fluNatural News – by Mike Adams

The following video from Gary Franchi of NextNewsNetwork reveals the shocking admission by the CDC that this year’s flu vaccine doesn’t work.

From the video:

For the first time we can remember, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are going on the record, saying the flu vaccine won’t work this year. The warning comes just before the busiest part of flu season, in January and February. Unfortunately, there won’t be any refund for any of the patients or insurance companies who spent money on flu shots earlier this fall. Continue reading “CDC issues flu vaccine apology: this year’s vaccine doesn’t work!”

Anti War.com – by Margaret Griffis

At least 236 were killed and 32 more were wounded across Iraq. Several bombs exploded in or near to Baghdad, but most of the dead were militants.

Iran confirmed that fighter jets did conduct airstrikes on Islamic State militants in Iraq and added that the strikes were conducted in coordination with Baghdad.

Militants murdered sixteen members of the Albu Nimr tribe; their bodies were found in a well near Hit.    Continue reading “Bombers Return to Baghdad; 236 Killed Across Iraq”

324Huffington Post Korea

Over the past few years, Samsung Corporation has faced a number of troubling allegations about the health of some of its workers in the company’s home base, South Korea.

Former workers and their families, along with labor activists, have said that conditions at the company’s semiconductor factories have led to higher occurrences of illnesses such as leukemia and other cancers among former semiconductor workers.   Continue reading “Samsung’s Devastating Secret: The Tears Of ‘Semiconductor Children’”


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — What do you get when you combine water, American persimmons and hops and ferment it with yeast? A beer based on a 300-year-old recipe scribbled in a cookbook kept by Virginia’s prominent Randolph family.

Ardent Craft Ales in Richmond recently brewed “Jane’s Percimon Beer” unearthed from the book in the Virginia Historical Society’s collections from the 1700s that contains food, medicinal remedies and beer recipes. The formula for the Colonial-era concoction is one of thousands of alcoholic recipes in the society’s collection that provide a glimpse into what Virginians and others were drinking in the 18th century and other points in history.   Continue reading “Virginia Brewery Releases Beer Made From 300-Year-Old Recipe”


PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (AP) — The USS Arizona is one of the nation’s most hallowed sites, an underwater grave for more than 900 sailors and Marines killed when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and sank their ship in 1941.

Now, it’s the scene of alleged rampant mismanagement.   Continue reading “Allegations Of Rampant Mismanagement At Pearl Harbor Memorial”

Information Clearinghouse – by The Saker

The full address of President Putin to the Federal Assembly is now available online and, since this is a very long text, I will no re-post it here.   What I propose to do here is to bring to your attention four verbatim excerpts from his speech with some key segments bolded out.

Most of the speech was on economic and internal matters, but I think that these four points and, especially, the expressions chosen by Putin really “tell the story” of what the Kremlin’s position vis-à-vis the West is nowadays.  See for yourself: Continue reading “Disgusted, Russia Officially Gives Up Any Pretense of “Dialog” With the AngloZionist Empire”

Breitbart – by Robert Wilde

Not long after two adults made sexual abuse allegations against him, a veteran Los Angeles Police Department detective, while sitting in his parked car in a Palmdale parking lot, put a gun to his head, pulled the trigger, and killed himself.

Fifty-two-year-old Dennis Derr spent the last 17 years of his life with the LAPD, in which part of that time he investigated sexual assault cases. According to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau, two of his relatives accused Derr of molesting them.   Continue reading “LAPD Detective Shoots Himself After Sexual Assault Allegations”

Breitbart – by William Bigelow

The number of immigrants deported from the U.S. fell 14 percent for the year ending Sept. 30, even as the number of people caught crossing the border grew, the Los Angeles Times reports.

A draft ICE report shows immigration officials deported 315,943 people over the preceding year, the lowest one-year total since President Obama took office.    Continue reading “Report: Number of Illegal Aliens Deported Fell in 2014”

Breitbart – by Dr. Susan Berry

This past week, possible GOP 2016 presidential contender Jeb Bush doubled down on his support for the Common Core standards, scolding conservative critics of the controversial education reform by stating that he had “lost patience” with them and telling them they were not needed by moderate Republicans to win the White House.

With polls showing Republican support for Common Core plummeting, common sense would dictate that Bush call it a day with the nationalized standards, as has been done by other Republicans, such as Maine Gov. Paul LePage and U.S. Sen. David Vitter, who plans to run for governor of Louisiana next year.   Continue reading “Jeb Bush’s ‘Education Reform’ Empire”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

A Mexican farmer demanding justice set himself on fire outside of a government building in yet another chapter of the daily protests that taint the image of a perfect nation that the Mexican government tries to portray.   Continue reading “Man Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Mexican Government”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Friday, conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham called out top House GOP leaders for wanting to give permanent legal status to nearly all of the country’s illegal immigrants even after an election in which Republicans took back Congress because Americans disapproved of President Barack Obama and Democrats on illegal immigration and amnesty.

On The Laura Ingraham Show, Ingraham, whose relentless campaign against former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) because of his pro-amnesty positions not only helped oust him in a shocking June primary but also derailed whatever chance an amnesty bill had of passing in the last Congress, simply asked, “What is the point of having a Republican Congress?”   Continue reading “Laura Ingraham: House GOP Leadership Putting Out ‘Welcome Mat’ for Illegals”

Breitbart – by Sarah Rumpf

AUSTIN, Texas — Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi announced on Friday that Florida would be joining the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott against the Obama administration for the President’s executive immigration actions to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

As Breitbart Texas reported on Wednesday, Abbott, joined by seventeen other states, filed a complaint in the United States District Court in the Southern District of Texas, alleging that Obama’s executive action violates the Take Care Clause of Article II, § 3, clause 5 of the United States Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. §§551 et seq.    Continue reading “Florida Joins Texas-Led Lawsuit Against Obama’s Executive Amnesty”

New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant shown in a 1999 file photo.Wall Street Journal – by Dan Frosch

SANTA FE, N.M.—New Mexico has fined the U.S. Energy Department more than $54 million over accidents at the country’s only underground repository for nuclear waste.

The fines, which state officials announced Saturday morning, stem from an underground fire and a radiation leak earlier this year at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, known as WIPP. Nearly two dozen workers were exposed to contamination at the plant, which handles radioactive waste from the nation’s nuclear-weapons program.   Continue reading “New Mexico Fines U.S. $54 Million for Nuclear Accidents”

Fat stomach surrounded with measuring tape and burgerThe Black Sphere

Corporations sense what’s coming to ObamaCare, and it’s coming for self-indulgent employees.

By self-indulgent, I mean anybody who has a life that doesn’t revolve around FITNESS. If you’re a fatty who drinks and smokes, then ObamaCare is about to ruin your life.  Unless the Business Roundtable, an association of chief executive officers of 200 leading U.S. companies, is able to get the Fed to back off.

Apparently the First Lady (of starvation) may be moving from starving the poor to starving the working poor, as her fingerprints are all over this one.   Continue reading ““Wellness:” Code word for Fat Tax”

Rushing the National Defense Authorization ActCanada Free Press – by Arnold Ahlert

A lame duck Congress is on the verge of sticking it to America’s troops. Before they leave for recess they will attempt to pass the FY2015 version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It is a compendium of ill-advised ideas seemingly aimed at advancing the Obama administration’s continuing effort to “fundamentally transform” the finest fighting force in the world into something more closely resembling a social-outreach organization. Sadly, Republicans, apparently oblivious to the mandate just handed to them by the electorate, are on board.   Continue reading “Rushing the National Defense Authorization Act”