Month: May 2015
Between escalating Grexit concerns and Podemos ‘victory’ in Spain, European bond and stock markets shuddered somewhat today. EURUSD continues to close lower – back below 1.1000. All major bourses across Europe are in the red with Greece and Spain worst (ASE -3%) but the most notable shift is a collapse in Poruguese bonds. Illiquidity has always been an issue for PORTUG bonds but today’s near 4 point collapse in 10Y bond prices (and 48bps spike in spreads) is dramatic to say the least. Spain also saw bond risk jump 10bps. Bond yields and spreads are now higher than before Draghi announced Q€ in January and dramatically higher since bond-buying began. If EU leaders proclaim they can see no contagion from Greece, show them these charts. Finally, despite cash markets being closed, US equity futures also suffered (despite an exuberant BTFD rip higher in China overnight). Continue reading “China Stocks Surge, Europe/US Purge, & Portuguese Bonds Are Crashing”
If you aren’t eating yogurt on a daily basis, you might be shortchanging your health. There’s no easier way to get some healthy bacteria in your system than to enjoy some rich, delicious, full-fat yogurt loaded of active cultures.
If your gut is damaged, a daily dose of yogurt can actually repair the damage. Not only that, but a good quality yogurt can: Continue reading “8 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Gut-Healing Yogurt”
Activist Post- by Heather Callaghan
If you want to work with children in California – it is very likely that soon you will “need your shots” or be guilty of committing a crime. Daycare or childcare workers operating from the state, private/commercial or from the home will be required to get the CDC recommended shots – that’s essentially anyone who works in childcare.
Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) introduced SB 792 in late February. If passed, it would make California the first state in history to require compulsory vaccinations for childcare workers. Predictably, it was quietly introduced during the Disneyland measles outbreak that was virtually over with by the time the bill started moving. The outbreak is the foremost reason given for the law. Continue reading “California Moves to Force Childcare Workers to Vaccinate or Be Criminals”
How best to show respect for the U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families on Memorial Day? Simple: Avoid euphemisms like “the fallen” and expose the lies about what a great idea it was to start those wars and then to “surge” tens of thousands of more troops into those fools’ errands.
First, let’s be clear on at least this much: the 4,500 U.S. troops killed in Iraq – so far – and the 2,350 killed in Afghanistan – so far – did not “fall.” They were wasted on no-win battlefields by politicians and generals – cheered on by neocon pundits and mainstream “journalists” – almost none of whom gave a rat’s patootie about the real-life-and-death troops. They were throwaway soldiers. Continue reading “How To Honor Memorial Day”
The Free Thought Project – by John Vibes
Washington D.C. – With states all across the country lowering their penalties in marijuana cases, the incoming DEA chief says that the agency will no longer focus on marijuana. Chuck Rosenberg, a former administrator at the FBI, claimed that instead of attacking marijuana users and sellers, that he wants to “improve the DEA’s procedures on classifying, declassifying and reclassifying drugs,” as the new chief of the DEA.
Rosenberg “has proven himself as an exceptional leader, a skilled problem-solver, and a consummate public servant of unshakable integrity,” Att. Gen. Loretta Lynch said in a statement. Continue reading “New DEA Chief Retreats On War Against Weed, Says DEA Will No Longer Focus On Marijuana”
The Daily Dot – by Patrick Howell O’Neill
Anonymity’s toughest adversaries are hackers with the full-force and backing of Beijing, London, and Washington, D.C.
With the threat of powerful intelligence agencies, like the NSA, looming large, researchers have built a new Tor client called Astoria designed specifically to make eavesdropping harder for the world’s richest, most aggressive, and most capable spies. Continue reading “Hackers build a new Tor client designed to beat the NSA”
Digital Trends – by Mike Flacy
In an attempt to sell advertising space in a user’s new tab page within the Firefox browser, Mozilla is launching a new platform called “Suggested Tiles” specifically for advertisers. Similar to Google using your Web search history to load related advertisements within Google Adsense placements, Mozilla will look through your visited sites within Firefox to suggest an advertiser site to visit and display it on the new tab page. Continue reading “Firefox will scan your browsing history to suggest advertiser sites”
Western Rifle Shooters – by Matthew Bracken, July 30, 2010
A second civil war in the United States would be an unparalleled disaster. Nobody who is sane and who has studied modern civil wars from Spain to Lebanon to the Balkans and beyond would ever wish to see one occur. But if political, cultural and demographic trends are sweeping us toward that unhappy destiny, it would be wise to at least cast a weather eye over the possible terrain.
First, a caveat. I am not going to waste our time making politically-correct genuflections after every controversial sentence, because this essay is intended to be read by mature and rational adults. Continue reading “The CW2 Cube — Mapping The Meta-Terrain Of Civil War Two”
A bomb squad safely destroyed a pressure cooker found in a “suspicious” vehicle left unattended Sunday afternoon on the National Mall near the U.S. Capitol building and the vehicle’s owner was located and arrested, a U.S. Capitol Police spokeswoman said.
Police Lt. Kimberly A. Schneider told The Associated Press that Capitol Police officers on routine patrol spotted the parked, unoccupied vehicle on a street on the mall west of the Capitol around 5 p.m. Sunday. Continue reading “Police: Pressure Cooker From Suspicious DC Vehicle Destroyed”
Jovano Graves’ parents begged him not to join the Army right out of high school in 2003, when U.S. troops were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But their son refused his parents’ pleas to try college. He followed them both into the Army instead. Continue reading “U.S. military and civilians are increasingly divided” – by Stephen Lendman
Netanyahu heads Israel’s most extremist government in history. He deplores peace and stability.
Permanent war on Palestine is official policy. So is treating Arabs the way Hitler treated Jews.
Nothing Netanyahu says is credible. He agrees to one thing. He does another. How anyone stands him, they’ll have to explain. Some past and present Israeli officials don’t trust him. Continue reading “Bibi – Hate-Mongering Racist, Mass Murderer, Serial Liar”
We should never forget those who died in the wars the Bankers and Israel started. Nor should we forget the hundreds of millions of human beings who starved to death because Bankers are allowed to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. We do know that Foundations say billions of lives will be lost when the dollar, the pound, the yen and the euro collapse.
Human beings are social animals and we ought never to lose sight of the afflictions visited upon us by the greed and the insanity of those who have a license to print our money and the ability to re-write our history. Continue reading “In Memoriam For Those Who Have Died And Will Die in Wars for The Bankers And For Israel.”
Many accounts will praise the sacrifices and deeds of those who fought in the American wars. Some versions will emotionally express their thanks and respect, while others will list their heroic actions. There is another viewpoint that seldom gets the attention that it deserves. Simply put, what is the true reason that all this blood was shed and the meaning of continued torment that follows, when the guns are silenced? Some will say, we just need to revere those who served. Others may dare to ask, why and what for? Continue reading “What Memorial Day Do You Honor?”