Gas in Tow, Man, 72, Tried to Burn Down Condo to ‘Kill All Jews,’ Police Say

New York Times

Walter Edward Stolper was facing eviction and stewing with anger at his Jewish neighbors in Miami Beach when he threatened to take revenge, the authorities said on Friday.

Mr. Stolper, 72, told a business associate that he planned to set fire to his condominium building and “kill all Jews” inside, the Miami Beach Police Department said.

He was well on his way to carrying out that plan when the police arrived on Thursday, finding him in a parking garage with two gasoline containers, according to a police report. The police said Mr. Stolper had already poured gasoline down the condominium building’s trash chute, and had 28 more gasoline containers and explosive materials in his storage unit.

Mr. Stolper could have caused an explosion at the building, which has about 400 units, “within minutes,” said Officer Ernesto Rodriguez, a spokesman for the Police Department.

“It really could have been at any moment,” he said, adding that “had our officers not investigated this tip as thoroughly as they did, we’d be possibly dealing with several casualties.”

Instead, Mr. Stolper was arrested and charged with attempted arson. An attempted murder charge was added on Friday, and he was being held in a Miami-Dade County facility without bail.

Read the rest here:  New York Times

11 thoughts on “Gas in Tow, Man, 72, Tried to Burn Down Condo to ‘Kill All Jews,’ Police Say

  1. What a wonderful fireworks display it could have been…watching Boca del Vista burn while the Rosen-krantz-Feldstein-owitz families jump off the top floor….

  2. lol…. maybe we’ll have our own Kristallnacht here.

    I always tried to explain to people that it’s not “all Jews”, but just a criminal element among the Zionists that are causing all the trouble, but humans, being what they are, are rarely interested in all the details.

    As usual, half of the truth will emerge, and the stupidity will commence. In this case, he probably would have killed a lot of Jews that know nothing, or have nothing to do with our political problems, and the real criminals will laugh.

    Acts of anti-Semitism help the Zionists (that’s why Jews are always behind them), because it causes all Jews to cling to their tribe, and it allows the attackers to be branded as racists, or anti-Semites in this case.

    1. But….this does show us that the word is spreading. (or most of the word, anyway) An act like this was unheard of a few short years ago.

      People are making the connection between the lying media, the thieving bankers, the poisoned medicine & food, and they see the same small crew behind all of it.

    2. I have never met a jew that didn’t lie to me, steal from me, use me, or treat me as if I were a dog.

      Show me a decent jew worthy of saving from the fireman. I’ve been searching for the Decent Jew for years.

      (I won’t hold my breath while I wait)

      1. “Show me a decent jew worthy of saving from the fireman. I’ve been searching for the Decent Jew for years.”


      2. I have absolutely no problem with ANY jew who outs the rest of them for the Satanic scumbags that they are.

        Bobby Fischer, Henry Makow & Brother Nathaniel are three I can think of right off the top.

        And Rosenthal, who was murdered for telling us that the jews’ ‘god’ is mammon.

      3. They do have that “supremacy” problem that causes them to treat the rest of us as sub-human, but that’s a cultural problem and not a capitol crime.

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