Do Nothing Politicians Hurt Millions Vaxx DANGER Politicians Begin To Speak Out But Is It Too Late?

Wake Up Sheeple

Will the truth be exposed?

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to detail how Senator Ron Johnson and Governor Ron DeSantis may be frauds in their narratives against the vaccine!

Will these politicians really represent our rights, and hold Big Pharma accountable?

Wake Up Sheeple

5 thoughts on “Do Nothing Politicians Hurt Millions Vaxx DANGER Politicians Begin To Speak Out But Is It Too Late?

  1. These politicians are far from do nothing! I do not know why these a$$hats think globalization is a good thing. The first act of war is to cut off your enemies supply lines, fukin retards. That ought to be proof enough that the NWO Great Reset is no joke and all governments and corporations are involved. Politicians will continue to govern, corporations will continue to reap money, the only people hurt are the peasants. Why else are the politicians not worried that the countries supply lines are behind enemy lines? People need to wake up to this $hit and every last CEO present and past need to spend life in prision for treason to the American people for selling out our country for profit and every last Congressman and senator, past and present need to spend life in prison for treason, for manipulating the American labor and outsourcing our jobs to green card holders that help to keep wages down and every last NGO needs shut down.

    1. To begin with, there is no government. There is a corporation. There are no politicians, there are no CEOs as separate entities. They are one and the same. Just ask the “Big Guy’.
      These people have committed not only crimes but atrocities to humanity. They go up against the wall. And the worst of them will be handed over to the people that they may exact sufficient justice to equate to proper redress. For us just shooting and hanging ain’t enough. They have taken life and so it shall cost them their lives.
      As for their technology, it came from the minds of individuals, no two alike. We are all individuals, no two alike.
      It is a blatant attack on our individuality, but you know why it is happening? …. Because we allow it. We could wipe our enemies out in one day if everybody would quit serving the mammon and our people would stand as one people with the Bill of Rights as our battle flag.
      These Mengelas are going to pay. I don’t like any notion that I’m whipped before even a fist has been thrown. We are going to shred these bastards and they know it.

    1. If it’s being promoted and propagated, usually it’s something with discrediting information sprinkled with truth or vice versa. Hang em high!

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