FBI investigating Bundy supporters in BLM dispute

8 News Now – by George Knapp

LAS VEGAS — A dramatic development in the saga surrounding rancher Cliven Bundy, the FBI has entered the case.

The 8 News NOW I-Team has learned that FBI agents have started an investigation into the events surrounding a potentially deadly showdown one month ago.

It is one thing for Cliven Bundy and his supporters to square off against an assortment of Bureau of Land Management employees. It is quite another when the FBI enters the picture, and that is exactly what has happened.  

The I-Team has confirmed that FBI agents have launched a formal investigation into alleged death threats, intimidation and possible weapons violations that culminated with a dangerous showdown on April 12, and the first people to be interviewed by FBI agents are Metro Police, starting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillispie.

Federal employees suspended their roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle, following a confrontation outside the BLM compound near Bunkerville. At the urging of Metro Police, Bundy’s cattle were released, but BLM’s new director announced the matter wasn’t over and would be resolved, one way or another. We now know what that means.

Last week, the I-Team talked with Metro officers who intervened to protect the lives of federal employees from the 400 or so Bundy supporters and armed militia members. Officers told the I-Team they feared for their lives that day because of the assembled firepower, and because many in the crowd had pointed weapons at officers, taunted them, told them they should be ready to die.

Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who was left in charge of the Metro contingent by Sheriff Doug Gillespie, told the I-Team that such alleged behavior would be the subject of a criminal investigation.

“The federal authorities are conducting an investigation and I am pretty confident it is going to go into the future,” Lombardo said.

“(Would there be consequences for somebody there on video tape, on a news camera pointing a gun at a Metro officer, pointing a gun at a federal ranger?) Yes, there is definitely going to be consequences, definitely. That is unacceptable behavior. If we let it go, it would continue into the future,” Lombardo said.

The I-Team has learned that Lombardo was interviewed by FBI agents earlier this week. The first person to be questioned by the FBI team was Lombardo’s boss, Sheriff Gillespie.

The sheriff confirmed to 8 News NOW that he was asked about what he saw the day of the showdown, whether guns were pointed at metro officers. He declined to say what he said to the agents.

FBI agents also spoke to an entire squad of Metro officers, who were on the scene to act as a buffer between the crowd and the BLM. Bundy supporters have insisted in emails and calls to 8 News NOW that no one in the crowd pointed weapons at BLM or Metro, but officers told the I-Team that is exactly what they saw, that many with guns set up behind women and children.

“It is not a rumor. When we first got out there and made a left to divide I-15, that is all you saw. You saw kids and women and horses in the backdrop and then men with guns, laying on the ground, in the back of pickup trucks. We’re going, ‘wow, this would never happen in Las Vegas,’ But it was there. That is not a rumor. It is reality and I saw it with my own eyes,” Metro Police Sgt. Tom Jenkins said.

Sgt. Jenkins has been interviewed by the FBI. A second squad is expected to be interviewed by week’s end. The bureau does not confirm or deny the existence of any investigation but the I-Team have confirmed from multiple sources that a criminal investigation is underway.

It is illegal to point loaded weapons at federal agents, and most people know what would happen, if a suspect pointed a gun at a Metro officer in the Las Vegas valley.

Bundy supporters have been adamant in saying no weapons were aimed at the feds or police, that the BLM rangers were the ones pointing guns.

From the sound of things, they will be given the chance to prove those allegations because the FBI is coming their way.


26 thoughts on “FBI investigating Bundy supporters in BLM dispute

  1. My Fellow Patriots:


    This is the moment you were forced to point your weapon at one of the Enemy-Force-In-Occupation’s foot soldiers!

    Even if there was no exchange of fire,.. the moment that occured,… “your all in”,.. because now this criminal cartel (formly called the US Gov’t) has only one of two options:

    1) Let you get away with it! – Which is not an option for them!,.. they know this will simply encourage more acts of defiance, and embolden Patriots and Americans alike,… and they,.. CAN NOT ALLOW THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

    2) Make An Example: This is where they immediately shoot (to kill of course),.. or seek to arrest, and make a public spectacle of the person to deter others.

    The latter part of the 2nd option is what the FBI has been tasked with.

