Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

During an April 8, Esquire interview Rep. Eric Swalwell made clear his belief that the U.S. should follow Australia and New Zealand’s lead on confiscatory gun controls.

He said, “Do what Australia did, do what New Zealand did. They’ve shown us—Australia in the 90s, New Zealand just this week—that courage in doing the right thing can protect people.”  Continue reading “Eric Swalwell: U.S. Needs Australian, New Zealand-Style Gun Control”


Both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Benny Gantz claimed victory for their parties in tightly contested elections to the 21st Knesset.

Preliminary exit polls by Israel’s Channel 12 put Gantz’ Blue and White party on track to take 37 seats, with Netanyahu’s Likud taking 33. Another poll by Channel 13 puts Netanyahu and Gantz neck and neck, with their respective parties both claiming 36 votes, while Channel 11 reports Netanyahu taking 36 seats to Gantz’ 37.  Continue reading “PM Netanyahu and Gantz both declare victory as Israeli exit polls show tight results”

Yahoo News

A day after Donald Trump designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organisation, reports are reemerging of the Trump Organization’s alleged participation in a scheme that likely helped the IRGC launder money to fund its interests abroad.

The US government made the unprecedented move to blacklist another country’s military because, Mr Trump said, the IRGC “actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft”.  Continue reading “Trump’s ‘business ties’ to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards reemerge, a day after he designated it a terror group”

Middle East Monitor

Incumbent Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lost today’s general election to his biggest rival Benny Gantz.

Gantz has emerged victorious in the first exit polls, which survey voters but are not the final result. The exit polls have been known to change, but mark the first indication of voting patterns after the country’s polling stations closed at 22:00 local time [19:00 GMT, 20:00 BST].  Continue reading “Netanyahu loses Israel election, exit polls show”

Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover-up” discussions related to the Clinton email system within Platte River Networks, one of the vendors who managed the Clinton email system. The documents also show Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Charles McCullough forwarding “concerns” about classified information in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.  Continue reading “Judicial Watch Uncovers ‘Cover-Up’ Discussions in Latest Production of Clinton Email Documents”

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CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico, April 8 (Reuters) – Isel Rojas put his dream of leaving Cuba on hold when the United States ended a generous immigration policy for island residents. But watching coverage of migrant caravans heading from Central America toward the United States on Cuban television last year, he began to see a new path.

One morning in January, he woke up and told his wife he was finally ready. Fifteen days later, he was gone.  Continue reading “Inspired by migrant caravans, new wave of Cubans seek U.S. asylum”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Davis Taylor

AUSTIN, Texas (April 8, 2019) – A bill introduced in the Texas Senate would prohibit vaccines from being administered unless certain safety criteria are met. Passage of the bill would significantly strengthen vaccine safety testing requirements and push back against any future federal vaccine mandates.

Sen. Bob Hall (R) introduced Senate Bill 2350 (SB2350) on March 8. The legislation would only permit a health care provider to administer a vaccine if all of the following criteria are met.  Continue reading “Texas Bill Would Increase Vaccine Safety, Reject Federal Narrative”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

Imagine a dystopian science-fiction future where hospital ventilation systems are pumping out a deadly superbug, right into the open atmosphere, where winds carry it to local communities and farms, infecting crops and foods with chemical-resistant fungal strains that have a reported 41% – 88% fatality rate in humans. And imagine the CDC knew about it, but refused to tell you which hospitals were infected. Local hospitals hid the fact that their own hospital rooms and intensive care units were being overrun with this fatal fungi, and that all the world’s epidemiological experts had no idea where the pathogen had come from or how to stop it.  Continue reading “MEDICAL ALERT: Hospitals are releasing deadly superbug fungi into the open air, “colonizing” the population with dangerous pathogens that have a 41% – 88% fatality rate”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

We noted Monday that just hours after President Trump formally designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization, Iran’s foreign ministry responded in kind, immediately put forward a bill placing US Central Command on a list of organizations designated as terrorists, akin to Daesh.  Continue reading “On Election Eve Netanyahu Boasts Trump Designated Iran’s Guards At His Request”


NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency in parts of Brooklyn on Tuesday in response to a measles outbreak, requiring unvaccinated people living in the affected areas to get the vaccine or face fines.

