Charlotte Observer – by Adrian Sainz

COURTLAND, Miss. Jessica Chambers was a regular at the rural convenience store gas station where Ali Fadhel worked, and the two often chatted. On Saturday, she came by in a dark-colored sweater and pajama pants that looked like sweatpants. She bought $14 worth of gas, more than the $5 or so she usually purchased, he said.

“I asked her, ‘Why are you putting so much gas?’ She said, ‘I’m going somewhere,'” Fadhel said.

An hour and a half later, she was found along a back road, severe burns all over her body. Someone had set her on fire, and she was able to briefly talk to firefighters before she died of thermal injuries.   Continue reading “Officials: No arrests yet in case of burned woman”

Old wood texture with snow and firtree christmas backgroundThe Organic Prepper

There are a lot of reasons that sensible people want to step off  of the materialistic rocket ride that is the standard North American Christmas.

  • They may be tired of spending the entire following year working overtime because they are deep in debt for having produced a spectacular Christmas morning that was the stuff of storybooks.
  • Maybe they don’t want to create children who are never satisfied and always want more, who always yearn for that next edition of the iGadget of the year.
  • Perhaps they have suffered their own personal economic collapse and just can’t afford it this year.  They might just want a sense of peace and contentment that you can never buy from a store.
  • They might just want a sense of peace and contentment that you can never buy from a store.

Continue reading “30 Ways to Have Yourself a Thrifty Little Christmas”

paris-sky.jpgHenry Makow – by Andrew

Last summer,  friends’ Facebook photos of European cities showed Chemtrails. When I commented, one friend replied that he didn’t appreciate my observation. The focus of his pictures was the Eiffel Tower’s architectural beauty, not the background skies.

He did not believe in “conspiracy theories” and considered my anti-esthetic comments distracting from the beauty of Paris. When I followed up with an email demonstrating that our government has a long history of spraying toxic chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, he simply un-friended me on Facebook. Continue reading “State Media Turns Reality on its Head”

Jon Rappoport

Time and time again, in these pages, I’ve illustrated the fact that reality is being created for us—and that reality is false. It’s a façade.

Waking up to this is vital, if we want to understand the virtual world we live in. We’re inside a matrix.

Here’s a medical study I haven’t cited before: “A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care,” by JT James (J Patient Saf, Sept. 9, 2013).   Continue reading “Foundation of medical reality explodes”

testNatural News – by Daniel Barker

One of the problems with pharmaceuticals (as opposed to most natural remedies) is the fact that, whenever you swallow a pill or receive an injection, you are forced to place your trust in whoever manufactured the medication.

There is no way to determine beforehand whether or not the dose you are taking is safe and effective — you can only rely on the assumption that the drug has been manufactured according to rigorous standards and thoroughly tested in regard to its efficacy and purity.   Continue reading “Big Pharma labs routinely delete toxic drugs’ failed test results, then ship them to US customers”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

52-year-old Belgian Geert Tack – a private banker for ING who managed portfolios for wealthy individuals – was described as ‘impeccable’, ‘sporty’, ‘cared-for’, and ‘successful’ and so as Vermist reports, after disappearing a month ago, the appearance of his body off the coast of Ostend is surrpunded by riddles…

Tack disappeared on November 5th…   Continue reading ““Riddles” Surround 36th Dead Banker Of The Year”

Stry Massachusetts School to Debut 'Active Shooter' SystemiHLS

A Methuen Mass school will soon deploy an automated system to detect and track a gunman on campus.

Methuen Mayor Stephen Zanni and other city officials will soon attend a demonstration of the technology developed by Massachusetts-based Shooter Detection Systems.

According to the Security website, the smoke alarm-sized system, which is fully automated, will give police a shooter’s exact location in real-time.   Continue reading “Massachusetts School to Debut ‘Active Shooter’ System”

UPI – by Ed Adamczyk

FREETOWN , Sierra Leone, Dec. 11 (UPI) — Sierra Leone officials discovered the bodies of over 100 Ebola virus victims in a remote part of the country, suggesting that the country’s death count has been underestimated.

A World Health Organization (WHO) team was sent to the eastern Kono region to investigate the increase in Ebola cases. It said Wednesday it found and buried 87 bodies, and 25 others were found piled in a cordoned section of a local hospital. Bodies of Ebola victims remain infectious, and safe burials are an element of containing the disease; health officials are concerned many Ebola cases in the Kono area, known for its diamond mines, have been unreported. The Kono region, with a population of about 350,000, reported only 119 Ebola cases through Tuesday.   Continue reading “More Ebola victims found in Sierra Leone”

Aedes aegypti CDC-GathanyNatural Blaze – by Heather Callaghan

Last Thursday, a town hall meeting at Harvey Government Center in Key West drew a large crowd that erupted in opposition to a proposal to release genetically modified mosquitoes this coming Spring. It’s a proposal from a seemingly strange choice – the United Kingdom.

