washington, D.C., relinquish control over more than 30 million acres of valuable land currently controlled by various federal bureaucracies.

While apparatchiks for an all-powerful U.S. government and far-left activists are fuming over the plan, Utah lawmakers, citizens, and experts say the time has come for the state to manage — and profit from — its own resources. Constitutionally speaking, experts say the lands should have gone to state control generations ago, as the federal government promised when Utah became a state.      Continue reading “Utah Demands Feds Surrender Lands by Dec. 31”

enzymeNatural News – by Derek Henry

Enzymes are very delicate nutrients that are responsible for carrying out virtually every metabolic function. We have around 3000 unique enzymes in our bodies that are involved in over 7000 enzymatic reactions. Simply put, without enzymes we would cease to function.

Unfortunately, the average diet is almost completely void of enzymes. Processed and cooked foods often completely destroy the enzyme content, leaving your body starving for this nutrient that is a key component in your livelihood. If you have any health complaints, chances are you could use more enzymes in your diet, and these 5 will cover that requirement in spades.   Continue reading “4 enzyme rich foods that can dramatically improve digestion”

Fox News

The man who waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the so-called mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, told Megyn Kelly on Tuesday that the CIA’s program of using enhanced interrogation techniques did not amount to torture, despite recent accusations in a Senate-issued report.

“If it was torture, I would be in jail,” James Mitchell said on “The Kelly File.” “This thing was investigated over and over. I was told by the highest law enforcement agency in the land that we were going to walk right up to the edge of the law, and that all of the things we had included in that list were legal.”   Continue reading “Man who waterboarded 9/11 mastermind slams CIA interrogation report”

obamaspendinginternal1515.jpgFox News

With little fanfare to mark a rare bipartisan achievement, President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed a massive, $1.1 trillion spending bill that keeps the government operating over the next nine months.

The legislation was a compromise that angered liberals and conservatives alike but avoided a government shutdown and put off partisan clashes over immigration to next year.   Continue reading “Obama signs $1.1 trillion spending bill into law”

euro_crisis_12_1.jpgBATR – by James Hall

The alarm warnings are going off in Europe. International markets under pressure, global tensions rising and the financial system stressed to the point of breaking. Europe is ready for a relapse. It may be a very cold winter without Russian gas. Yet the technocrats in Brussels just go on their merry way in dictating the future to the vastly different societies and economies that make up the EU block. The Guardian expands this theme in the article, The eurozone crisis – history is repeating itself … again.   Continue reading “Euro Crisis Deepens”

Police SWAT teams search outside a home in a suburb of Philadelphia where a suspect in five killings was believed to be barricaded in Souderton, Pennsylvania, December 15, 2014.REUTERS-Brad LarrisonReuters – by Daniel Kelley

An Iraq War veteran sought in the killing of six family members in Pennsylvania was found dead on Tuesday of “self-inflicted cutting wounds” following a two-day manhunt, authorities said.

Suspect Bradley William Stone, 35, of Pennsburg was being sought in the deaths on Monday of his ex-wife, her mother, grandmother, sister and two other family members, including his 14-year-old niece. His 17-year-old nephew was seriously wounded.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania suspect in family killings dead of self-inflicted cuts”

Investment Watchblog

The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (commonly known as the United Nations Convention against Torture) is an international human rights treaty, under the review of the United Nations, that aims to prevent torture and cruel, inhuman degrading treatment or punishment around the world.

The Convention requires states to take effective measures to prevent torture within their borders, and forbids states to transport people to any country where there is reason to believe they will be tortured.   Continue reading “The USA signed and ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture”

UNICEF-tetanus-kenyaHealth Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

The Kenyan government denies there is anything wrong with the vaccine, and says it is perfectly safe.   Continue reading ““Mass sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine”

motherdaughterFilming Cops

PHILADELPHIA — A mother and her daughter have been gunned down in a deadly shooting incident that happened Monday night in Glenolden.

Valerie Morrow, the mother, has been pronounced dead. Her daughter suffered bullet wounds but is now recovering.

The shooter has been identified as Officer Stephen Rozniakowski, according to a report by NBC 10.   Continue reading “Cop Was Not Fired Despite 75 Counts Of Stalking And Harassment — Now He Just Shot A Mother And Her Daughter”

ABC News

A German court says a 93-year-old man charged with 300,000 counts of accessory to murder for serving as an SS guard at the Nazis’ Auschwitz death camp will go on trial early next year.

The Lueneburg state court said Tuesday its review of the prosecution’s case against Oskar Groening determined there was enough evidence to proceed with the trial. The starting date has not been announced.

Groening has openly talked in interviews about his time as a guard and says he witnessed atrocities but didn’t commit any crimes himself.   Continue reading “Court OK’s Trial of Auschwitz Guard for Early 2015”

Who's Winning the Battle Over Gun Rights?Infowars – by Kit Daniels

Guns are exploding in popularity.

Despite the millions spent by anti-gun advocates to promote gun control, more and more Americans are now embracing their gun rights.

For one thing, many sheriffs in states that recently passed gun control laws have publicly announced they won’t enforce these unconstitutional laws.   Continue reading “Who’s Winning the Battle Over Gun Rights?”