F4 Phantom Jet Hits Concrete Wall at 500 MPH

Uploaded on Aug 3, 2008 by twitter78

Incredible movie clip. An US F4 Phantom Jet tests the strength of a concrete wall built to withstand a nuclear blast by crashing into it at 500 MPH. A high rate FPS camera is used to watch the plane literally turn into dust.

6 thoughts on “F4 Phantom Jet Hits Concrete Wall at 500 MPH

  1. Where’s the debris? Where’s the debris?

    There’s no wreckage…..so there was NO PLANE!!!!!!

    There’s always wreckage in plane crash movies. NO debris at the Twin Towers or Pentagon MUST mean no planes were used, right?

    (The Pentagon was a steel reinforced concrete structure much like the one in the video)

    Thanks for digging this up, Wade.

  2. A perfect example of how the crooks in the feral govt are doing to our country-
    running it headlong into a concrete wall at full speed= a waste of time, money
    and resources. out of chaos will spring the demonic new world order.

  3. If you drink…don’t fly. MADF
    M others
    A gainst
    D runk
    F lying
    Next time hand your keys over to a designated flyer.
    Remember friends don’t let friends fly drunk.
    It could save your life and also a concrete wall.

  4. You’re welcome JR, John Lear is correct on the fact that those plane’s would have been ripped apart at those speeds and altitude. There is a video from Boeing that shows a passenger jet in a wind tunnel at those speeds and the wings are violently oscillating up and down which would make it impossible to control. A Drone flown at lower speeds could produce the same results. My neighbor was there, a fire chief out of Brooklyn was there on 9-11-2001, he saw those planes hit the tower, he said they were a dark drab green. Holograms are a bit of a stretch, who knows for sure, i am just sharing what was told to me by my neighbor. And if it were holograms, i want the sound system they used.Dolby Atmos can not compete with an audio system like that.:)___~

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