    This Enemy-Force-In-Occupation absolutely will NOT allow this to pass without response,.. and their response is going to be to kill,… or humilate with a lengthy gulag prison sentence.

    Thats it people,.. the F-ederal B-ureau of tra-I-tors IS 100% criminal, and will do the bidding of their pyscho-path overlords,… and that bidding at this time is: DESTROY THESE PESKY MILITIA,.. AND MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF THEM!,.. BAR NONE!.

    How do I know?,.. because I have taken the time to learn their philosophies,.. from that, I know their Goals & Objectives,.. from that I know their Strategies,.. and from that,.. I know their tactics,.. and from that,.. I know what orders the FBI has been handed down,.. because if I was one of them,… THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD ORDER BE DONE!

    This is not over,.. in fact,.. it hasn’t really started yet,.. has it.

    JD – US Marines – Do Patriots wait to get picked off?,.. or do the hunted,… become the hunters?

    1. I wonder? and i hope? For What? well, damn, to avoid massive or any fed Gov to come and kill us..Now how dumb is that hope?….actually, quit dumb, until the usg tells us so…..AND That Has Not Happened………..Just The Opposite from the USG…..own words….
      I am here to defend…………
      Robert Beason….Nam US Army vet, drafted…in countyry 1969
      combat veteran…………and have not forgotten……….one thing!


      ALL IN was the play.

      They shook down every American and Sympathizer who believes in freedom and is willing to do anything for it.

      “Welcome to day one stazi-land! Thank you for being a Beta tester. Now lets look at this file we have about you that may or may not be accurate.”

  2. “Last week, the I-Team talked with Metro officers who intervened to protect the lives of federal employees from the 400 or so Bundy supporters and armed militia members.”

    Notice how they don’t say “2000 armed militia members”. MSM’s gotta make sure they continue to downplay the militia.

  3. So what’s the “I-Team”? Is that an offshoot to the “A-Team”? Is Hannibal leading the team? What a joke.

    1. The “I” in team/fbi, stands for idiot, or imbecile. fbi also stands for foreign borne incorporated. they have NO jurisdiction there at
      all. funny how the fed-hoes dont debate all the feds-blm pointing their sniper rifles at all the innocent, UNARMED people there. they also dont talk about the cattle rustling and poaching of Mr Bundy’ cattle. hell. for that matter LET the fbi get involved, cant think of a better time to take a bead on more criminal sons-a-bitches from our deranged govt. make a list and work it down to a 0 count.

  4. Well of course the FBI would get involved and of course they would interview the Police FIRST. Also, this gives them a chance to scope out the Bundy Ranch for a future assault under the guise of investigating.

  5. What this amounts to is that the FBI knows full well what the “Knob Creek Resolution” is and that what they intend to do will start a hot CIVIL WAR.

    Only thing I can think of is that they are insane, because such an undertaking would be suicide. Someone or persons who are suicidal are mentally ill. That is what it appears we have running the government. They are a convention of LUNATICS!!!!! Dangerous ones to boot.

    When the FBI baby burners start this war it is going to devastate this country if they are not stopped and quickly. Only thing I can suggest is understand they are coming for our liberties and our lives. They want to enslave us and murder a hell of a lot of us. Barking dog routine means that they pull whatever they are going to pull be prepaired deal with the problem. They are coming to destroy our families and our country.

    We’re getting very close to the fall of night on our nation.

  6. Getting ready for the next wave of deployments. We have had a great time with the people that are dropping off supplies. The FBI has been there BEFORE this all began, PERIOD. Along with all other elements of the MJTF as we have described now for YEARS. The news whores are just releasing the PROPAGANDA hoping that we are all small minded and will run away. After all, the controlled press is just so honest and reliable. LOL! 😛 Vote with your wallet and buy more ammo. Take a deep breath and enjoy LIBERTY. Throw down your fear and stomp it into the dust along with your ENEMY. Wars coming. Liberty1775 is the answer to the problem. MGK

    1. The jack-boots thugs power-trip on instilling fear into the populace,
      i totally agree with you. we all gonna die someday….whats it gonna
      be as a slave to the nwo, with a hole in the back of your head and
      then buried in a mass trench-grave?
      stand up to the demonic inspired tyranny and KNOW you are doing
      the right thing by fighting the evil, stand as a proud AMERICAN, and……….
      if necessary die as a hero(just take as many of the jack-boots u can before you go). semper fi, molon labe’.

