Two-Lane Roads – by Loren Eyrich



The above set of signs stands at the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan.  The Smithsonian Museum also owns a set.    Continue reading “Do you remember the rhymes of the Burma-Shave signs from long ago?”

Fox News

A man and his seven children found dead in their Maryland home Monday were poisoned by carbon monoxide from a generator they were using after the power company cut off their electricity, a couple who identified themselves as the man’s mother and stepfather said.

Police found the bodies at the home in Princess Anne after being contacted by a concerned co-worker of the father, who had not been seen for days, Princess Anne police said in a news release.   Continue reading “Man, 7 children died from carbon monoxide poisoning, relatives say”

CNN – by Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken

California resident Gerilynn Aflleje was horrified when her 4-year-old Siberian Husky mix was killed by a local animal shelter over $180 in fees that she couldn’t afford.

Her dog, Chunk, had been dropped off at the Stockton shelter after getting lost in 2013, she later explained at a city council meeting. When Aflleje discovered her dog there less than a week later, she said the shelter demanded $180 within 24 hours for storing Chunk.   Continue reading “Dogs killed over unpaid fines”

Obama's short term goal.Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

America is already under martial law. Jade Helm 15 will not bring martial law to America, it is already here, as this article will make clear. Jade Helm 15 is the manifestation of martial law. At minimum, this drill is the practice run for the implementation for the 17 principles associated with martial law. In the worst case scenario, this drill will go live and all 17 martial law principles, already in place, will go live as well.   Continue reading “Seventeen Things You Can Count On When Jade Helm 15 Goes Live”

mediaNatural News – by Mike Adams

After months of stonewalling and denials, Rolling Stone magazine has finally retracted its totally fabricated “campus rape” story which claimed that fraternity rape is endemic across America’s universities. Yesterday, the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism released a detailed analysis of Rolling Stone’s mistakes, stating that “…the magazine failed to engage in ‘basic, even routine journalistic practice’ to verify details of the ordeal that the magazine’s source, identified only as Jackie, described to the article’s author, Sabrina Rubin Erdely.” (NY Times)   Continue reading “It’s not just Rolling Stone: Mainstream leftist media now a network of activist media hoaxers who spew hatred and intolerance disguised as “news””

DownTrend – by Brian Anderson

Despite their best efforts to undermine the Constitution, democrats at the federal level have been unsuccessful at disarming the American public. Switching tactics, a liberal legislator from Connecticut (where else?) thinks she can pay gun owners to voluntarily disarm. And by pay I mean with taxpayer money, not with her own funds.

US Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) plans to introduce a bill that would give gun owners tax credits for surrendering their “deadly assault rifles.”   Continue reading “Liberal Bill Would Pay Gun Owners To Surrender Their ‘Assault Rifles’”

A bank customer holds a handful of Icelandic crowns from an ATM as Icelanders face the possibility of the island's economy running into bankruptcy on October 8, 2008 in downtown Reykavik, IcelandSent to us by a reader.


Iceland’s government is considering a revolutionary monetary proposal – removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank.

The proposal, which would be a turnaround in the history of modern finance, was part of a report written by a lawmaker from the ruling centrist Progress Party, Frosti Sigurjonsson, entitled “A better monetary system for Iceland”.
Continue reading “Iceland looks at ending boom and bust with radical money plan”

Baigong PipesThe Epoch Times – by Tara MacIsaac

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that seem to show a level of technological advancement incongruous with the times in which they were made. Ooparts often frustrate conventional scientists, delight adventurous investigators open to alternative theories, and spark debate.   Continue reading “150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time?”

larry reid brotherGateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Harry Reid’s brother was arrested this week on drunk and disorderly conduct… Oh, and he hit a cop.

The Daily Mail reported:

Senator Harry Reid’s 73-year-old brother has been arrested and charged with driving drunk and hitting a police officer. Continue reading “LEAD SUSPECT in Harry Reid’s Beating – His Brother – Is Arrested for Assaulting Police”

NBC News – by Kelly O’Donnell

John McCain is ready for a new fight.

“I have decided to run for re-election,” the Arizona senator told NBC News in an exclusive interview revealing his plans to pursue a sixth term on Capitol Hill. “I’m ready. I am more than ready. In some ways, I am eager.”   Continue reading “John McCain Will Run for Re-Election to the Senate in 2016”

Oregon Governor Kate Brown speaks at the state capital building in Salem, Oregon February 20, 2015.   REUTERS/Steve DipaolaReuters – by Courtney Sherwood

Oregon Governor Kate Brown declared a drought emergency on Monday in three southern and central Oregon counties, expanding upon earlier drought declarations the Democrat made in March, as the state faces record low snowpack levels.

Continuing drought has caused “natural and economic disaster conditions” in Oregon’s Crook, Harney and Klamath counties, heightening wildfire risk, and threatening wildlife and agriculture, Brown said in her declaration.   Continue reading “Oregon governor expands drought declaration”

moregellons_joni_735_350Natural Society – by Robert Harrington

Joni Mitchell is one of the most beloved of folk singers from the 1960’s protest and 70’s hippie era. She endeared many fans to her simple and sincere form of “music with a conscience.”  Therefore, it is no surprise that she would somehow be chosen to confer legitimacy to a skin-crawling disease known as Morgellons.

In addition to being known as the Plague of the 21st Century, Morgellons is also known by many other names, each of which misrepresents the true seriousness or causes of the syndrome. Morgellons is in fact a multi-infection syndrome which has a number of different causative factors as well as various pathogenic micro-organisms present.   Continue reading “Morgellons Disease Finally Hits The Mainstream Media”

likebrokenheartfacebookThe Daily Sheeple

This is the world, country, and trendy, modern times we live in.

A 26-year-old nurse in Brooklyn has been granted the ability to serve her estranged husband with divorce papers over the social media platform Facebook.   Continue reading “New Precedent Allows People to Serve Divorce Papers over Facebook”

Anita Weier, Chris CalveyFellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Every day across the world, in China, Africa, and especially the Middle East, Christians are abused, oppressed, tortured and killed. Here in the United States where the Constitution supposedly guarantees religious freedom, bakers, florists, and pizzeria are fined and driven out of their small businesses because they declined to provide their services to homosexuals on grounds that doing so violates their Christian beliefs.   Continue reading “Atheists are now a protected class in Madison, Wisconsin”

The Daily Caller – by Mike Piccione

The anti-gun Brady Campaign has a new video out to the public promoting its website Get it? It’s supposed to be like The site advises people where it’s easy to buy guns so its supporters can rally against the gun laws in those states. Because, nobody knows what your state needs better than someone who doesn’t live there.

The problem with the Brady Campaign logic is that the states it is targeting for more gun laws are the states where fewest people actually get murdered by guns.   Continue reading “Brady Campaign Runs A Perverted ‘Joke’ Video To Appeal For More Gun Control In Low Crime States”

Bilderberg 2015 Location ConfirmedVideo Rebel’s Blog

The Bilderberg Society will be meeting from June 11th to the 14th at the Interalpen hotel near the Austrian town of Telfs. It will follow the G-7 Summit at the Elmau castle in the Bavarian Alps on June 7th and 8th.  The two sites are less than an hour’s drive away. The photo below would indicate that demonstrations outside the 2015 Bilderberg meeting will not be successful. But what good are demonstrations anyway? Why not use Worldwide Debt Cancellation to defeat the Bilderberg Society and undo their power over us?   Continue reading “Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg”