Seal of NevadaAmmoland – by Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -(
Nevada faces an initiative that would virtually ban all private sales of firearms and would require federal record-keeping of all sales and transfers.   The initiative is being promoted by a Michael Bloomberg funded group.   The group was required to turn in 101,667 valid signature by November 12 of this year, distributed among various counties.  The group claimed that they turned in 247,000.  The signatures have not yet been validated.

An organization of second amendment supporters is claiming that initiative proponents missed the deadline to turn in signatures to Storey County, and that they missed a requirement that all signatures be turned in on the same day.  From an AP story in   Continue reading “Nevada Gun Control Initiative Challenged”

akai gurleyFree Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New York, NY — Information received by the New York Daily News shows that Peter Liang and his partner could not be reached immediately after putting a bullet through Alex Gurley.

The Daily News reports that instead of calling for help for the dying man, Liang was texting his union representative. What’s more, the sources said, the pair of officers weren’t supposed to be patrolling the stairways of the Pink Houses that night.   Continue reading “Cop was Texting his Union Rep for Over 6 Minutes, As the Innocent Man he Just Shot Lay Dying”

police.siThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

Another man has been shot and killed by police cops tonight, this time in Hollywood.

Detective Meghan Aguilar reportedly told ABC news the man was shot because “When he saw the officers, he approached them,” armed with a knife, and this is the Tweet sent out by LAPDHQ of said knife reportedly recovered at the scene:   Continue reading “Witness: “LAPD Just Murdered an Unarmed Man Right in Front of Me””

close up of wall made of wooden planksThe Organic Prepper

I’m very excited to introduce my new book, The Organic Canner. The book has been 3 years in the making, and those years were filled with measuring, adjusting, tasting, and testing the recipes out on my children.  It contains 242 pages of information, how-tos, and delicious recipes.  I wrote this to help provide an alternative to our dependence on the grocery store, with its toxic, chemical-laden faux food.

The instructions are written with the beginning canner in mind, and USDA guidelines are strictly adhered to for maximum safety. The recipes cover a broad scope: everything from jams and salsas to full meals that only need to be heated up.  Nearly every page has a charming sketch, lending to the book’s old-fashioned charm.   Continue reading “The Organic Canner: A Guide to Preserving Real Food”

monsanto stockNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

Here’s one for the history books, and a slap on the wrist for stock-holders like Bill Gates and George Soros. Monsanto stock has been downgraded to ‘Neutral’ from ‘Buy’ after an annual seed dealer industry survey showed bleak returns.

This may be the most depressing news in seven years for Monsanto, but great news for the seed industry, which has been monopolized by the chemical peddler since the early 1990s. The target price for (MON +0.1%) has been lowered from $140 to $127. Conditions affecting the downgrade include “greater discounting, reduced trait purchases, reduced spending on seeds, and share gains for non-major seeds brands” – with hardly a mention of the grass-roots, and international efforts of people to shine a light on Monsanto’s illegal influence on the world seed market.   Continue reading “Huge Win: Monsanto Stock Downgraded After Worst Growth in 7 Years”

Why is Michigan Ready to Drug Test Welfare Recipients?Care 2 – by Kevin Matthews

People eligible for public assistance in Michigan better be prepared to urinate in a cup for the government. The state has just approved a questionable pilot program supposedly designed to ensure that people aren’t using taxpayer money to pay for recreational drugs.

Approved in both Michigan’s Senate and House, the drug testing program will roll out in three counties later next year. In doing so, Michigan will join nearly a dozen other U.S. states in “checking up” on welfare recipients.   Continue reading “Why is Michigan Ready to Drug Test Welfare Recipients?”

Before It’s News – by Weather Feed

HAARP was said to have closed in Alaska, but a group of scientists that have a facility in the Southern California desert are attempting to carry on experiments that the Alaskan Facility did.  The location is private and will not be disclosed, however their goal is to generate weather and earthquake events, giving you an agenda ahead of time so that you can prepare.  Yes, they are going to be heating up the upper atmosphere in order to move the jet stream into position.  They will tell you our plan ahead of time and each map will show where they are targeting at the moment.   Continue reading “HAARP Array ReOpened In Southern California Desert By Private Group”

CBS Local – by Kim Tunnicliffe

BOSTON (CBS) — Boston is one many major cities at heightened risk of a lone wolf terrorist attack, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said while visiting the city Friday.

Johnson met with local community leaders to discuss ways they can work with police and law enforcement to curb the threat.

“When I visit an Islamic community center or a Somali-American community group, there are a number of issues they want to talk about with us — profiling at airports, for example,” Johnson said.   Continue reading “Homeland Security Secretary Says Boston At Risk Of Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks”

AFP Photo / Brendan SmialowskiRT

US House members admitted they had not read the entire $585 billion, 1,648-page National Defense Authorization Act, which predominantly specifies budgeting for the Defense Department, before it was voted on Thursday in Congress.

“Of course not. Are you kidding?” Rep. Jim Moran (D-Virginia) said when asked by CNSNews if he had perused the entire bill, which was just posted online late Tuesday night before it was ultimately passed in by the House by a vote of 300-119 about 36 hours later.   Continue reading “Congressmen admit to not reading NDAA before voting for it: ‘I trust the leadership’”


ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani soldiers killed a top al-Qaida operative Saturday who was indicted in the U.S. for his alleged involvement in a plot to bomb New York’s subway system, the military said in a statement.

The death of Adnan Shukrijumah is the latest blow to the terror organization still reeling from the 2011 killing of leader Osama bin Laden and now largely eclipsed by the militant Islamic State group. It also marks a major achievement for the Pakistani military, which mounted a widespread military operation in the northwest this summer.   Continue reading “Pakistan says top al-Qaida militant killed in raid”

Luke SomersCNN – by Jim Sciutto and Ben Brumfield

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Al Qaeda militants killed American hostage Luke Somers and a South African captive in Yemen during a raid conducted by U.S. forces to rescue Somers, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Saturday.

President Barack Obama ordered Friday’s raid because “there were compelling reasons to believe Mr. Somers’ life was in imminent danger,” Hagel said.   Continue reading “Al Qaeda kills hostages during SEALs raid on Yemen, Hagel says”

nockWestern Rifle Shooters

Here is the Golden Rule of sound citizenship, the first and greatest lesson in the study of politics:

You get the same order of criminality from any State to which you give power to exercise it; and whatever power you give the State to do things FOR you carries with it the equivalent power to do things TO you.  

– Albert Jay Nock, The Criminality of the State   Continue reading “Quote Of The Century”

chief_kessler-620x412DC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

I was warned, by a mutual acquaintance, long ago that former Police Chief Mark Kessler could not be trusted. But, even so, I could not have imagined that Chief Mark Kessler was working for the federal government.

Any 2nd Amendment supporter will know and remember Mark Kessler by his videos. He is a no-holds barred and highly controversial figure, consistently calling out the left and leaving no doubt about where he stands on issues of the second amendment.   Continue reading “Former Police Chief Kessler Admits to Working For Feds to Flush Out 2nd Amendment Supporters”

Reuters/Gary CameronRT

Congress is poised to give a foreign mining company 2,400 acres of national forest in Arizona that is cherished ancestral homeland to Apache natives. Controversially, the measure is attached to annual legislation that funds the US Defense Department.

This week, the House and Senate Armed Services Committees quietly attached a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would mandate the handover of a large tract of Tonto National Forest to Resolution Copper, a subsidiary of the Australian-English mining company Rio Tinto, which co-owns with Iran a uranium mine in Africa and which is 10-percent-owned by China.   Continue reading “Congress gives Native American lands to foreign mining company with new NDAA”

republibamaRINF – by Eric Zuesse

In a remarkable disjunction between voters and their elected (supposed) representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, the members of the House voted on December 4th, by 411 “Yea” to 10 “Nay,” to donate U.S. weapons to the bankrupt Ukrainian Government, which is engaged in trying to eliminate the civilian population of the portion of Ukraine that had voted 90% for the former Ukrainian President whom the U.S. Government (CIA, State Department, USAID, etc.) had overthrown in a violent coup in February of this year.    Continue reading “U.S. House Votes 98% to Donate U.S. Weapons to Ukraine; U.S. Public Is 67% Against. Is This Democracy?”

CHOKE_HOLD_COP.jpgFreep – by Kevin McCoy, USA Today

The New York City police officer whose choke hold led to the death of an unarmed man has been sued three times for allegedly violating the constitutional rights of other people that he and fellow cops arrested.

A grand jury decision not to indict Daniel Pantaleo on Wednesday in the death of Eric Garner, 43, the man he wrestled to the ground during an attempted arrest for selling untaxed cigarettes on a Staten Island sidewalk in July, sparked waves of angry though largely peaceful demonstrations in several cities.

The Garner case wasn’t the first time Pantaleo, 29, was accused of misconduct, however.   Continue reading “Eric Garner choke-hold cop sued in prior misconduct cases”