Daily Mail – by ANUCYIA VICTOR
It can tell you what you want to eat in the blink of an eye, simply by tracking the movement of your retina.
In exactly 2.5 seconds the subconscious menu reads the minds of customers, by using a mathematical algorithm to identify a customer’s perfect pizza.
The incredible software was developed for Pizza Hut by Swedish eye tracking technology pioneers Tobii Technology.
Taking six months to build, the menu is completely controlled by the customer’s retina.
The four-step process starts when the software detects the users retina and gaze by asking customers to randomly look at different circles.
Eye movements are tracked against the small marks on the screen.
The software then detects the gaze of the user by changing the logos on the interface from big to small.
This is then followed by ingredients tracking, where the user is given three seconds to look at 20 ingredients on the screen.
The algorithm then kicks in and the menu identifies the perfect pizza based on which ingredients the user has been looking at the longest.
Linger over peppers and sweet corn; the customer will be served a vegetarian pizza. If the user is of a more carnivorous persuasion and holds a longer gaze towards pepperoni and chicken then the meat feast is offered as an option.
If customers aren’t happy with what their subconscious has decided, they can restart the process by gazing at the ‘restart’ button.
Chartered consumer psychologist Dr Simon Moore says our subconscious plays an important role in the foods we decide to eat.

Ingredients tracking: The user is given three seconds to look at 20 ingredients on the screen

The menu identifies the perfect pizza based on which ingredients the user has been looking at the longest
‘We have quite an extensive subconscious relationship with our food and it’s certainly the case psychologically that ‘we eat with our eyes,’ he said.
‘Quick brain responses are probably hardwired to our evolutionary survival reflex. We are automatically drawn to foods that give us more nutrition– it is a safety mechanism we’ve inherited from primitive man that still plays a role in our subconscious decision making, even when we might be choosing pizza.’
Kathryn Austin Head of Marketing at Pizza Hut Restaurant said: ‘We love to excite and innovate. We wanted to try a few ideas on the traditional menu format and we’re delighted to have developed the world’s first Subconscious Menu, a unique way to reinvent the dining experience.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-2852847/Pizza-Hut-launches-digital-menu-reads-mind.html#ixzz3MefkDNXB
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I wish they had a pizza hut here. I would like to try some of those exotic imported toppings. Had to look at some for more than 3 seconds just trying to figure out what they are.
well track this you pieces of crud, I wouldnt eat your gmo pizza. They will tell you what they say you want and most people are so stupid they will order it even tho they didnt want it…..yet again..dear jesus..
I believe in Jesus, but I dont think David Icke believes the way I do, but his words and research are amazing…Here is one of his latest about re-wiring the mind…I truly believe David Icke is a superb researcher.
David Icke is a great speaker. I especially like his interview in London about ISIS. (Just You Tube “ISIS David Icke”) That incredible interview shows how the goal of the US and Israel is to draw in Iran to the ISIS fight. According to Icke once Iran is drawn into the fight they will never be able to get out. Then the US and Israel will destroy Iran. He makes so much sense. He is very smart. Then I tried to watch another interview with him and he started talking about lizard people and aliens….and I almost cried. I was soooo disappointed. But I still like him.
Its interesting tho Joe…Christians and most other cultures talk about lizards and aliens. Satan came as a serpent etc. This is nothing new. He isnt making this stuff up, he is just sharing things that cultures have shared for centuries…IMO, David explains the bible perfectly. His words are nothing more than what the Bible itself talks about. Lucifer, fallen angels etc.
Here is another great one. IMO also, the likes of obama, bush, blair, blah blah, they are all alien creatures with no heart, or compassion, or empathy.
Look at them!! THey kill, lie, destroy….they twist the truth same as Lucifer did in the garden of Eden.. Its too complicated to write a post about it, but open your mind to new things….We have been controlled by these entities… Here is another one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sulU5-2GhrQ
Here is another great one by david icke…IMO, he speaks directly from my heart and soul… and its only 6 minutes.
I haven’t eaten in a Pizza Hut in 20 years and don’t plan on ever eating there. They openly admit to putting “plastic” in their cheese to soak up moisture. Since they are a world wide company I’m sure their flour and ingredients are Genetically Modified. If memory serves their prices were high too. My days of eating fast food is over.