Forward – by Julia Masis

Tens of thousands of Russian dual nationals are being effectively stripped of their Russian citizenship via a quiet policy of Russian consulates worldwide refusing to renew their passports.

Under new regulations the consulates are enforcing, anyone seeking to renew a passport who was not registered as living in Russia on February 6, 1992, will be rejected, even if his or her passport had been renewed on previous occasions.

It is unclear just how many people this new policy will affect. But it will certainly apply to thousands of Jews who emigrated from Russia after July 1, 1991 — the date on which the Soviet Union, then in its final days, ended its policy of taking away the passports of Jews who left the country with exit visas to Israel. (The Soviet Union was formally dissolved on December 25, 1991.)

In Soviet times, the only way that Jews were allowed to leave the country was with their Russian passport confiscated — if they were allowed to leave at all. Many actually moved to the United States or to Europe once they got out, despite the Israeli stamp on their exit visa. But under the late Soviet policy, which was continued by the successor Russian government following the Soviet Union’s breakup, Jews could, for the first time, like others, become dual nationals. This allowed them to return freely to Russia to visit — or even move back if they changed their minds.

“I’ve always had two citizenships, two languages, two identities and two cultures. It’s who I am,” said Katya Rouzina, a 27-year-old college Russian instructor and graduate student who expects her Russian passport application will be rejected—as was this reporter’s—because she left Russia before February 1992. Like many Russian expatriates, Rouzina, who moved to the United States when she was 1-year-old, considers her continued tie to Russia a matter of identity. “They can’t just randomly say you’re not a Russian citizen anymore. That just makes me angry,” she said.

Like the United States, the Russian Federation allows for dual citizenship, though estimates of how many Russians have this status vary widely. Konstantin Romodanovsky, the director of Russia’s Federal Migration Service, told the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that between 1 million and 6 million Russians have dual citizenship.

Asked about the new policy, which was never formally announced, the Russian Embassy in Washington confirmed the change, which it said was not a matter of any new law passed by the country’s legislature. “Our laws expand, they don’t change,” embassy press secretary Yury Melnik said. “The laws are interpreted better…. An expired passport isn’t considered a valid document.”

The Russian Consulate in New York City acknowledged that in the past, Russia had issued passports to people who had been expatriate citizens of the old Soviet Union, even if they had never registered as residents and citizens of the new Russian Federation, established after the Soviet Union’s breakup. It acknowledged having renewed their passports, as well.

“The people with such passports considered themselves citizens of the Russian Federation,” the consulate wrote in its email. “While we are aware that the persons holding such passports are not to be blamed for the existing situation, we must now, nonetheless, put things in order. We cannot issue passports to those whose Russian citizenship is not properly registered.”

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A man with a gun has been taken into custody at a Trump rally in The Woodlands, a smaller city outside of Houston, Texas, local media reports.

The man was found on the fourth floor of a parking garage with the gun, KPRC reported. Why he had the gun or how he was found remains unknown.   Continue reading “Man with gun arrested at Trump rally in Texas”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

The Obama Administration is on pace to issue more than a million green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim countries, according to an analysis of Department of Homeland Security data.

A chart released by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest Friday details the surge in immigration to the U.S. from majority-Muslim countries since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.   Continue reading “Chart: Obama Admin. On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries”

Gizmag – by Michael Irving

Learning from your mistakes is a key life lesson, and it’s one that researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) can attest to. After unintentionally creating carbon-rich nanorods, the team realized its accidental invention behaves weirdly with water, demonstrating a 20-year old theory and potentially paving the way to low-energy water harvesting systems and sweat-removing fabrics.

The researchers note that ordinarily materials will absorb more water as the humidity in the air around them increases. But between 50 and 80 percent relative humidity, these nanorods will actually do the opposite and expel water, a behavior they say is not shared by any other material. Below that range, they behave as normal, so the process is reversible by lowering the humidity again.
Continue reading “Scientists accidentally create nanorods that harvest water from the air”

For those who have served on jury…this one is something to think about…Just when you think you have heard everything!! Do you like to read a good murder mystery? Not even Law and Order would attempt to capture this mess. This is an unbelievable twist of fate!!!

At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, (AAFS) President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the legal complications of a bizarre death. Here is the story:  Continue reading “Amazing story from the Associated Press”

Natural News – by Julie Wilson

It’s been a tough few weeks for Big Pharma, as three major studies have now completely disproved the effectiveness of its most profitable drugs. Last week, a huge study published in The Lancet admitted that the risks of antidepressants in children and teens far outweigh the benefits, as the drugs routinely increase suicidal behavior. Out of 14 antidepressants, only one was shown to improve depression better than the placebo.

