Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

On January 19, 2018, Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Polly Tommey (co-producer of the film VAXXED) went live on Facebook to expose a horrific death threat Dr. Humphries had received by email from an apparent cyber-stalker who claimed to be following her movements.   Continue reading “Medical Doctor Opposed to Mandatory Vaccines Has Life Threatened by Stalker”

National Post

This winter, Calgary has expanded its use of beet juice as a de-icing alternative to road salt. While slightly more expensive than salt, the mixture is more efficient, less toxic and less corrosive.

Nevertheless, despite a galaxy of relatively benign de-icing agents such as beet juice, this year cities across Canada will stubbornly continue to coat their roads with literal mountains of salt. Although salt remains the single cheapest way to keep snow and ice at bay, the economics make much less sense when considering the awesome scale of the damage wrought every year by the salt truck.   Continue reading “How Canada’s addiction to road salt is ruining everything”

Daily Mail

Artificially cooling Earth to counter global warming could destroy our planet if the process is abruptly stopped, according to new research.

Some scientists have suggested firing aerosols into the atmosphere to help combat global warming by imitating a natural side-effect of volcanic eruptions.

The aerosols, one of many ‘geoengineering’ techniques proposed as a way to deal with climate change, would cool Earth by blocking incoming solar radiation.   Continue reading “Artificially cooling the planet is a ‘risky strategy’”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Over the weekend, reports have emerged suggesting that the Pentagon is in the process of considering another escalation of the Afghan War, with proposals pushing another 1,000 US ground troops being sent to the country soon.

The US had 8,500 troops in Afghanistan last August when President Trump announced his escalation, and has an estimated 14,000 there now. The US Army leadership is said to overwhelmingly back the proposal to add another 1,000, though Defense Secretary James Mattis hasn’t formally signed off on it.   Continue reading “Pentagon Considers Sending Another 1,000 US Troops to Afghanistan”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Earlier this month,  Rep. Bob Goodlatte [R-VA-6] introduced H.R.4760 – Securing America’s Future Act of 2018, a sweeping bill that entails everything from Education and the Workforce to Homeland Security to the military. Also, tucked away in this 400-page behemoth of a bill are the details of a new biometric National ID card that could soon be required for everyone.

Not surprisingly, there is almost no media coverage on this legislation.  Continue reading “Congress Quietly Pushing Bill to Require National Biometric ID for ‘ALL Americans’”


A Texas state district judge reportedly told a jury that God asked him to direct them to a not-guilty verdict in a child trafficking case they were deliberating on.

Judge Jack Robison interrupted jurors’ deliberations to say God had been in touch, and told him the jury panel should not convict 32-year-old Gloria Elizabeth Romero Perez, who was accused of continuously trafficking her teenage niece from the US to Honduras to an older man.  Continue reading “Texas judge tells jury God wants not-guilty verdict in child trafficking trial”

Fellowship of the Minds – by by Dr. Eowyn

California is an insane asylum where the inmates have taken over.

Did you know that there is a State Hospital in Coalinga, California, with shopping malls, fast food, and all sorts of freedoms for some of America’s most violent sex criminals?   Continue reading “Inmates in California prison hospital riot after crackdown on child porn”

The Hill

The Senate voted Monday to reopen the government, ending a three-day standoff that left federal agencies shuttered and hundreds of thousands of workers furloughed.

Democrats agreed to advance a stopgap spending measure lasting until Feb. 8 after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promised to allow an immigration bill to reach the floor next month. The vote was 81-18.   Continue reading “Senate Votes To End Shutdown”

The Great Recession Blog

My 2018 economic predictions follow through on the accurate predictions I made in 2017. In my last article, I stated that I had bet my blog the stock market would crash by January 2018. In fact, however, I’ve gone back and rechecked those predictions and my bet, and I found that I wisely hedged my bet in terms of timing due to the Trump factor. I realized back then that, for the short term (2017-2018), Trump would seriously alter the economic trajectory of the US established during the Obama years — the path by which I had been predicting an economic apocalypse would soon be upon us. Trump would not, however, improve things over the long term because our underlying economic woes would only get worse.   Continue reading “I Bet My Blog on a 2018 Economic Collapse — 2018 Economic Predictions”


Social networking sites have embedded themselves into our daily existence, brought our private lives closer together, and changed the way in which we communicate and interact. But are they a force for good or ill?

