U.S. Uncut – by Zach Cartwright

Indigenous water protectors at the Dakota Access Pipeline construction site just got assistance from military veterans.

Between December 4 and December 7, veterans of various branches of the United States armed forces have scheduled a “deployment” to show solidarity and lend support to the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota. The event, called “Veterans Stand for Standing Rock,” already has 108 confirmed RSVPs on Facebook, and features several high-profile progressive activists who have served in the military, including U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Baltimore police officer-turned police brutality whistleblower Michael A. Wood, Jr.   Continue reading “Veterans prepare to join Standing Rock protesters to stop Dakota Access Pipeline”

The Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

Sunday night’s no-holds-barred offensive by police from multiple agencies against unarmed water protectors opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline on Highway 1806’s Backwater Bridge — in which at least 167 suffered injuries — sent two elders into cardiac arrest, left a 13-year-old girl injured by a rubber bullet to the head, and now, one woman will almost certainly lose her arm.

Sophia Walinsky stood among the crowd of around 400 water protectors as the police launched an all-out assault, firing ‘nonlethal’ projectiles, tear gas, mace, LRAD sound cannons, and concussion grenades — one of which reportedly exploded on her left arm, tearing through flesh and exposing bone, and leaving her facing possible amputation.   Continue reading “Water Protector in Critical Condition After DAPL Police Grenade Blew Apart Her Arm”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

It’s always amazing to me how incredibly gullible everybody is. People just never learn, and today, they’re all being expertly played by Donald Trump yet again. According to a NY Post story, Donald Trump “won’t pursue charges against Clinton” as he promised during his campaign.

Has everybody just become incredibly stupid or something? For starters, Donald Trump said no such thing. Nowhere in any interview has Trump stated that he won’t pursue charges against Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media, as usual, is exaggerating all this by falsely interpreting the words of Kellyanne Conway to mean whatever they want them to mean.   Continue reading “Trump is playing everyone: Of course he’s going to prosecute Hillary Clinton… he’s just posturing to prevent an Obama pardon”

ABC News – by Brian Ross, Matthew Mosk

Immigration to the United States has long been one of the most vexing issues for foreign nationals seeking a new life on this side of the American border. But a new ABC News investigation looks at one of the most obscure paths to a U.S. visa and green card — one being aggressively marketed to wealthy foreigners, and one that whistleblowers say is being exploited by criminals, spies, and possibly even terrorists.

This is the story of the $500,000 Green Card — a path to legal residency that begins with an offer by a wealthy foreign national to invest half-a-million dollars in an approved project that promises to create American jobs.    Continue reading “The $500,000 Green Card – The EB-5 Visa Program”

Daisy Luther

Anyone who has ever had a toddler knows that when your little one falls down, often, they look to you before deciding whether they should cry or not. If you rush over and say, “Oh you poor baby, you’re hurt” then the wailing commences. If you glance over and say, “You’re okay. You’re a tough cookie. Get back up,” then you’re teaching them that the proper response to falling is shaking it off and getting up again. We’re instilling courage and resilience when we do this.   Continue reading “Schools and Colleges Are Making Students Even More Terrified of Trump”

Independent – by Samuel Osborne

World leaders have called for an end to the criminalisation of drugs.

The Global Commission on Drug Policy’s annual report advocates the removal of both civil and criminal penalties for drug use and possession.

Prohibition of drugs has had “little or no impact” on the rate of drug use, the report says, with the number of drug users increasing by almost 20 per cent between 2006 and 2013 to 246 million people.   Continue reading “World leaders call for legalisation of drugs”

Yahoo News

NEW YORK (AP) — Poor communication among police, private security and other personnel contributed to a mass panic that erupted at a New York City airport when loud cheers for Usain Bolt somehow led to a false report of gunshots, according to a review by a team of top security officials.

Passengers at Kennedy Airport ran for the exits on Aug. 14 after cheering at a terminal bar during the Olympics was mistaken for something sinister. Panic spread to two other terminals when news of a gunman spread on social media, and police responded by drawing their weapons.   Continue reading “Review of airport panic: Bolt spurred it, cops made it worse”

Another Day in the Empire – by Kurt Nimmo

Elder statesman, Rockefeller confidant, and master war criminal Henry Kissinger told the globalist Fareed Zakaria voters are not going to get what was advertised with Donald Trump.

“One should not insist on nailing [Trump] into positions that he had taken in the campaign,” Kissinger told Zakaria.   Continue reading “Kissinger: Don’t Expect Trump To Keep Campaign Promises”

KPLR 11 News

ST. LOUIS (KTVI) – FBI figures show the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is running more checks than ever before. Nearly 25 million background checks will have been completed by year’s end.

By proxy, that means more guns being sold than before and local shops say their sales are getting better every year.

A key group driving sales – women.   Continue reading “Women propelling gun sales to all-time highs”


The Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a fine to the Denver Sheriff Department after a federal investigation found it incorrectly listed being a US citizen as a job requirement during a major hiring spree.

From January to March 2015, the police department, which is the largest sheriff department in Colorado, went on a recruitment drive, hiring more than 200 deputies to the team, but only US citizens were able to apply, which the DOJ ruled as unlawful.   Continue reading “Sheriff department’s refusal to hire non-citizens results in fine by US govt”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

Sanctuary cities and other jurisdictions will now have to choose between protecting illegal aliens and receiving federal law enforcement grants thanks to the work of a Texas congressman.

Texas Representative John Culberson (R-TX) used his position as chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science and the congressional power of the purse to force the Department of Justice (DOJ) to enforce existing law requiring state and local law enforcement agencies to cooperate with immigration officials. Culberson announced in February an agreement with outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch to block federal law enforcement grants to jurisdictions with sanctuary policies, Breitbart Texas reported. Since that time, the Texas congressman has been working with DOJ officials to certify the top-ten jurisdictions not in compliance with the law.   Continue reading “Sanctuary Cities Risk Losing DOJ Funds in 2017, Texas Congressman Says”

Daily Caller – by Kathryn Watson

Thousands of green cards are missing because U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officials apparently sent them to the wrong addresses, jeopardizing national security, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (IG) report made public Monday.

“It appears that thousands of green cards have simply gone missing,” DHS Inspector General John Roth said in a news release. “In the wrong hands, green cards may enable terrorists, criminals, and undocumented aliens to remain in the United States. It is vital that USCIS ensure better tools and procedures are in place to mitigate such risks.”   Continue reading “THOUSANDS Of Immigration Green Cards Have Disappeared”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After Trump stunned the nation during the second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, in which he quipped that under a Trump presidency “she would be in jail”, and suggested that he would demand a special prosecutor probe into Clinton’s email server and the Clinton foundation, moments ago MSNBC’s Morning Joe reported, citing a source, that president-elect Donald Trump will not pursue any investigations into his former political rival Hillary Clinton “for her use of a private email server and the Clinton foundation.”

Trump reportedly feels that Clinton has “been through enough.”   Continue reading “Trump Won’t Pursue Charges Against Hillary: “She’s Been Through Enough””

Yahoo News

In the two weeks since Donald Trump’s stunning victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, hundreds of acts of harassment and intimidation aimed at supporters of both candidates have been reported around the country. In response, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo created a special police unit to address the “explosion” of hate crimes in the state.

“The ugly political discourse of the election did not end on Election Day,” Cuomo said on Sunday at a church in Harlem. “In many ways, it has gotten worse.”   Continue reading “N.Y. governor creates special police unit to address ‘explosion of hate crimes’ since the election”