Month: December 2014
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ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – Albuquerque police officers say the man who caused a huge scare near Manzano Mesa Elementary and EMCOR last week turned himself in just a couple of hours ago at Kaseman Hospital in northeast Albuquerque. Police had Andrew Godsey in custody over the weekend but he bonded out before they could issue a warrant on new charges related to the gun scare. Continue reading “Suspect in big airsoft scare surrenders to police”
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) seems to be the catalyst each year for passing tyrannical laws that couldn’t stand on their own without its cover of “defense.”
Previous NDAAs gave us an open declaration of war on US citizens, indefinite detention without due process, and funding for the domestic spy grid and police militarization.
Buried deep in this year’s 1600-page NDAA (likely that not one lawmaker even read) is a massive federal land grab for special interests. Continue reading “Massive Federal Land Grab Hidden In This Year’s NDAA”
My News 13 – by Amanda McKenzie
ORLANDO — Orange County Public Schools approved a plan that would give the school district a police force.
According to both Orange County Public Schools and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office there has been no increase in violent crimes on school campuses. Continue reading “Orange County schools approves police force plan”
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plans to launch a pilot program in New York City to place body cameras on police officers and conduct training seminars to help them reduce their adrenaline rushes and abusive language, along with the establishment of a less stringent marijuana policy, are merely cosmetic reforms. The killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island was, after all, captured on video. These proposed reforms, like those out of Washington, D.C., fail to address the underlying cause of poverty, state-sponsored murder and the obscene explosion of mass incarceration—the rise of the corporate state and the death of our democracy. Mass acts of civil disobedience, now being carried out across the country, are the only mechanism left that offers hope for systematic legal and judicial reform. We must defy the corporate state, not work with it. Continue reading “The Corporate State Gets Stronger Every Time a Cop Kills a Citizen with Impunity”
When OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, imposed an oil embargo on the West for its support of Israel in the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the French came out with a series of public service announcements on how to save oil. The 30-second ads gave consumers advice on various ways to economize gas and oil consumption. And the announcements would end with a voice saying: “In France we don’t have oil, but we have ideas.”
Today, much the same can be said about Jordan. The country is the only one in the region not producing oil. Its neighbors – Iraq, Syria, Israel and Saudi Arabia, all produce oil to varying degrees, except for Jordan and Palestine. Continue reading “Jordanian King Warns Of Impending World War III”
At last the actual language has been released of the backroom, last-minute congressional deal allowing benefits of millions of retired workers to be shredded.
It’s even worse than its critics anticipated.
We’ve tracked this inexcusably hasty, secretive maneuvering during the last week, reporting that it allows extreme, potentially premature cuts in benefits for retirees who are members of multi-employer pension plans. Such plans typically are sponsored jointly by unions and employers in given industries, like trucking. See our posts here and here for more background. Continue reading “Congress’ backroom pension-cutting deal is even worse than expected”
From our environment, to our food, medicine and lifestyle, we are surrounded by things that depress our immune system. Knowing the culprits can make a big difference in how long and how often you encounter illness. Continue reading “The 11 Most Significant Factors Guaranteed To Depress Your Immune System”
14 Facts That Prove That The Number Of Children Living In Poverty This Christmas Is At A Record High
The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder
Did you know that 65 percent of all children in the United States live in a home that receives aid from the federal government? We live at a time when child poverty in America is exploding. Yes, the U.S. economy is experiencing a temporary bubble of false stability for the moment, but even during this period of false stability the gap between the wealthy and the poor continues to rapidly expand and the middle class is being systematically destroyed. And sadly, this is having a disproportionate impact on children. This is happening for a couple of reasons. First of all, poorer households tend to have more children than wealthier households. Secondly, most people tend to have children when they are in their young adult years, and right now young adults are being absolutely hammered by this economy. As a result, things just continue to get even worse for children living in this country. Here are 14 facts that show that the number of children in America living in poverty this Christmas is at an all-time record high… Continue reading “14 Facts That Prove That The Number Of Children Living In Poverty This Christmas Is At A Record High”
There’s only one real way to compare military strength, and thankfully the world hasn’t had many opportunities lately.
