Did Hillary Clinton Have Epileptic Seizure On Camera?

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Conservative Outfitters

WASHINGTON – The internet is scratching it’s head after strange videos of Hillary Clinton surfaced online. Users of popular websites Reddit and 4chan after asking questions about Hillary Clinton’s health after she appears to have an epileptic seizure on camera. The video in question was recorded by NBC News in June.  

It’s worth noting Hillary Clinton’s health has been on voter’s minds for awhile now. Hillary is frequently seen suffering from violent coughing fits on the campaign trail. Sometimes the violent coughing fits leave her unable to speak for minutes at a time.

Watch the two videos below showing both angles and decided for yourself. Did Hillary Clinton have a seizure? What do you think? Is Hillary Clinton healthy enough to be Commander-in-chief?




23 thoughts on “Did Hillary Clinton Have Epileptic Seizure On Camera?

  1. No , she’s just acting like an idiot as usual
    And trying to appear jovial in an effort not to blow up at those women for barraging her with 20 questions all at once

    Let the truth be known , if the cameras weren’t there and it was just her in a room with them
    She would have blown a gasket and told them all to go fu@k themselves in the most vial way

    This pile of puke ain’t fooling me , there isn’t anything humorous about how she conducts herself when away from the public eyes

    1. More than likely you’re correct. Maybe it was her inner succubus trying to escape and rip those women’s throats out for hammering her with questions. She probably dropped a litter of devil babies and she is regurgitating cuz she ate her young.

  2. I don’t think it was a seizure, but a reaction of ice to her brain and all the drugs she’s on, legal and otherwise.

    1. Agreed. She’s the Grande Dame Mother of Darkness. You don’t get a title like that unless you’re possessed.

  3. Seriously…someone is reaching…very strongly. She obviously is a smug jackass being dramatic about these media whores being up her ass when she turns around.

  4. She was “just practicing” for her Presidential acceptance speech! If she’s installed, we’re all gonna have to take a hit off the ole bourbon bottle and we’ll all be cluckin’ like chickens, because we were too chickenshit to do anything about it. If anyone cared, she’d be wearing an orange suit in a Federal penitentiary. Instead, she’s running for the Presidency.

  5. I am of the firm belief that ALL high-ranking members of the criminal zio-cabal have access to cure ANY illness that may befall them. The most loyal always seem to live extraordinarily long healthy lives and that’s probably just another perk to sweeten their earthly pot. Thankfully, they have to answer for their actions someday. Boo f’g hoo! BUUUURRRNNNNN MF’S!!!

  6. For Christ’s sake.
    Can this b!tch die of scicocellonemia. ..already.
    I’m sure she can’t wait to be ……. head supreme dk.
    Oh… by the way… Huma will be answering the red phone if you call at 2 a.m.
    In fact I think they’re planning a Caligula love fest in the Lincoln bedroom after the inauguration.
    Huma is answering the red phone.
    Press #1 on the menu to report an International Incident.
    Because Huma’s to busy…watching Mr. Weiners new kike dk pics on slutbook.
    Nothing worse then a carpet munching lovers scorn.
    Huma for VP……!
    Fk that other dude… where did that guy come from…?
    I guess he’s another accessory to the crime now.
    Nothing that a good stake burning won’t take care of.

  7. She did something weird in one of the debates, i thought she was drinking or on some drug. Same here bug eyes, and acts strange in comparison to her normal stupid. In the first one i recognized a lady Politician behind her, the Black lady w glasses

  8. Nope, that’s pure demonic possession. I think the evil spirits were jumping in and out of her body at the wrong time.

    I’ve told everyone time and again, she ain’t human. She’s a demon. If anything, she’s Satan’s wife.

  9. I’m sure it’s demons acting up, as once a person is possessed they are not in control. Hillary has been communicating with Eleanor Roosevelt for a long time. If they were not holding this body up Hellery would just crumble. She also recently fell into the plane as she was stepping in, she fell flat on her face after giving her political wave and fake smiles. It may have been scrubed by now but did happen about a week ago.This woman is sick and half ded already as she also has some goiter growth on her neck.

  10. If Hillary were possessed by a demon, she’d have an excuse for her evil ways. She’d be like that little girl in The Exorcist, unable to control her actions, and thus having no moral responsibility for the things she was doing.

    But I don’t think that’s it. More likely she is actually a demon herself, or possibly some kind of witch who is capable of casting spells on people that magically turn them into idiots.

  11. Diagnosis – filthy whore c\/|\/t
    Cure – 62 gr x 2 to the face
    Homeopathic cure – tard hemp rope nice and hot baking in the sun x 1 around the neck daily until symptoms are non existent.

    Al those filthy Slam pigs for that matter. If you get that close and are not fighting for your life your nfg either.

  12. Yes, that was a partial seizure. Not all seizures knock you to the ground. Her eye movement gives her away, her head motion gives her away, her temporary lapse in conversation topic gives her away. I know because I have epilepsy.

  13. I have epilepsy…. She had a partial seizure!! Not all of them thrust you to the ground. Hre eyes, head, speech pattern aftermath, all indicate a seizure!!! I would not want the leader of my country on the meds I have to take to keep those away… SLOWS YOUR BRAIN DOWN!!, FORGETFULNESS, SLEEPER.

  14. Yes it was. Seizures change and evolve and are sometimes hard to spot because they can be short and over with quickly.

  15. She was just acting like a retard! No, it wasn’t a seizure, she doesn’t have epilepsy, she was responding to her critics, which many took to be a medical condition. I can do the same thing with my eyes and wobble my head, that doesn’t make it a medical condition. I worked in the medical field for the better part of thirty years, if someone was trying to fake a seizure for disability purposes, that’s the kind of “acting” I would see. It’s quite a stretch to try and call it anything else.

    Don’t get me wrong. I wish it was a brain tumor with a death warrant but we can’t be that lucky.

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