Now, scientists are reporting that cholesterol drugs, which 15 million Americans are prescribed, are also completely worthless. A group of international researchers published a study in the BMJ Open journal that found no link between what’s known as “bad” cholesterol and death as a result of heart disease in individuals over 60 years of age.   Continue reading “Big Pharma suffers another major blow as study debunks high cholesterol myths, admitting statins are totally worthless”

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

After any major tragedy, we develop an obsessive need to analyze, debate, and argue every conceivable aspect of what’s taken place — as if time stops. That tragedy dominates mainstream and, often, independent media headlines for days or weeks, exhaustively positing theory after theory until the public begins to lose interest.

But tragedy doesn’t occur in a vacuum, and — though it might feel as if the world pressed pause to allow society to grieve — important, pertinent issues continue to arise while our attention is trained elsewhere.   Continue reading “5 Things the Establishment Slipped By You While Focusing Solely on Orlando Shooting”

Anti-Media – by Michaela Whitton

United Kingdom — Palestinians and other Arab leaders have condemned a United Nations decision electing Israel to chair one of its permanent committees. On Monday, Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Dahon, won the chair of the Legal Committee, which oversees matters related to international law, for the first time in the world-body’s 71-year history. Danon’s candidacy was put to a vote by secret ballot where he picked up 109 votes from the 193 member states.

Prior to the election, PLO executive Dr. Hanan Ashrawi described Israel’s nomination as “getting the wolf to guard the sheep.” A fitting metaphor, perhaps, in view of the fact that the U.N. investigator for human rights violations in Palestine resigned earlier this year after accusing Israel of obstructing his work by denying him repeated access to the territories.   Continue reading “Israel Elected to UN International Law Committee — While Violating International Law”


While some lawmakers want to require drug screening and testing for welfare and other assistance program applicants, this idea has inspired one US congresswoman to call for the rich to be drug tested if they wish to take advantage of tax deductions.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker put a lot of time and energy into passing legislation that has given Wisconsin the right to drug test participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). He is not alone either. At least 15 states now require drug testing for public assistance applicants.   Continue reading “HomeAmerica Liberty & drug tests for all: Lawmaker seeks to drug screen the rich”

What is meant by the modern term referred to as ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’..
The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum
in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between
President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual
signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.. The contents of
those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war – not a
word has been added or deleted!   Continue reading “Political Correctness”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

The CIA has released 50 new documents relating to post-9/11 torture and rendition practices.

On Tuesday the Central Intelligence Agency released 50 new documents which add even more detail to the disturbing use of torture, humiliation, and rendition. The documents depict brutal torture and paint a clear picture of CIA officials desperately working to suppress evidence of their actions. The documents were released in response to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union and Vice.   Continue reading “Newly Released Torture Documents Reveal Further Depravity”


The Obama administration sought on Friday to control fallout from a leaked internal memo critical of its Syria policy, but showed no sign it was ready to consider the military strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces called for in a letter signed by dozens of U.S. diplomats.Several U.S. officials said that while the administration is willing to hear the diplomats’ dissenting views, it is not expected to make any changes in President Barack Obama’s Syria policy in his final seven months in office.One senior official said that the test for whether these proposals are given high-level consideration will be whether they “fall in line with our contention that there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria.”   Continue reading “U.S. officials seek to limit fallout from internal dissent on Syria”

Breitbart – by Deborah Danan

TEL AVIV – The Jews are engaged in a secret plot to take over the world and destroy all other nations and religions, a new series in Egypt’s government daily, Al Ahram, claims.

The series of five articles, authored by Egyptian journalist Ali Gad and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), asserts that Jews are behind all global conflicts, including Syria, Iraq, and the First and Second World Wars, as part of their master plan to destroy the world. The author uses falsified passages from the Talmud as “proof” of the plot as well as quoting from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an antisemitic Russian text long since debunked as entirely fabricated.   Continue reading “Egypt Gov’t Daily: Jews Using Freemasonry to Pit Sunnis Against Shiites in Plot for World Domination”


Canadian lawmakers voted on Wednesday to alter the country’s national anthem to make the lyrics gender neutral, a move that comes as the new Liberal government focuses on being more inclusive toward women.

The bill would change the English version of “O Canada” to remove the words “in all thy sons command” and replace them with “in all of us command.”   Continue reading “Canadian lawmakers vote to make national anthem gender neutral”