Will Israeli PM Netanyahu Knock Out Iranian Nuclear Sites Before The Second Blood Red Moon Appears?

Before It’s News – by Lujack Skylark

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has proclaimed the Iranian threat must be eliminated. Iran has been arming both Hezbollah and Hamas for a military strike against Israel.Syrian president Assad is aligned with Iran against Israel. Will Israel be in position to strike Iran before the second blood red moon appears in October 2014?   



Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said in the past an attack by Hezbollah will be considered as an attack by Syria and should that happen, Israel would put an end to Assad’s regime. Israel will not stand by letting Iran have nuclear weapons. Should Israel set Iranian nuclear sites ablaze, Syria will surely launch missles in response. Israel will then be forced to destroy Damscus as prophesied. (Isaiah 17:1)

There will be signs in the heavens in the last days. (Luke 21:25-26) Will the Israeli attack upon Iranian nuclear sites happen before the second blood red moon in October 2014?


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