“End the Fed” Rallies are Exploding Throughout Germany

Screen Shot 2014-06-19 at 3.14.21 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

This is a fascinating development and one that I had no idea was happening until today. It seems that rallies are spreading throughout Germany protesting the corrupt and dying global status quo. One of the key targets of these groups is the U.S. Federal Reserve system, which as I and many others have maintained, is the core cancer infecting the entire planet.  

As I tweeted earlier today:

According to the organizer of these rallies, they have now spread to up to 100 cities and have a combined attendee base of around 20,000. What is also interesting, is that the mainstream media in Germany is calling them Nazis. In Germany, if you don’t support Central Banking, this apparently means you are a Nazi. What a joke. Just more proof mainstream media everywhere is complete and total propaganda. It is also a good sign, since it shows the desperate lengths to which the power structure will go to keep their criminal ponzi alive.

Do these folks seem like Nazis to you?

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger


3 thoughts on ““End the Fed” Rallies are Exploding Throughout Germany

  1. Germany? This is shameful. I guess the Germans realize that Americans are too stupid and/or brainwashed to understand their own banking system, so they’re protesting for us.

    The rest of the world probably views the average American as being supportive of the criminal banking system because we do absolutely nothing to stop it.

    “Silence gives consent”, as the saying goes.

    1. I think the rest of the world does not understand the extent to which Americans are fed propaganda and world news (including news here in the U.S.) is censored. I think they have a feeling that we have more freedoms than we do, and that we are willfully choosing to spend our time frivolously and too stupid to understand what’s going on…. rather than being kept in the dark and having many state-erected barriers to discovering the truth. Yes, I would agree that this important piece of the puzzle is missing: Why do Americans allow all of this to happen? Is it because we are stupid or because we support it? If we only knew, no way would we support it. Yes, indeed “silence gives consent.” It’s just that it’s not for the reason they probably think.

  2. 1: End Usury.

    2: Create Interest free money and interest free credit.

    3: Stop income tax (stealing)

    4: Stop property tax (more stealing)…it’s not private property and you don’t actually own it if you pay a tax.


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