Ex-Breitbart spokesman Kurt Bardella leaves Republican party over its support of Roy Moore


A former Republican spokesperson is leaving his party, citing President Trump and other GOP leaders’ endorsement of Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race as the final straw.

Kurt Bardella said he no longer wants to associate with the Republican party over its support of Moore—an accused child molester—for the Senate.  

“President Trump and the Republican National Committee are endorsing, supporting and funding Moore because they would rather elect a sexual predator who preys on underage teenagers at the local mall, than a crime-fighting prosecutor who happens to be a Democrat,” Bardella wrote in an op-ed for USA Today.

“This is not a party I want to be associated with anymore.”

Bardella, a former Breitbart spokesman, said he no longer believes Republicans are “trustworthy enough to protect innocent children from sexual predators.”

He resigned from Breitbart in 2016 after it failed to support a staffer in a physical alteraction with then-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

He said that sowed the seeds for his ultimate break from the party.

In the op-ed, Bardella accuses President Trump and former Trump White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon of “ignoring legitimate issues about race relations in America, environmental policy, gun reform and equality to instead pander to a lunatic fringe that subscribes to an ideology of hate and fear.”

“This is a party that constantly buries its head in the sand on climate change, racial profiling, guns, LGBTQ equality, income inequality, food insecurity, paid family leave and the treatment of women.”

“The embrace of Moore by the Republican Party’s top ‘leadership’ is all the proof you need to know that this is a party that no longer stands for anything,” he wrote.

He then expresses his belief in and hope for the Democratic Party.

“I believe the Democratic Party will do more to protect the freedoms guaranteed to us in the First Amendment than the Republican Party ever could.”

“I am throwing in with the Democratic Party because at the end of the day, I believe its portrait of America is better than the one being painted by today’s Republican Party. And I want to be a part of it.”


5 thoughts on “Ex-Breitbart spokesman Kurt Bardella leaves Republican party over its support of Roy Moore

    1. You could say the same thing about Breitbart News…shills for Israel (and Camacho…er, Trump) masquerading as “patriots”…

      1. DL, I have a strong hunch ol’ Bannon may be positioning himself for a go at the presidency of the war powers Israeli criminal occupation in 2020.

  1. “Kurt Bardella said he no longer wants to associate with the Republican party over its support of Moore—an accused child molester—for the Senate.”

    So… he’d prefer a DIFFERENT child molester?

    Or perhaps a nice fag, or tranny.

    So many types of perverts to choose from these days.

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