Despite the potential powder keg in the South China Sea, standoffs in Ukraine, and proxy wars throughout the Middle East, inter-state warfare between the world’s military powers has been all but banished from the global scene (for the time being, at least). Continue reading “The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World”
DENVER — Just one week after FOX31 Denver first aired a citizen’s videotape of a police officer punching a drug suspect in the face, then tripping his pregnant girlfriend, the Denver Police Department has given that same officer a promotion.
Charles “Chris” Jones IV is one of five officers who received a raise and new sergeant stripes on Wednesday during a ceremony.
The move has infuriated members of the Colorado Latino Forum, who say they shared a lengthy report with Denver Police commanders on that same day about the “ongoing culture of violence” within the department. Continue reading “Cop Who Punched Man, Tripped Pregnant Woman In Viral Video Gets Promoted”
The New American – by Selwyn Duke
It’s an example, in essence, of legislating from the bureaucratic cubicle. A House committee has discovered e-mails showing that officials at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation schemed to destroy lawful businesses they found morally objectionable.
The vehicle through which this is done is Operation Choke Point; this is an Obama administration effort ostensibly designed to “choke off” access to the U.S. financial system to illegal operations, but it’s also being applied to those certain ideologues personally dislike. Its primary target is the short-term lending industry, but its other victims include entities such as firearms and ammunition merchants, home-based charities, coin dealers, and purveyors of pharmaceutical drugs — lawful enterprises all. Continue reading “E-mails Reveal Obama’s Morality Police Are Targeting Lawful Businesses”
Breitbart – by Chriss W. Street
A good example of this is the House and Senate agreeing to raise the budgets for the Commodities Futures Trading Commission and Securities & Exchange Commission in exchange for quietly repealing the Lincoln Amendment to the Dodd Frank financial regulation law. The action looks like more money for tougher regulation, but eliminating the Lincoln Amendment means American banks are once again free to use taxpayer money to back-stop their speculative derivative trading. Continue reading “Banks Get Ok To Use Taxpayer Money For Derative Speculation”
US police found three people shot to death on Wednesday in a home in Adams County outside Denver, the capital of Colorado.
Police officials said they received a call from a woman at about 7:20 a.m. and arrived at a home on Cragmore Street, just northwest of the US 36 and Interstate 25 interchange to find the dead people.
“A call came in from a hysterical female who said there was a disturbance at the home and hung up immediately,” said Cmdr. Terrance O’Neill. Continue reading “Three found shot to death in US”
After a review of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s full report, the Justice Department is not expected to initiate any criminal charges against any CIA officers who participated in or authorized the Retention, Detention and Interrogation (RDI) program.
This means the Justice Department is standing by its earlier decision not to pursue criminal charges. Its investigators also reviewed the Committee’s full report and did not find any new information that they had not previously considered in reaching their determination. Continue reading “DOJ not expected to initiate charges against CIA officers over torture report”
Mainstream Media run by the same corporations that control our government are turning the people into livestock.
If you have ever been on a farm and watched livestock you may already know where this is going. Let’s just take cows for instant. They walk around each other, cows lick cows, and mount each other. Steers mount each other and carry on. But bulls have to be separated, they do not tolerate other males around.
Now let’s compare this to what we see the media promoting in today’s society. Continue reading “Human Farming We Are All Victim Too, Illuminati Psychology”
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ETF Daily News Staff: The headlines were promising this week. Some 320,000 jobs have been added to the mix and the November figures for unemployment proclaim to be holding steady at the relatively respectable rate of 5.8%. Since most Americans are guilty of only scanning the headlines before going about their day, the news of more jobs and no new spikes in the unemployment figures may have made them feel relieved, or maybe even hopeful that the sun was breaking through the clouds and America had finally dodged an economic bullet. Continue reading “News From Washington: The Economy Is Improving And Other Lies They Hope You Believe”