From the Trenches, Wade Files His Report for Saturday’s Bundy Standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada

Published on Apr 13, 2014 by Henry Shivley

Wade heads down to Bunkerville to give us a spot report on the Bundy – BLM standoff on Saturday, April 12, 2014. Wade participates in the standoff and interviews several family members, including Cliven Bundy.

20 thoughts on “From the Trenches, Wade Files His Report for Saturday’s Bundy Standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada

  1. Thank You WADE!! Talk about boots on the ground! You did it! Great JOB!!! AMEN to you brother!! Your Bible and Guns! Great Job and again Thank You!! I wish I could of been 1,000 miles closer, but I feel their fight is not over, the overlords never stop, their b****es may pull back, but then they will get a “judge” to sign some piece of paper to make the illegal act “legal”, then the battle wages on. But anyway GREAT JOB WADE!!!!!

    1. I ask all who come to this web site…and see a spark of light that may not be so obvious on other Patriot Web Sites, to donate what they may, in cash….which will aid this web site to give….up to the minute news of the world…..and it’s the world in total that is important….
      FRomTheTrenchesWorldReport……..yes…World Report…
      Thank you….

  2. Thanks for the report Wade. Great job. Glad you had a safe trip. Thank you for being there for all of us that couldn’t.

  3. You folks are to kind, I wish all of you could of been there, I know your spirit was,it was electric. Laura and Henry deserve a big round of applause for splicing over 2 gig of video into a wonderful presentation. Thanks again L and H and the rest of you sorts that give thoughs sorts a bad name. :_ )

  4. “We feel like we’ve been invaded by foreign invaders. I feel like another country’s here invaded us. They’re not treating us like we’re American citizens.”

    [Sheriff] “Gillespie didn’t do anything that we asked, not one thing.”

    Thanks, Wade. Good job. It seems much more real from the people being harassed and threatened, without a shilly or bullhorn spin job.

  5. It was heartwarming to see all the patriots out there in support of our rights which is what this standoff is all about. They made the decision to stand down because the alternative would have been a bloody mess and very well could have started the revolution to clean house of all the jackals. I think I’ll clean the rust out of my barrels today and lay some fresh oil on the grooves of the rifling.

  6. Awesome….. Thanks a lot for going down there, Wade. It’s nice to get a first-hand account (with video) from someone you can trust. I appreciate the effort.

  7. I’ll have to check it out later, Wade as I can’t get video at work. But from what I have read from the comments, I too, appreciate all your efforts at interviewing and recording the event and getting the information out. Thanks.

  8. Great job Wade! Thank you for being there to represent those of us who could not be there. You are much appreciated! 🙂
    . . .

  9. Wade God bless you for what you did. That took sacrifice. You are what being a sovereign national is all about.

  10. Solid Wade
    Thanks Henry and Laura.

    “Who made them stand down?”

    “We made them” Said Cliven ‘we the people made them”

    Wade you got a gas expense treasury going???

  11. Thank you all, I know you will do the same if the need arises in your neck of the woods.Nottoobitter, no I have no gas treasury and I won’t ask for any. Like all of us, we are hard pressed for cash and for myself I will do this on my own, although I do appreciate the the offer, if I should die in this cause I would not want anyone to feel guilty for contributing to my demise. Godbless you all and Long live the Republic.

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