British company Oxitec is petitioning the U.S. Government for permission to release male GE Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that contain a gene whereby they die unless receiving an antidote in the form of antibiotic tetracycline. The males released will live long enough to mate, but the offspring will die before maturation. The proposal that is now gaining ground has been in preparation for three years, with significant involvement by Wellcome Trust. In 2012, the plan to go through was thwarted when a resolution didn’t pass.   Continue reading “British Company Offers No Reassurance to Concerns of Proposal to Release GM Mosquitoes in U.S.”

My Fox DC – by Emily Miller

WASHINGTON – When I was last at the D.C. police headquarters, they explained to me that I can’t apply for a gun carry permit just because I need to defend myself in a city with high crime. I had to prove a “special” danger, according to the new law. So that’s what I set out to do.

All Americans –- not just Washingtonians — can apply for a D.C. permit to carry a concealed handgun. But you have to prove you have specific threats against you or previous attacks. So far, the police have only gotten 47 permit applications. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has approved only two of those people to legally carry a gun.   Continue reading “How to prove a ‘special’ danger to get a gun carry permit in DC” -by Daniel J. Graeber

TEHRAN, Dec. 11 (UPI) — There is no oil-for-goods deal currently in place between Iran and Russia, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said Thursday.

“The barter of Iran’s oil against Russian commodities is not true and no such an agreement has ever been signed,” the minister said.

Zanganeh has hinted that the Iranian government endorsed such a deal, but nothing was formalized. Both sides already cooperate in a variety of fields, with Russia supplying fuel for Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr.   Continue reading “Iran: No oil swap deal in place with Russia”

4DRobert Siciliano

Where’s the $$$ at? Selling credit card data. Have you heard of the Russian hacking ring that raked in two and a half billion dollars? Check it out:

  • Phishing attacks are lucrative for these cybercriminals.
  • ATM hacks continue to increase, in part due to targeted attacks and new software.
  • Smartphone attacks are on the upswing.

Continue reading “Russian Hackers getting rich from your Identity”

People carry the victims of an attack on a military base in Yemen’s southeast, December 9, 2014.Press TV

Reports say a powerful explosion has rocked a military airbase in southern Yemen that hosts US forces and is an operation center for the American drone raids in the Arab country.

Witnesses said mortar fire hit the Al-Anad base in Lahij Province early Thursday. The base is mainly occupied by forces from the United States and Europe.   Continue reading “Militants rock US airbase in southern Yemen”

animals_fish_gm_735_350Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

With the mass production of genetically modified soy, Monsanto and Cargill produced some big plans for feeding the fish of the sea. But the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority decided not to participate in these plans – as it could lead to an environmental disaster.

Due to environmental and health concerns revolving around fish given GMO feed that code for antibiotic resistance, Norwegian authorities have stopped approving GM feed for fish. This applies to 8 of the 19 GMO feed varieties that the biotech industry currently pushes on fish farms.   Continue reading “Authorities Reverse GMO Fish-Food Approval over Environmental Concerns”

Truthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

In 1975, as the United States of America approached 200 years as a nation, the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia issued a bold declaration of the attempt to build a “new world order,” penned by Henry Steele Commager.

We call upon the American people, on the threshold of the third century of their national existence, it reads in part, urging the importance of state borders to fade as power to global structures grows.   Continue reading “New World Order: ‘Declaration of Interdependence’ Issued in 1975”

Reports from the Underground – by Steve MC, November 14, 2014

US Airstrikes Against ISIL not Meant to Destroy ISIL

Instead of deterring the radical Islamist group, American airstrikes against them have accomplished two things: they have increased ISIL recruitment while at the same time have destroyed and degraded Syria’s infrastructure, murdering innocent Syrian civilians along the way.   Continue reading “US Doesn’t Want to Stop ISIL – Only Exploit them for Other Means”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – In a sneak attack on the civil liberties of all Americans, the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015 was rushed to the House floor with virtually no debate.

The legislation was scheduled for only a “voice vote,” which means that it is simply declared “passed” with voice votes and no record.

This is considered the simplest and quickest voting method, not what one would expect from such an important piece of legislation. For most pieces of major legislation, a roll call vote would be the standard operating procedure.   Continue reading “Congress Passes Bill Giving Police Unlimited Access to Citizens’ Private Communications”

A file photo taken in 2003 shows the control tower of Szymany's airport, northeastern Poland, where a CIA used Boeing 737 plane allegedly landed with prisoners from Afghanistan onboard (AFP Photo / Piotr Placzkowski)RT

The CIA paid at least a million dollars to Poland for it to host secret prisons, where it incarcerated alleged 9/11 terror suspects, according to the recent US torture report.

Warsaw had initially tried to halt the transfer of suspects, but after a generous offer, it suddenly became more “flexible.”   Continue reading “Hush money: CIA paid Poland to host its secret prisons and detainees”