Breitbart – by Lucas Nolan

Billionaire Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has announced that he will be donating $33 million to create college scholarships for 1,000 DREAMers — illegal immigrants brought into America by their parents.

Politico reports that Bezos, the billionaire CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, will be donating $33 million alongside his wife MacKenzie Bezos to create college scholarships for illegal immigrant DREAMers. Bezos donation is being made to TheDream.US, a nonprofit group founded by the former owner of the Washington Post, Don Graham. According to TheDream.US website, the group is “working to help over 4,000 highly motivated DREAMers graduate from college with career-ready degrees. DREAMers are immigrant youth who came to this country at a very young age without documentation.”   Continue reading “Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Announces $33 Million in Scholarships for 1000 Illegal Immigrants”

The Intercept – by Glenn Greenwald

LEADING CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS have spent the last year relentlessly accusing Donald Trump of being controlled by or treasonously loyal to a hostile foreign power. Over the last several months, they have added to those disloyalty charges a new set of alleged crimes: abusing the powers of the executive branch — including the Justice Department and FBI — to vindictively punish political opponents while corruptly protecting the serious crimes of his allies, including his own family members and possibly himself.   Continue reading “The Same Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as a Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Just Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Powers”

Global Research – by Hans Stehling

Oprah Winfrey in her powerful speech at the 2018 Golden Globes awards said that ‘Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have’.

And the truth for America today is that our legislative assembly, the Congress of the United States of America and the US Presidency, have both been corrupted by the pro-Israel lobby to an extent that it impacts not only the life of every ordinary American citizen but also that of hundreds of thousands in states around the world.   Continue reading “The Role of The Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics”

Daily Mail

Twitter users are telling President Donald Trump that no Norwegian would ever give up access to free healthcare and a longer life expectancy to move to his ‘s**thole country.

Trump made headlines on Thursday when he lashed out in a meeting with lawmakers about immigration reform, demanding to know why the US should accept citizens from what he called ‘s**thole’ countries.   Continue reading “Twitter tells Trump no one from Norway wants to move to US”

The Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

“I saw the unthinkable: another human in a wheelchair being wheeled out in the dead of cold,” Imamu Baraka said of the horrifying scene he witnessed earlier this week.

“At first I was shocked. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. And I move beyond that to the next level from being shocked. I became … irritated and fearful for the young lady. And then I became angry,” he told the Associated Press.   Continue reading “Caught On Camera: Baltimore Hospital Dumps Patient On Street In Gown In Frigid Weather”

Times of Israel

Right-wing media outlet Israel National News published an opinion piece Tuesday calling on Israel to launch nuclear bombs at Iran and Germany, only days after the outlet came under fire for publishing a piece accusing a war widow of killing her husband over her pro-peace views.

In the opinion article published Tuesday, the author claims that only through nuclear annihilation of Iran and Germany, with 20 or 30 nuclear bombs each, can Israelis prevent the state’s destruction.   Continue reading “Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran”


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump on Friday denied describing certain nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting in which he rejected a bipartisan deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

He also denied demanding that Haitians be removed from negotiations about protected status for people from certain countries.   Continue reading “Trump denies making ‘shithole countries’ comment”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

The Israeli military’s Civil Administration, which enforces policy in the occupied West Bank, has on Wednesday approved 1,122 new housing units across 20 different settlements across the occupied territory, according to NGO Peace Now.

Tenders for some 651 of the units were published Wednesday, including in Emanuel, Ariel, Adam, Maale Adumim and Beitar Illit. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman says planning to advance 2,500 more homes in also to be approved this week.   Continue reading “Israel Civil Administration Approves 1,122 New Settlement Houses”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Silver Spring, MD – Veteran Montgomery County police officer Todd Archer will not be criminally charged in spite of the fact that he shot an unarmed person during a traffic stop. Body camera footage from the incident showed the officer attempt to smash the window of the car with his firearm but ended up accidentally firing off the gun instead. The driver of the car was shot and wounded. Luckily they were able to survive the attack.  Continue reading “Insane Cop Smashes Man’s Car Window with His Gun, Accidentally Shoots Him – No Charges”

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

“Virtually every human ailment has some basis in our genes.” [1] What affects human genes? Here are some of the more commonly recognized “triggers”: Genetics, epigenetics, environmental factors, chemicals, nutrition or lack thereof, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), radiofrequencies (RFs), and even medical procedures like ionizing radiation X-rays [2] and chemotherapy [3].   Continue reading “Your UNIVERSAL RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT Denied By Vaccine Pushers”

The Organic Prepper

Most preppers don’t live out in the boonies without television, internet, satellite, or some kind of streaming system for entertainment. Lots of us enjoy kicking back and watching a movie or program, particularly if we can tie it in with our lifestyle.

We’ve talked about choices for your prepper movie marathon and series to binge-watch, but what if you’re looking for something non-fictional?  Forget the overblown shows that are designed to make us all look like fruitcakes. Check out some programs that showcase real survival skills.  Continue reading “Reality TV: Survival Style”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A loophole in the new U.S. tax law could allow multinational corporations like Apple Inc to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes on profits stashed overseas, according to experts.

Stemming from a Republican overhaul of international business taxes, the loophole involves the tax rates – 15.5 percent or 8 percent – that companies must pay on $2.6 trillion in profits they are holding abroad.   Continue reading “Corporations may dodge billions in U.S. taxes through new loophole: experts”

Mashable – by Karissa Bell

Just how close are you willing to get to your wearables? Smart underwear company Myant will soon find out.

The company’s just opened up pre-orders for Skiin, its new line of “smart” underwear and bras, tech-filled undergarments that can track what’s happening in your body and even control your smart home.   Continue reading “Of course you can control your smart home with your underwear”