My grandparents announced major life events and kept in touch with family and friends through letters and face to face contact. My parents had access to landline telephones which they used to contact friends, arrange parties and share the latest gossip at a speed with which the previous generation was unfamiliar. Such modes of communication appear archaic and unfashionable when compared with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the many other social media platforms that nowadays enable an individual to willingly, or otherwise, share every detail of their lives with friends and strangers. As a teenager I had at my fingertips the tools to instantly communicate with friends, family and even strangers anywhere in the world via chatrooms, Skype and Yahoo messenger.  Continue reading “Degeneration App: Never being offline is a double-edged sword”


The inequality crisis is worsening, according to a new study by global charity Oxfam, which found that the world’s richest 42 people own the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50 percent worldwide.

The annual report showed that 2017 saw the biggest increase in the number of billionaires in history, with new ones created at a rate of one every two days. Their wealth has increased by 13 percent a year on average in the decade from 2006 to 2015.   Continue reading “World’s richest 1% bagged 82% of global wealth in 2017, while poorest half got nothing – Oxfam”

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Bob Meyers doesn’t want partial justice for his brother. He wants full justice. And to him, that means leaving D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo’s sentence just the way it is: life in prison, with no chance of ever getting out.

A federal judge has given a glimmer of hope to Malvo, who was 17 when he was arrested in the random shootings that killed 10 people and wounded three in and around the nation’s capital. The judge ruled that Malvo is entitled to new sentencing hearings, now that the U.S. Supreme Court has made its ban on mandatory life-without-parole for juvenile offenders retroactive, extending it to people who were already sentenced before it ruled that such punishments are unconstitutional.   Continue reading “Appeals court to hear arguments on DC sniper’s sentence”

ATLANTA (AP) — President Donald Trump hasn’t backed away from his unsubstantiated claim that millions of illegally cast ballots cost him the popular vote in 2016, but his efforts to investigate it appear to have stalled.

He transferred the work of the commission investigating his claim to the Department of Homeland Security. This week, the department’s top official made it clear that, when it comes to elections, her focus is on safeguarding state and local voting systems from cyberattacks and other manipulation.   Continue reading “Trump’s attempts to show voter fraud appear to have stalled”

Haaretz – by Noa Landau

In language steeped in Biblical references, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence addressed a special session of Knesset on Monday, on the first day of his visit in Israel and announced that the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem will open by the end of 2019.

In his remarks, Pence said America was committed to forging a “lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians” and called on the Palestinians – who are boycotting his visit – to return to the negotiating table.   Continue reading “Pence Tells Israeli Lawmakers: U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem Will Open Before End of 2019”

World Events and the Bible

With 25,339 Murders In 2017, Mexico Suffers Record Homicide Tally
There were more than 25,000 murders across drug-ravaged Mexico in 2017, the highest annual tally since modern records began, government data showed.

Investigators opened 25,339 murder probes last year, up nearly 25 percent from the 2016 tally, interior ministry data released on Saturday showed. It was the highest annual total since the government began counting murders in 1997.   Continue reading “State Of The World: Mexico Record Murders, Venezuela Unrest, Crime Swamps Sweden”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Our Heavenly Father will not bless a nation who lives contrary to His Word, that is just a fact of life. Our nation has strayed so far away from Him and common sense that daily we see headlines like these…

Hiring more illegal immigrants will not help the American tax payer, it only destroys him. Yet, both of the parties that supposedly represent the people continue to allow it and even assist with it.
Continue reading “State Of The Union: Same-Sex Marriage At West Point, US Firms Hire Illegals, Bombs In Florida Mall”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Gooooood morning America! Are you ready to get sick? Of course you are! It is Monday morning, the sun has not even risen, the government is shut down and Planned Parenthood who is funded by the same shutdown government is now looking to increase their profit margin…

I mean killing innocent babies is just not enough for these guys. No, now they seek to add to their profit margin and up their level of perversion by providing sex-change therapy for minors.
Continue reading “Planned Parenthood Taps Into Sex-Change ‘Therapy’ For Minors As New Revenue Source”

New York Post – by Dean Balsamini

The city’s police-officers union is cracking down on the number of “get out of jail free” courtesy cards distributed to cops to give to family and friends.

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch slashed the maximum number of cards that could be issued to current cops from 30 to 20, and to retirees from 20 to 10, sources told The Post.   Continue reading “Police union slashes number of ‘get out of jail free’ cards issued”