FBI Warned of ‘Imminent’ Fort Hood Style Attack Right Before New Fort Hood Shooting

FortHoodThe Daily Sheeple – by Truthstream Media

We’re coming up on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing and there has been another shooting incident at Ft. Hood today and although details are still sketchy, it is eerie that the FBI apparently saw it coming, interviewed a suspect who threatened to commit this exact crime and then let him go right before this happened.  

This report aired on Fox News on 3/31/14:http://youtu.be/_dGOVEdqPGc

Not only did the FBI put out an alert a few weeks ago that a “Ft. Hood-inspired jihad” was “imminent” only to turn around and announce yesterday that this was “not an immediate threat,” but there were also nationwide jihad-style drills being held yesterday, and (at least in part) specifically in regard to “lone wolf” scenarios calling out the Ft. Hood shooting as an example.

Already there were early reports of two gunmen, but now there is only one and he has apparently been killed. Homeland Security is claiming there is no counter terrorism nexus. National media outlets are reporting that anywhere from three to 14 people have been injured. Again, details are emerging, but we will update as soon as we learn more.

(H/T Lupe Costilla)


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– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/fbi-warned-of-imminent-fort-hood-style-attack-right-before-new-fort-hood-shooting_042014#sthash.UAuxSyQG.dpuf

3 thoughts on “FBI Warned of ‘Imminent’ Fort Hood Style Attack Right Before New Fort Hood Shooting

  1. What I heard this morning makes me think that he was just a loser that lost it. They are now saying that he was in the guard for a long time. If he was a National Guard troop for ten years and was still an E-4, there was a reason why. My guess is that he left the guard for active duty hoping it would be different. He was probably getting “downsized” with the troop reduction and he was a good candidate for getting out because he couldn’t make rank. If you don’t make E-5 by a certain number of years, you have to get out. Still guessing, but he went to mental health and claimed an injury so he could get paid when he got out. Doc prescribed mental meds, he had a bad reaction to them and he lost it.
    I don’t think this was a false flag. BUT, they will use this event to further their cause of disarming ALL combat vets.
    Just my opinion.

  2. I heard that he never served overseas..never in combat

    PTSD..from what? his momma spanking him?

    Im not buying what the government is selling on this story

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