Cops Kick This Woman and Her Two Babies Off the Bus in the Pouring Rain, After She Paid the Fare

The Free Thought Project

A particularly disheartening video was uploaded to facebook late Tuesday night.

It takes place in Rochester, NY on the 4/4X Hudson Regional Transit Service Bus.

The video shows one Regional Transit Officer telling the woman to get off the bus because she hadn’t paid the fare.  

However, according to all the witnesses on the bus, she had already paid the fare.

When she refuses and the crowd voices their support for her, two other police officers board the bus.

The weather happened to be horrible that night. Despite this woman having witnesses of her paying the fare and having two young children, she was thrown out in the rain, like a dog.

How can these officers sleep at night, throwing children out in the rain?

The heartening part of this video is the crowd on the bus refusing to be silent and unafraid of voicing their discontent.


7 thoughts on “Cops Kick This Woman and Her Two Babies Off the Bus in the Pouring Rain, After She Paid the Fare

  1. It’s too bad that the stinking pig bastards weren’t beaten to death on the spot.

    “Look at me. I’m a real tough-guy because I can torture babies and no one can stop me.”

    When our day of glory comes, make sure every one of those steroid-addicted a-holes gets what they have coming.

  2. Ahh another rare instance of the bad cops doing what they do best,terrorizing the citizens. I guess the good ones on that shift were still at the donut shop! Its in your face all over this country now so why if there are all of the good cops that they speak of is this a growing problem? Unicorns/good cops ,same thing,a myth! A good cop would be viewed as a threat just like a patriotic citizen is.

  3. While the cops actions were obviously disgusting I have a few other points/questions to make.

    – The “witnesses” did not appear to be very credible nor did they make an intelligent argument with all of the profanity being slung around.

    – Why didn’t any of the “men” that were standing up for her get off the bus and let her take their place?

    – Or, why did no one else there just re-pay the fare? Including the asshole cop?

    Anyway around it is bullshit.

  4. What a disgusting display of apathy by the cops and the bus driver. I heard one guy say that he paid a second time for her as well. Yet, they still carted her off the bus. I’m so disgusted.

    In the not so long ago past, when I was a child, only a mere 40 years ago, people still had some sense. First of all, most bus drivers that have families of their own or not, would’ve let this slide even if she had not paid. If for some reason the cops were called to some bullshit scene like this, the retired guys I know would have probably taken the bus driver outside and talked some sense to him. How do I know? I witnessed acts like this growing up, first hand.

    These days, very few and I mean very few in government have a heart left. It seems they’ve all gone heavy on the NWO sauce and lost their humanity. It’s fvcking sick.

  5. I’d be waiting with my friend Louie for that POS bus driver who lied, and said she didn’t pay the fare, to get off work.

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