  7. Well we all know how well every investigation and op the FBI is/was involved in ended. Dead innocent individuals and citizens. Yea right they are going to investigate…go ahead let the Fox in and see where it goes…lets talk blah blah blah them boom! Your ass is grass and the Friggin Butthead Investigators go back to work to get more f#@king ribbons pinned on their roid chest! Investigate…yea right – Change you can count on! Friggin morons! They will identify-villify-then destroy you. Gee, ain’t Zionism great, you Christian Zionists are despicable! My only prayer is that Almighty God Jesus Christ will show these idiots and liars up for what they are…traitors to their oaths and will shame them before the entire world for the abominations they commit on righteous and good god fearing families…I pray he sends everyone of them to hell for their crimes against their neighbors. They are not Americans in any sense of the word. Every time they open their mouth they lie to the American people and themselves. Liars and deceivers have no part in the coming kingdom, just wailing and weeping and a constant picture before them of the crimes they have committed.

  8. It’s simply amazing…a man of the earth and grass roots Americans stand up to out-of-control statists working for the Chicoms and Sen. “Filthy” Harry Reid skates, while fedgov gets ready to throw them under the bus. War is almost on our doorstep. Pray for our country.

    1. The current war against liberty started back when jfk was murdered. it was enumerated by the fed gun control act of 1968.

      it has been a covert war, slowly being ramped up to what we have today which is open anarchy against its constituency, we the people, by the criminal-bastards in the fed gov.

  9. What’s the first rule ???
    1. Don’t talk to the ba*tards
    2. Never offer information ….
    They’ll twist the facts to suit their buds.
    One will never get real justice in an
    admiralty court.
    They’re trained to examine all the
    aspects in order to ply victims.
    Mark my words, they’ll ride in as protectors
    and end up putting their sights on everyone.

  10. The “I Team” has “learned” LOL!!!!! Read that the “I Team” licking the ass of the Feds had to come up for air and their ass licking fest to spew the latest propaganda from the “script” generated by those who’s anus they whore-ship. Can you hear the licking sound, slurp, slurp slurp! 😛 Liberty1775

    1. When will that ass licking/kissin` sound stop. Man that is a nasty audible for sure Mark.

      1. That’s the sound of “scum-sucking bottom feeders!” 🙂 (Although Mark Koernke, I love your interpetation.)

  11. Of course the ‘investigation’ is simply a prelude to the burning. Anyone with elemental knowledge of the previous attempts of individuals of groups to protect themselves with common law or the Constitution knows that the jackboots are tooling up, as well as fury that the next Waco will foster.

    We can’t all make it to the site of the burning. Therefore, FreeFor’ s response MUST be to give them so many brush fires and incidents nationwide that they are so overloaded with ‘investigations’ that they fear for not only their individual safety and the safety of their personal effects, but even the same fear all people have for their family’s well being.

    They and theirs walk, shop, talk and drive among us. In your own AO there are numerous ‘shunnings’ that you can instigate. Use your vivid imagination. If a random act of ‘shunning’ would instill dread in you, it would do so to them and theirs.

    The FreeFor all know what is worth fighting for. It is time to get the thugs to consider exactly why they are fighting against righteous Liberty. We need to force the thugs to consider what exactly what they will have left when (or if) they get to return home that evening.

    Your own AO.. If you want a refreshing drink of the well Of Liberty, dip down your bucket right where you are.

    1. Damn right we reserve the right to deny service to anyone – you wannabe joo. By the way, the last time I saw your POS cop/pig husband he was heading for the hills with a posse of armed American Nationals right on his sorry-a$$!

        1. Hey Paul, join me and digs in the Pub during “The Word”. Hopefully NC and #1 and who knows (Henry) might the cat drag in! Everyone is welcome. I sure enjoyed JD and that guy with info on Ham radios and antennas yesterday. Highly informative JD, good broadcast.

          1. Hey Millard. got people here now. hopefully can get with ya’ll before its overl

  12. You mean they don’t like having guns pointed at them and being
    threatened? Then maybe they should quit doing it to the people!
    Tyranny enforcing morons.

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