By MIKE MCRAE – Science Alert

mri machine

A 57-year-old Wisconsin woman received superficial wounds to her right buttock earlier this year when a concealed firearm on her person was subjected to the powerful magnetism of an MRI device. Continue reading “US Woman Takes Her Gun Into an MRI Scanner And Gets Seriously Lucky”

By Rishma Parpia – The Vaccine Reaction

District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) students who failed to get the school district’s mandated vaccines were prohibited from attending school beginning Dec. 5, 2023. At the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, 23,000 DC public school students had not received all the mandated vaccines.1

Continue reading “Washington, DC Will Not Allow Unvaccinated Students to Get a Public School Education”

By Sakchi Khandelwal – BNN

The Canadian military has rolled out a groundbreaking policy requiring the availability of menstrual products, including tampons and pads, in men’s washrooms throughout military bases. This directive, part of a broader commitment towards an inclusive environment, is designed to cater to the needs of all service members, notably those identifying as transgender or non-binary. Continue reading “Canadian Military Mandates Menstrual Products in Men’s Washrooms: A Leap for Inclusivity”

By Dave DeCamp –

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday rejected international pressure for a ceasefire in Gaza and signaled the brutal assault will continue for months or even longer. Continue reading “Israel Rejects International Pressure for Ceasefire, Signals Gaza Onslaught Will Go on for Months or Longer”

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Russia warns that the U.S. military is creating a mega pandemic in Ukraine labs

Russia has released evidence that the U.S. military is secretly working on creating a deadly new pandemic in Ukraine biolabs which will be unleashed onto the public within the next year. Continue reading “Russia Warns US Military Creating New Deadly ‘Mega Pandemic’ in Ukraine Lab”

By Libby Emmons – The Post Millennial

Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds under fire over Satanic idol and altar on display at Iowa state capitol at Christmastime

An Iowa lawmaker has demanded that Governor Kim Reynolds remove the Satanic display from the Iowa Capitol building. Brad Sherman doesn’t just want to remove the Satanic, mirrored, caped statue of Baphomet, complete with a black and red “holiday wreath” with a pentagram in the center, but wants to make sure nothing like this happens again. The display was placed by the Iowa chapter of the Satanic Temple. Sherman called the display “disgusting.” Continue reading “Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds under fire over Satanic idol and altar on display at Iowa state capitol at Christmastime”


Medicare death data proves the COVID vaccines are killing people

Executive summary

If you do a simple plot of the absolute number of deaths per day after a vaccine shot is given vs. the number of days that have elapsed since the shot, other than for a brief 21-day period after the shot, the number of deaths per day will always monotonically decline over time in a safe vaccine. But for the COVID vaccine, it monotonically increases over time for 365 days straight. Continue reading “Medicare death data proves the COVID vaccines are killing people”


The White House is concerned about allegations that Israel used white phosphorus supplied by the U.S. during an attack in southern Lebanon, a spokesman said Monday. Continue reading “White House demands more information after Israel ‘used US-made white phosphorous during attack on Lebanon that injured nine’”