‘Dead baby’ found in Queens park appears to be hoax

New York Post

They were dead wrong.

Cops and medics were so duped by a diapered doll made to look like a baby’s decomposing body near a Queens park on Tuesday that they pronounced it “dead” and spent hours at the scene before figuring out it was just a toy. 

Authorities established a perimeter, set up a crime tent over the “body” and brought in someone with a hazmat suit — only to learn it was a doll in a onesie that read, “The Crawling Dead.”
“You don’t need to go to college and study forensics to figure out it’s a doll. This is beyond unbelievable,” said neighbor Bob O’Connell, 59.

“Couldn’t you tell it wasn’t a human being within 15 minutes?”

The debacle began when a woman called 911 to report the body of an infant lying facedown in a grassy patch across from Crocheron Park around 7:40 a.m., according to police sources.

Police, who arrived at the scene shortly after, found the purple-hued “baby” in question but didn’t actually touch it, sources said.

EMS workers then arrived three minutes later and pronounced it dead, the sources said.

The FDNY refused to explain how its professional medics didn’t immediately realize the toy wasn’t real, saying only that it is investigating what happened.

The NYPD said in a statement that it worked “first and foremost to preserve and protect the potential crime scene, and gather evidence so any perpetrator could be apprehended.”

Roughly two dozen police officers descended on the scene.
At around 10 a.m., a van from the Medical Examiner’s Office arrived and someone in a hazmat suit then examined the faux corpse.

Finally, about an hour later, officials finally determined the “dead baby” was, in fact, a realistic doll, according to a spokeswoman for the ME’s Office.

An officer then zipped the toy into an evidence bag and cops took down the crime-scene tape.

“The thing looked completely real. We all have kids and it looked like a real baby,” one cop at the scene protested.

“It was meant to be found. It looked like a movie prop.”

Police are looking to speak with the caller, who didn’t give her name, and are looking into whether the whole thing was a twisted prank, according to a high-ranking police source.

But one witness said the caller, a jogger, looked shaken by the sight.

“She was very upset,” said the witness.

Neighbors were stunned by how long it took officials to figure the situation out — and that anyone would leave out such a deceptive doll.

“It’s nonsense bringing out all these police and then finding out it’s a fake doll. Nonsense that people did that to make it look real,” said Alexander Lara, 19. “It’s insane.”


2 thoughts on “‘Dead baby’ found in Queens park appears to be hoax

  1. “Neighbors were stunned by how long it took officials to figure the situation out — and that anyone would leave out such a deceptive doll.”

    I’m disappointed it wasn’t filled with C4, and set to go off when moved (by pigs only).

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