
Amid ongoing global vaccination efforts, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has stood out for its side effects, with health authorities around the world reporting dozens of cases of potentially lethal blood clots in the brain. Dozens of nations have temporarily restricted the jab’s use, or issued updated guidelines for the preparation’s use.

Princess Michael of Kent has been ill for a month and is suffering from blood clots after getting her two doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, The Sun reports, citing a source close to the princess. Continue reading “Princess of Kent Reportedly Develops Blood Clots After Getting AstraZeneca’s Covid Jab”

The Daily Mail

Schools are increasingly sanctioning the use of male names for girls as young as 13 without the consent of their parents.

An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found three mothers discovered schools had allowed their daughters to be called by boys’ names without first being consulted.  Continue reading “Schools are giving biological girls as young as 13 boys’ names and using them on official documents without telling their parents”

Right Scoop – by Fred T.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.

Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave. Continue reading “Space Force CO gets CANNED for saying MARXISM and Critical Race Theory ruling the military is BAD”

Great Game India

It was revealed recently during the Texas Senate Committee hearing that COVID-19 vaccine trials in animals were stopped because they kept dying.

This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding mandatory vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas – the Senate Bill SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in TexasContinue reading “COVID Vaccine Trials In Animals Were Stopped Because They Kept Dying, Revealed In Texas Senate Hearing”

Yahoo News

A suspect is in custody after a 4-year-old boy was found slain in the middle of a Dallas street early Saturday with “multiple wounds” from what police believe was some kind of edged weapon.

The Dallas Police Department confirmed the arrest of an adult male late Saturday, but stopped short of identifying the suspect and gave no further details on the brutal killing of the tot.  Continue reading “Suspect in Custody After 4-Year-Old Found Slain in Dallas Street With ‘Multiple Wounds’”


As normality filters back into American lives after a year of lockdowns, hospitals and other institutions are busy making provisions for one aspect of that old normal they would rather consign to the past – mass shootings.

Last year was the least deadly for U.S. mass shootings in a decade, a Reuters tally shows. Continue reading “Mass shooting insurance in high demand as U.S. emerges from lockdown”

Rebel News – by Sheila Gunn Reid

The scandal was first mentioned as a throw away line in a CBC News story from 2020 on the increased fighter jet air traffic over London, Ontario:

Have you noticed fighter jets flying over London? Here’s why: Right now the Malaysian air force is training in the skies over the Forest City

Continue reading “Minister of Transport approved Chinese fighter pilot training in Canadian airspace”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Prince Harry is still new to North America, and perhaps is still adjusting to some of its customs. For example, the First Amendment, which he dismissed as “bonkers” during a recent interview.

The comments inspired backlash online, with some critics calling for the young prince (who will almost certainly never be king) to “go back to England” in a series of hostile tweets. Continue reading ““Go Back To England” – Prince Harry Elicits Backlash After Criticizing “Bonkers” First Amendment”


The destruction of two important Gaza buildings housing 20 media outlets was both shocking and predictable. History shows that if the media aren’t around to document Israel’s war crimes, it’s a lot easier for it to commit them.

On Tuesday, Israel bombed the 10-storey Al-Jawhara Tower, causing it to collapse. Before doing so, it had ‘benevolently’ warned that the airstrikes were coming. The following day, it bombed the 14-storey Al-Shorouk Tower, also giving warning it was going to do so. Continue reading “Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow”

Yahoo News

A day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new masking guidelines, retailers started announcing changes to mask policies for fully vaccinated customers.

Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco and Publix were the first to confirm updates to mask requirements, leading the way for mask-free shopping except where required by state or local mandate. In some cases, vaccinated store employees can also go to work without a mask. Continue reading “Walmart, Costco, Trader Joe’s, Publix no longer require masks for vaccinated customers, Starbucks starts Monday”

Interesting Engineering – by Brad Bergan

Electronics are getting imperceptibly small, opening new avenues for medical technology to place advanced monitoring and treatment devices inside our bodies. And Columbia University engineers just demonstrated a new and revolutionary version of this, creating the world’s smallest single-chip system ever developed, according to a recent study published in the journal Science Advances.

And, critically, the tiny new chip can be implanted via a hypodermic needle to measure internal body temperature, and potentially much more.

Continue reading “The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a New Cybernetic Medicine”

Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program. Continue reading “Uncovered – A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center”

Americas Frontline Doctors

Monotti Protocol Producer Robin Monotti Graziadei today forwarded a message he received from singer Eric Clapton in which Clapton reports adverse reactions he suffered after submitting to the shot, regrets having undergone the procedure, and asks, “where have all the rebels gone?”
Continue reading “Eric Clapton after COVID vaccination: ‘I should never have gone near the needle’”

Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks

The Biden administration has revoked more of former President Donald Trump’s executive orders, including the “Preventing Online Censorship” and “Protecting American Monuments” orders from last May and July.

The administration also revoked the Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes, Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance To Advance American Influence, Building the National Garden of American HeroesBuilding the National Garden of American Heroes, and Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform executive orders.  Continue reading “Biden Admin Revokes Trump’s Executive Orders to Protect Monuments and Combat Online Censorship”