The city’s largest measles outbreak since 1991 has mainly been confined to the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg, with 285 cases confirmed since October, de Blasio said at a news conference.  Continue reading “NYC mayor orders mandatory measles vaccinations after Brooklyn outbreak”

The Week – by Joel Mathis

Did you know there are socialists in the Midwest?

Americans are used to the country’s vast rural hinterlands being depicted as Trump Territory — and variants on socialism attributed to East Coast intellectuals and pointy-headed Vermonters. But the socialist movement has deep historical roots in “flyover country”: In the early 20th century, the tiny town of Girard, Kansas was a hub of American socialism, as was Madison, Wisconsin. These days, as The Atlantic outlines, a growing number of young adults in Iowa are at the forefront of the movement.  Continue reading “3 reasons why socialism is gaining popularity in America”

Global Research – by Philip Giraldi

One of the more interesting aspects of the relentless march of the Israel Lobby in the United States is the extent to which it has expanded its reach down into the state and even local level. Previously, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the hundreds of other Jewish and Christian Zionist organization dedicated to promoting Israeli interests had concentrated on the federal government level and the media, believing correctly that those were the key players in benefiting Israel while also making sure that its public image was highly favorable. The media was the easy part as American Jews were already well placed in the industry and inclined to be helpful. It also turned out that many Congressmen and the political parties themselves had their hands out and were just waiting to be bought, so “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be a lot easier than had been anticipated.   Continue reading “There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics”

Yahoo News

The robots are coming to the world’s largest big-box retailer.

This year, Walmart (WMT) plans an aggressive expansion of technology that will automate a range of low-level tasks within its fleet of U.S. stores, freeing up its associates to do more specialized work.  Continue reading “Walmart plans to add thousands of robot helpers to U.S. stores”

Daily Mail

Five whistleblowing workers at the only NHS transgender clinic in Britain have quit over fears children as young as three are going through unnecessary gender reassignment treatment.

The clinicians from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic based in London and Leeds left over concerns children were being incorrectly diagnosed with gender dysphoria.  Continue reading “End the transgender ‘unregulated live experiment on children’ say whistleblowing workers who have quit clinic treating patients as young as THREE”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Los Angeles, CA — As active readers of the Free Thought Project know, police sexual misconduct is a widespread problem. Second only to police brutality complaints, sexual misconduct complaints are rampant throughout all 50 states. Tragically, many of these crimes are committed against society’s most vulnerable—children. As the following case out of Los Angeles illustrates, even the daughters of police officers are not off limits when it comes to predator cops.  Continue reading “LAPD Cop Guilty of Raping Fellow Cop’s 13-year-old Daughter In Their Home”

The Telegraph – by Katie Morely

Waitrose has apologised over “racist” Easter ducks after customers complained that the dark brown one was labelled as “ugly”.

An £8 trio of white, milk and dark chocolate Easter ducklings caused offence among a “small number” of customers for being labelled as “fluffy”, “crispy” and “ugly”. Continue reading “Waitrose pulls chocolate ducklings from sale after complaints of racism”


How often do police officers use the excuse that they smelled marijuana to justify searching people and cars?

If you get into a car accident in Texas would you expect the police to order a “forced blood draw” because they claimed to smell marijuana?  Continue reading “Chief Deputy Claims Airbag Deployment Smelled Like Marijuana”

Reason – by C.J. Ciaramella

When two Nashville police officers responded to a home burglary report in 2014, they found Alexander Baxter hiding in a basement. Baxter put his hands in the air. Nevertheless, the police unleashed a K-9 unit, which bit Baxter under his armpit.

Baxter sued the officers for excessive force, but in 2018 the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, whether or not Baxter’s rights were violated, the officers were immune from his lawsuit. It wasn’t clearly established, the court said, that using a police dog to apprehend him while his hands were raised was unconstitutional.  Continue reading “Police Sicced a Dog on a Surrendering Man. Will the Supreme Court Review the Doctrine That Gave Them Immunity?”