Do you think Western governments are purposely allowing crime to spiral out of control as an excuse to install dystopian, AI-controlled surveillance grids, to “keep you safe”?

4 thoughts on “Do you think Western governments are purposely allowing crime to spiral out of control as an excuse to install dystopian, AI-controlled surveillance grids, to “keep you safe”?

  1. Did they spell his name wrong? Wrote Goldberg but meant to write Goldstein?

    From Orwell’s 1984, a character profile:

    Emmanuel Goldstein:

    “The leader of the rebellion against the party… … Like Big Brother, his influence is felt by all. Some are terrified of the disruption he could bring to their lives, and outwardly denounce him as the Party demands, others like Winston look up to him as a figure of hope. He is more of a legend than anything else. By the end of the novel, it comes into question whether or not this figure ever existed, or if he was created by the Party in order to give them an ever-present enemy.”

    One wonders if there is any existence anywhere without “an ever-present enemy.” One wonders.


  2. What else can be expected of western govts. (and likely all govts.) allowing crime to spiral out of control considering all western governments (and likely all governments) a run by criminals? But of course!
    When fiction (Orwell’s “1984”) becomes non-fiction….. And, thanks to AI and Big Tech, the same will happen with Huxley’s “Brave New World.” Maybe.

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