At least 43,000 American millionaires who are too rich to get coronavirus stimulus checks are getting a far bigger boost — averaging $1.6 million each, according to a congressional committee. Continue reading “Over 43,000 US millionaires will get ‘stimulus’ averaging $1.6 million each”
Month: April 2020
•Phase One was retail. •Phase two was distribution. •Phase three was the space between processing/manufacturing and distribution. •Phase four was raw material supply to manufacturing. •Phase five is consumer packaging capacity, and bulk storage inventories. Continue reading “Phase Five Supply Chain – With a Message From A Dairy Farmer….”
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Archive: TWFTT 4-17-20
Market Watch – by Jeffry Bartash
It took 10 years for the U.S. economy to create 23 million new jobs. It took the coronavirus pandemic just a month to destroy almost as many. Continue reading “Coronavirus erases almost all the 23 million new jobs created since the Great Recession”
The CBC wants to put an end to misinformation during the coronavirus era. If only they weren’t so prolific themselves when it comes to spreading misinformation. Continue reading “Watch the CBC own themselves while trying to combat coronavirus ‘misinformation”
The other day Syrian Girl, who by now probably long finished her PhD in chemistry in Australia, posted the video below summing up what we know about the history of the coronavirus. We know it but the Corporate Media does not. They skipped over the fact that this virus has Crisper cutting marks where the HIV virus was spliced into it. Continue reading “Bill Gates 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung Attacking Virus.”
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
-Brock Chilsholm, first director-general of the World Health Organization
Campus Reform – by Katie Everett
Sophie Lewis, a scholar at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research and a frequent speaker at American universities, wrote an article suggesting that the coronavirus pandemic should push Americans to abolish the family. Continue reading “Feminist says coronavirus shows ‘it’s time to abolish the family’”
Keep an eye out for a shiny new quarter with a raised image of fruit bats and be careful not to let the coin fly out of your wallet or pocket. Continue reading “1st America the Beautiful quarters of 2020 features a fruit bat mother and her pup”
Two weeks ago we reported how the “steepest decline in global oil consumption ever recorded” spelled negative prices for crude in what Goldman’s Jeffrey Currie as “the largest economic shock of our lifetimes.” Continue reading “Wholesale Gasoline Hits 12 Cents A Gallon In Midwest”
Ever since governors started calling up national guard units last month, the Pentagon has insisted that the soldiers remain firmly under the command of the governors that called them up, and that the Pentagon isn’t using the troops to plan for any federal ‘secret missions’ or ‘martial law’, should the crisis spiral out of control and threaten ‘continuity of government’. Continue reading “‘Secret’ National Guard Unit Ready To Enforce ‘Martial Law’ In Washington DC”
Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks
A Maryland county is proposing assigning days that people are allowed to go to grocery and convenience stores based on what letter their last name begins with. Continue reading “Bread Lines Next? Maryland County Proposes Plan to Limit Grocery Shopping Trips Based on Last Names”
Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan
“While you have been incarcerated at home, discouraged from traveling at all, the US government has flown 1,003 so-called Special Immigrant Visa holders into the US and distributed them around the country,” Refugee Resettlement Watch’s Ann Corcoran reports. Continue reading “What Shutdown? U.S. Has Reportedly Flown In Over 1,000 Afghan ‘Refugees’ In Last Four Weeks”
Daily Caller – by Scott Morefield
Fox News host Tucker Carlson wasn’t happy with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) response to his program’s inquiry about its attempts to lower the adverse affect wage rate in order to help U.S. companies “bring in more foreign workers.” Continue reading “‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ Asked The USDA Why It Wants To Import Foreign Workers And Pay Them Less”