Addison Mitchell Mitch McConnell Jr. is a traitor.Patriot or Traitor

Addison Mitchell “Mitch” McConnell, Jr. is a treasonous United States Senator from Kentucky. As a senior member of the Republican Party, he has been the Majority Leader of the Senate since January 3, 2015.

Along with his treasonous acts, Senator Mitch McConnell voted for the following:

1. Mitch McConnell Voted to Let Harry Reid Fund ObamaCare – (2013, RCV 206) Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky voted to end debate and allow Senate Democrats to re-insert funding for ObamaCare into the Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government. Although McConnell did vote against the final bill, he and all Republicans knew that voting for cloture to end debate would allow Senator Harry Reid to fund ObamaCare by a party-line vote, and thus a vote for cloture was a de facto vote to fund ObamaCare.   Continue reading “Addison Mitchell “Mitch” McConnell, Jr. is a traitor”

The New American – by Alex Newman

After having drastically accelerated the militarization of local police forces by the federal government, Obama is now having second thoughts about it — or so the administration and the establishment press would have you believe based on widely reported “de-militarization” edicts issued last week. But while the decrees were framed by virtually all of the establishment media as reining in federal programs that provide military gear to law enforcement, the real agenda, as usual, is about empowering Washington, D.C. — in this case, to exert even more control over local police departments across America. Indeed, much of the military gear can still be obtained from the feds, as long as officers are first subjected to more federal “training” programs and police departments submit to new “national policing standards” across the board. The new rules fit well with the broader agenda of nationalizing law enforcement and other key sectors.   Continue reading “Obama Usurps Local Police With Fake “Ban” on Militarization”

CPS-kidnappedSleuth Journal – by John P. Thomas, Health Impact News

The U.S. federal government has mandated drug research with children. The need for children to participate in drug company research is high, and the temptation to overstep parental rights to force children to participate is great. Researchers publicly admit using money and other rewards to obtain participation of children in their drug trials.   Continue reading “Is CPS Kidnapping Children For Pharma Drug Trial Experiments?”

Here Is Why You Should Drink Water From A Copper CupTop Healthy Life

Ayurvedic texts recommend drinking water that is stored in copper canisters, because it is believed that the copper has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Copper is a mineral essential for our body, and medical studies have shown the benefits of drinking water stored in copper pots.   Continue reading “Here Is Why You Should Drink Water From A Copper Cup”

CBS Baltimore – by Amy Yensi

BALTIMORE (WJZ)–It’s been a violent  weekend in Baltimore after a surge of shootings–some deadly across the city.

Police say 28 people were shot, 9 of them killed over this weekend, adding to the  record-breaking violence.

The shooting didn’t stop on Monday night after a 9-year-old boy and another man were both injured by gun fire in the 2900 block of Arunah Avenue. Police say the child was shot in the leg and another man suffered a graze wound to the head.   Continue reading “28 Shootings, 9 Fatal, Over Memorial Day Weekend In Baltimore”


At least six flights were impacted by threats at airports in New York, New Jersey and Boston today, according to airlines and law enforcement.

JFK Airport:

An Air France plane was escorted to JFK Airport in New York City this morning after an anonymous threat was made against the flight, law enforcement officials told ABC News. The FBI said the plane has since been checked and cleared with “no incidents or hazards reported on board the flight by either the passengers or its crew.”   Continue reading “Fighter Jets Scramble Following at Least 6 Reports of Threats to Passenger Planes, Officials Say”


There is a simple reason why the Congress is held is such ill repute. Leadership in both parties are total agents for the Plutocrats that have systematically destroyed our economy with their globalist corporatist model that results in national impoverishment. The only startling pattern to this bipartisan betrayal is that the public continues to accept their excruciating fraud with only a whimper of discontent. BATR has covered the TPP Fast Track issue intensively. The most consistent observation is that the public, in this sinking economy, has ignored the impact that will accelerate, as the leaks from this secretive agreement become known.   Continue reading “Congressional Sellout on TPP Fast Track”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

I am mostly recovered from a nasty virus that I caught from my six month old grandson.  At times I was sleeping, or attempting to, 20 hours a day,  I could handle necessary chores, but simply trying to avoid coughing enough to breath comfortably, left me weak, and feeling too tired to exert myself.  Walking a couple of hundred yards was exhausting.    Continue reading “Open Carry While Old, Sick, and Tired”

7114115979_5bcf0e2504_kForward Observer Magazine – by John Mosby

Last week, we posted Special Operations Imperatives for Preparedness numbers 1-6.  Here’s the link to catch up.

7. Anticipate and Control Psychological Effects

Any operation conducted, by any organization within the UW battle space, will have significant psychological impacts. Whether combat operations or civic actions, these can be conducted specifically to produce desired psychological effects, or simply result in the effects. A tactical victory over regime forces may be completely overshadowed by the negative psychological impact of blowing up a school bus of children in the process. Continue reading “Special Operations Imperatives for Preparedness, Part Two”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Shane Trejo

Threats from Pentagon officials doomed a West Virginia bill that would have blocked unconstitutional foreign deployments of the state’s National Guard troops and effectively restored the founders’ framework for a state-federal balance on the Guard.

