Zen Gardner

Ever wonder about all these rousing freedom fighting movies and “outnumbered little guy gets back” scenarios? Don’t they seem counter-productive to the cause of the contained control world we’re being shoe-horned into by the hour?

In a world of manipulation and social engineering, why would so many heavily promoted dramas regarding rebellion against totalitarian control, and even specifically against a mechanistic, fascist future, be so prevalent?   Continue reading “Spirit Tap – How the Manipulators Steal Your Fight”

Fox News

North Korea called President Barack Obama “a monkey” and blamed the U.S. on Saturday for shutting down its Internet amid the hacking row over the comedy “The Interview.”

North Korea has denied involvement in a crippling cyberattack on Sony Pictures but has expressed fury over the comedy depicting an assassination of its leader Kim Jong Un. Sony Pictures initially called off the release citing threats of terror attacks against U.S. movie theaters. Obama criticized Sony’s decision, and the movie has opened this week.   Continue reading “N. Korea blames US for internet shutdown, hurls racist comment toward Obama”

Kena Betancur/Getty Images/AFPSent to us by a reader.


Anti-police social media postings have spawned a wave of arrests across the United States in recent days, after the double murder of two New York Police Department officers on Saturday was revealed to be predated by an ominous internet threat.   Continue reading “Cops Crack Down on Anti-police Threats Made on the Internet”

ben carsonThe Guardian

In his first visit to Israel, the prospective Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said he was in awe of the Jewish state, inspired by its ancient holy sites, impressed by the resilience of people living in a perpetual conflict zone – and deeply disappointed in President Barack Obama.

“I do not believe that Obama has been one to cultivate the relationship,” said Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who has emerged as a favourite of some conservatives in the early field of possible GOP candidates.   Continue reading “Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson seeks to buff image in Israel”

Khamis Shatara (screen capture)Raw Story – by David Ferguson

An off-duty sheriff’s deputy from Palm Beach, Florida reportedly shot and killed his 21-year-old son on Christmas Eve at an apartment complex in Delrey Beach.

According to the Broward-Palm Beach New Times‘ Pulp blog, Khamis Shatara was shot and killed by his father, a Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office deputy, in a dispute that took place on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Off-duty Florida sheriff’s deputy accused of shooting and killing his son on Christmas Eve”

Thompson Auto-OrdnanceAmmo Land

POMONA, NY –-(Ammoland.com)-  USA based, Kahr Firearms Group is proud to announce the introduction of the Auto Ordnance 1911BKO.

The 1911BKO is only the second 1911 pistol to be introduced over the past year, following in the footsteps of the successful 1911TC model in stainless steel just last year.

The Auto Ordnance 1911BKO frame incorporates GI specs and features a matte black finish frame, barrel and slide. The carbon steel slide, sear and disconnector are machined from solid bar stock and heat treated properly to assure durability and long life over many thousands of rounds.  The low-profile sights feature a blade front sight and a rear drift adjustable for windage. The grip is brown checkered plastic.   Continue reading “Auto Ordnance Introduces the Budget Priced 1911 BKO Pistol”

Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis

In Russia, the overnight lending rates between banks has soared to 19%, a sign of widespread and warranted mistrust between banks, as one bank has failed. To stabilize the situation, Putin is considering bank deposit insurance up to an amount equivalent rate of about $26,000.

Meanwhile, and although Russia is still burning through currency reserves, the value of the Ruble has been rising.

CNN Money reports Russia Empties the Vault to Prop Up Ruble.   Continue reading “Russia’s Overnight Lending Rate Hits 19%, as Mistrust of Banks Spreads; Ruble Up Again”

Bloomberg View – by William Pesek

Thanks to China, Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund, Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank and Takehiko Nakao of the Asian Development Bank may no longer have much meaningful work to do.

Beijing’s move to bail out Russia, on top of its recent aid for Venezuela and Argentina, signals the death of the post-war Bretton Woods world. It’s also marks the beginning of the end for America’s linchpin role in the global economy and Japan’s influence in Asia.   Continue reading “China Steps In as World’s New Bank”

SlideshowValley Central – by Nadia Galindo

A person claiming to be a member of a cartel said they have kidnapped a border agent and threatened the agent’s life, according to police.

Border Patrol is making contact with all personnel in the Rio Grande Valley sector at this time.

They have now confirmed that all agents working the day of the threat have been accounted for.   Continue reading “Police: Cartel claims they have kidnapped Border Patrol agent”

article imageOpposing Views – by Edward Arnold

Earlier this week, a teenager was killed by a policeman at a gas station. That policeman was issued a body camera to wear that night. He wasn’t wearing it when the incident occurred. The officer remains unnamed.

The police were responding to reports of a theft when they saw 18-year-old Antonio Martin and another person. The officer saw Martin “produced a pistol with his arm straight out, pointing it at the officer.” The officer responded by firing three shots at Martin, killing him. The person with martin fled.   Continue reading “Police Officer Kills Teen, Body Camera Was Off”

Image source: KOAT-TVTheBlaze – by Jon Street

Federal authorities are on alert after the website of a local newspaper in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was hacked Wednesday.

The newspaper’s top online story about the 1971 slaying of a state police officer was removed and replaced with pro-Islamic State propaganda in an article titled “CHRISTMAS WILL NEVER BE MERRY ANY LONGER,” KRWG-TV reported. The mystery post reportedly warned residents that their privacy was being invaded.   Continue reading “What Appeared on a Major Newspaper’s Website Results in FBI Investigation”