In The News Today

ITNT NEWS – A growing list of coronavirus ‘news’ reports using the number 33, has emerged. “Coincidence”, of course, is most folks their response when they get to see the list, and coincidence may indeed be possible.

Nonetheless, it is at least… bizarre. Without having to travel down into any ‘rabbit holes’. Continue reading “Bizarre: Coronavirus and the Number 33”

ABC News

As the U.S. braces for possible wider spread of the novel coronavirushealth officials are warning business leaders to make preparations for managing a workforce that can’t come into the workplace.

“We’re trying to figure out how to keep the business going when people can’t get to the office,” Peter Cappelli, a professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources, told ABC News.  Continue reading “As coronavirus spreads in the US, employers gear up for massive work-from-home experiment”

Christians for Truth

The European Jewish Congress announced that it is recommending new editions of the Bible be published with warnings about which passages are “antisemitic”:  Continue reading “Jews Demand that Bible Be Censored Because It Portrays Them As They Really Are”

Tom Mick

After spending the last 9 years literally immersed in the slime of politics and corruption, I am sick to my very soul. It isn’t the corrupt bastards that cause my infirmity, but the continued ignore-ance of the people who should be putting a stop to it! As a writer, I have been TRYING to get people to use their brain and THINK about the things they’re told to believe in… in all aspects of life, not just politics, but most are too comfortable in lies and unwilling to embrace and adjust to truth. Continue reading “The Constitution has been abrogated since 1861”

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Archive: TWFTT 3-3-20

Breitbart – by John Binder

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is promising to reinstate welfare-dependent legal immigration to the United States, taking the side of corporate interests over American taxpayers.

Warren’s “Dignity for Farmworkers and Food Chain Workers” plan vows to end President Trump’s recently implemented “Public Charge” rule that prevents known welfare-users to permanently resettle in the U.S. by obtaining a green card. Continue reading “Elizabeth Warren Vows to Reinstate Welfare-Dependent Immigration to U.S.”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

An attendee at the March 2, 2020, Fox News town hall asked Mike Bloomberg why he pushes gun control for the common man but surrounds himself with armed security.

The attendee said, “You have an armed security detail that is likely equipped with the same firearms and magazines you seek to ban the common citizen from owning. Does your life matter more than mine or my family’s?” Continue reading “Bloomberg Tries to Defend Using Armed Guards While Pushing Gun Control”

The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

Cibola County, New Mexico Sheriff Tony Mace says he and other sheriffs from around the state are meeting with attorneys this week as they get ready to file suit over the state’s new red flag law, signed last week by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.During the signing ceremony, Grisham said that sheriffs who weren’t prepared to enforce the new law should resign, but Sheriff Mace and other sheriffs are taking the matter to court instead. Mace saod that the sheriffs will be holding meetings with several different attorneys over the next few weeks to discuss litigation strategies before filing suit to block the law from taking effect. Continue reading “New Mexico Sheriffs preparing to sue over red flag law”

Investment Watch

Charles Lieber received: $50,000 a month in salary
$158,000 in annual expenses
$1.5 million to start a research lab at Wuhan University of Technology – FROM CHINA!  Continue reading “HARVARD professor who received $1.5 million from CHINA to start a research lab at WUHAN arrested”


Fairfax, VA – -( In the last year, gun owners across the U.S. have watched in horror as California has rolled out its byzantine and unworkable ammunition restrictions. Since July 1, 2019, gun owners in the Golden State have been required to undergo a background check each time they purchase ammunition. The program has been a disaster. In December, the Sacramento Bee reported that tens of thousands of law-abiding Californians have been improperly denied ammunition purchases under the program, while only 101 were prohibited persons who were rejected. According to the report, “[b]etween July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice.” Continue reading “Aloha to Freedom: Hawaii Lawmakers Push Severe Ammo Restrictions”

CNS News – by Susan Jones

On stage in Dallas, Texas, Monday night, former Vice President Joe Biden thanked his former political rival Beto O’Rourke for endorsing him.

“I want to make something clear,” Biden said: Continue reading “Biden Tells Beto O’Rourke: ‘You’re Going to Take Care of the Gun Problem With Me’”

Western Journal – by Jack Davis

The Trump administration is investigating possible contamination in a Centers for Disease Control lab that has been producing coronavirus test kits.

The Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement regarding its efforts to address concerns about the virus testing kits, according to AxiosContinue reading “Trump Admin Orders Investigation of Potential Contamination of CDC Lab Producing Coronavirus Kits”

Fox News

A federal judge Monday granted a request from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sit for a sworn deposition to answer questions about her use of a private email server to conduct government business.

Clinton has argued that she has already answered questions about this and should not have to do so again, but D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth said in his ruling that her past responses left much to be desired. Continue reading “Federal judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition to address private emails: ‘Still more to learn’”

Dear Trenchers,

I am slowly recovering after Koyote’s passing. I am requesting prayers that the Lord will assist me in selling the power wheelchair that belonged to Koyote so I may continue paying bills. For those that pray I ask that you please include Jill in OKC in your prayers. Thank you.

Jill in OKC