But while the bill failed to pass, its story reveals the power and potential of this approach.   Continue reading “Rattling the Pentagon’s Cage: Defend the Guard Legislation Threatens the Unconstitutional Status Quo”

policecarThe Daily Sheeple -by Joshua Krause

Yesterday morning, a woman from Orange County, Florida by the name of Deborah Jones called the police after a dispute with her boyfriend. While nothing came of their argument and no one was hurt, it’s disturbing to note that the police did not arrive at her home in a timely manner. Her and the boyfriend eventually left the residence, and let their pit bull stay at home.

But when they returned several hours later, they found the police surrounding their condo. They had apparently forced their way into the home, and killed their dog after he charged toward the officers; Jones arrived on the scene only to find her dog’s body wrapped in a blanket. Jones later told the local media that “They had to shoot my dog for no reason. They kicked my door in. I can’t even lock my door,” and her daughter added “That’s his house. This is his house. He’s got to protect this house.”   Continue reading “Cops Arrive Hours Late to 911 Call, Shoot Dog”

ImageZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following our exposure of the plunge in Lake Mead water levels post Friday’s earthquake, officials were quick to point out that the drop was “due to erroneous meter readings” – which in itself is odd given we have not seen such an aberration before in the measurements. The data today shows a super surge in the Lake Mead water level – which, even more mysteriously, indicates from pre-earthquake to now, the Lake has risen by the most in a 3-day-period in years (as long as we have found history). How was this level ‘manufactured’ you ask? Simple – discharge flows from the Hoover Dam were curtailed dramatically. We are sure there is a simple explanation for all this…   Continue reading “What Exactly Is Going On At Lake Mead?”

Rep. Steve King and State Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey address a meeting about the spread of Avian Influenza Saturday in Rock Rapids, IowaKTIV 4

SIBLEY, IA (AP) –Iowa farmers who have been dealing with thousands of dead chickens attracting flies for weeks are frustrated with the government’s response to the ongoing bird flu outbreak. The Des Moines Register reports several chicken and turkey farmers expressed their concerns at public meetings in northwest Iowa Saturday.

Merlin DeGroot says he’s waiting for government crews to dispose of his dead chickens, but the agencies involved haven’t coordinated plans well.   Continue reading “Some Iowa farmers upset with government’s bird flu response”

Natural Blaze – by Jeffrey Jaxen

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is at it again. After speaking in Sacramento, California against SB-277, pummeling the Centers for Disease Control during public testimony in Vermontand appearing on Bill Maher’s HBO show to do the same, he has now broke major news during a recent interview. Speaking with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura regarding the vaccine industry and big pharma, Kennedy confirmed what many have assumed by stating:   Continue reading “Kennedy Drops Bombshell: 70% News Ad Revenue From Pharma”

Bernie Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs who took Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes and Outsourced JobsPoliticus USA – by Jason Easley

Sen. Bernie Sanders fired back at 80 CEOs who wrote a letter lecturing America about deficit reduction by released a report detailing how 18 of these CEOs have wrecked the economy by evading taxes and outsourcing jobs.   80 CEO’s raised the ire of Sen. Sanders by publishing a letter in the Wall Street Journal urging America to act on the deficit, and reform Medicare and Medicaid.

Sen. Sanders responded to the lecture from America’s CEO’s by releasing a report that detailed how 18 of them have helped blow up the deficit and wreck the economy by outsourcing jobs and evading US taxes.

Continue reading “Bernie Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs who took Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes and Outsourced Jobs”

Dallas Morning News

WACO — Richie was the first to die, then Diesel, then Dog.

Whatever else they were in life, the men with the biker nicknames were Cossacks, loud and proud and riders in a Texas motorcycle gang. And that’s what got them killed, shot to death in a brawl with a rival gang in the parking lot of a Texas “breastaurant” that advertised hot waitresses and cold beer.

“I saw the first three of our guys fall, and we started running,” said their brother-in-arms, another Cossack, who said he was there a week ago when the shooting started at the Twin Peaks restaurant.   Continue reading “Waco witness: ‘It was a setup from start to finish’”

lindsey grahamGovt Slaves Info

(Michael Esch)  Recently, Congressman Thomas Massie came to speak at the University of Cincinnati. He was the keynote speaker for the Young American for Liberty’s Ohio State conference. Massie gave an eye opening speech on how the House of Representatives works. One of his most revealing stories centered around his 500-yard run that he frequently makes from his office to the House floor.   Continue reading “Congress Passes Bills When Key Members Can’t Vote, Most Going Unread”

food_spices_herbs_735_350Natural Society – by Robert Harrington

Nature has provided thousands of natural medicines and natural antibiotics over millennia. Most people are unaware, but virtually all pharmaceutical medications originally came from the plants of the Earth. After they were proven effective in treating various ailments, the pharmaceutical industry then created synthetic variants which they could patent. In this way, they retained the exclusive rights to earn revenues from their patents over a specific period of time.   Continue reading “What Are The Most Effective Natural Antibiotics?”