Boing Boing – by CORY DOCTOROW

In a mass mailing to employees, CEO Bob Iger asked Disney people to make a regular contribution to Disney PAC to help the company lobby for expanded copyright laws, and the Trans Pacific Partnership.

The company explicitly advised employees that they wouldn’t be penalized for failing to contribute.   Continue reading “Disney offers to deduct contributions to its PAC from employees’ paychecks, to lobby for TPP”


WASHINGTON (WUSA9) — Not one but two Marines were brutally attacked on February 12 in two unrelated incidents.

One attack happened at a McDonald’s when two teenagers assaulted and robbed a veteran Marine.

A second Marine, 35-year-old Michael Schroeder, was left for dead after a being attacked in Northwest D.C. that same day, according to his family.   Continue reading “2nd Marine attacked, left for dead in DC”

Real Clear Politics – by Tim Haines

In an interview Thursday with Jorge Ramos on Fusion, former Mexican president Vicente Fox responds to Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“I’m not going to pay for that f**king wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” Fox said.   Continue reading “Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re “Not Paying For That F***ing Wall””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Norwegian PM Erna Solberg doesn’t want to have to skirt her country’s responsibilities under the Geneva Convention and she doesn’t want to trample over human rights either, but she will if she has to.

“It is a force majeure proposals which we will have in the event that it all breaks down,” Solberg said, inan interview with Berlingske, describing new measures she believes Norway may have to take if Sweden buckles under the weight of the refugee influx which saw some 163,000 asylum seekers inundate the country last year.   Continue reading ““We Are Heading Into Anarchy”: Official Says EU Will “Completely Break Down In 10 Days””

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

t’s official. Etan Cohen agrees with the rest of us — Idiocracy turned out to be a documentary, after all.

Cohen, who co-wrote the satirical, er, now-documentary with Beavis & Butthead creator, Mike Judge, in 2006, tweeted his sentiment on Wednesday:   Continue reading “Writer of Hit Movie ‘Idiocracy’ Surprised to Learn that His Work Has “Become a Documentary””


China on Thursday confirmed it would send warships to join a major U.S.-hosted naval drill this summer, even as tension between the world’s two largest economies mounts over the South China Sea.

The Rim of the Pacific exercise, known as RIMPAC, is billed as the world’s largest international maritime exercise, held every two years in Hawaii in June and July.   Continue reading “China says its warships to join major U.S.-hosted naval drills”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

As a shaky ceasefire agreement is set to take hold in Syria on February 27, the threat of a NATO-backed Turkish, Saudi, Qatari, and UAE military invasion of Syria remains looming in the background.

By now, the Saudis and the Emirates have been revealed for the paper tigers that they are by virtue of their disastrous military campaign in Yemen. While the Saudi/UAE forces have managed to return the Hadi government to semi-power in parts of Yemen, a battle against ragtag rebels wearing sandals and carrying light arms has nevertheless decimated much of the Saudi-led coalition forces.   Continue reading “Saudi Generals Sign “Secret” Letter To Monarch And Gov’t Warning Against Invasion Of Syria”

Propaganda News – by David Risselada

On January 26, 2016, an agency known as the U.S. Preventative Services task force issued final recommendations suggesting that all Americans be subject to mental health screenings.  The report implies that regular screenings through an individuals primary care doctor would be ideal and the most beneficial in detecting symptoms related to depression.

“The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released today a final recommendation statement on Screening for Depression in Adults. The Task Force recommends that clinicians screen all adults for depression. The Task Force found evidence that screening in the primary care setting is beneficial.”   Continue reading “Forced Mental Health Screenings: A Push For Communism”

Daily Caller – by Luke Rosiak

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officials are outsourcing healthcare paperwork for American veterans to low-paid workers in the Philippines, a nation where the minimum wage is a dollar a day.

Long ago, VA opened a facility in Manila to care for Filipino World War II veterans who fought alongside the U.S. military against the Japanese — the Philippines was a U.S. territory until 1946. But most of those veterans are now dead, and the Philippines has its own government agency to care for those who are still alive.   Continue reading “Feds Outsource Vet Benefit Processing To Philippines”

The Daily Caller – by Mike Sweeney

“Just as we fired the first shot to start the revolution, this might be the first shot – no pun intended – to start a movement against assault weapons that would capture the state and therefore maybe explode to reach the country.” -Robert Rotberg author and catalyst of Lexington’s gun ban proposal.

Lexington, Massachusetts.  Does the name of that quaint New England town ring a bell for anyone?  It should, Lexington, MA, is where American independence was kicked into high gear.  On April 19, 1775, the British “red coats” marched out of Boston, heading for Concord, intending to seize caches of arms stored by local militias.  They were first met on the Lexington town green and the skirmish was on, the rest as they say is history.   Continue reading “The Gun Grabbers Are Coming! Lexington Massachusetts Now Faces Semi-Automatic Gun Confiscation”

PHOENIX (AP) — The Phoenix home where a man gunned down his parents and sisters was always a place of fun family outings. Vic Buckner, 50, manned the grill and was known for his barbecue skills. His wife, Kimberly, 49, was a gracious host. Their daughter Emma, 6, loved drawing and ballet, and older sister Kaitlin, 18, was studying to become an ultrasound technician.

The family bonds were shattered this week when the oldest son, Alex Arthur Buckner, 26, opened fire in the home Tuesday morning, killing his parents and his two sisters. He then shot at officers who tried to rescue the victims, authorities said.   Continue reading “Shootings, fire shatter happy family bonds in Phoenix home”

NEW YORK (AP) — A district attorney said Wednesday a young woman who accused five teenage boys of chasing away her father and gang-raping her in a playground has recanted her story and he’s dropping criminal charges against them.

The collapse of the case was no surprise after a series of revelations that challenged the woman’s initial story that she’d been attacked by a group of boys who drove off her father with a gun to get her alone.   Continue reading “Woman recants; prosecutor to drop charges in park rape case”

BAILEY, Colo. (AP) — Martin Wirth spent recent years fuming over police brutality and corrupt mortgage companies, fueled by his own run-ins with the law and a yearslong battle to salvage his two-story home in the forested Colorado mountains from foreclosure.

That fight came to a violent end Wednesday when Wirth, 58, shot three law enforcement officers trying to serve an eviction notice, killing one and wounding the others, authorities said. Officers fired back, killing Wirth.   Continue reading “Friend: Man who shot Colorado deputies at ‘end of his rope’”