Giffords to push expanded background checks in Vegas

(FILE/FOX5)Fox Vegas 5 – by Matt Guillermo

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was wounded in a mass shooting during a public event in Arizona in 2011, is slated to kick off a tour Monday in Las Vegas in support of expanded weapons background checks.

She and her husband Mark Kelly are scheduled to tour seven states in seven days as part of the “Rights and Responsibilities Tour.”  

According to organizers, Giffords and Kelly, who have been visible advocates for tighter gun regulations, planned to visit a number of gun ranges in the area.

The tour at Las Vegas gun ranges is slated to precede discussions with community leaders regarding regulations and gun violence.

Tour organizers noted more people in Nevada have recently sided with expanded background checks, citing latest poll information.

According to Americans for Responsible Solutions, 84 percent of voters supported expanded background checks, including 83 percent of gun owners and 69 percent of National Rifle Association households.

“I’ve been around guns my whole life,” said former astronaut Kelly. “I know that as an American, my right to own a firearm goes hand in hand with my obligation to be a responsible gun owner and to do my part to make sure guns don’t fall into the hands of criminals or dangerously mentally ill people.”

Gun owners, law enforcement and various community leaders were slated to join Giffords and Kelly for their visit.

6 thoughts on “Giffords to push expanded background checks in Vegas

  1. BS, I know a lot of gun owners here and not one believes we should have expanded checks. As far as the Gifford’s are concerned , they need to go home and stay out of Nevada’s business. We don’t need some Obama groupies coming here telling us what we need. To get that percentage they must have taken a poll with ten people.

    1. And that goes for Wi. too REDHORSE. We will not give up our right here either – expanded background checks or not REDHORSE – background themselves if they want to have some fun eh REDHORSE `cause I bet there is a lot of dirt to be dug up on those law writing law makin` law enforcement bastards and I am sure of that I am proud to say. That is not a law in my books here either, and screw them puppies.

  2. “Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords”. FORMER! Meaning she no longer a politician.

    GO HOME, GIFFORDS! NO ONE WANTS YOU! Your time in office is over. PERIOD!

    1. That’s exactly, what I’ve been saying, Greg! There’s no way that shooting incident could have happened, as there is no humanly possible way she or anyone else could have survived such an incident. The whole incident was as fake and staged as the Sandy Hoax and the Boston incident.

      And the bitch is still out there being called on by the Zionists to do their bidding when they need someone to appear and throw out more gun control propaganda.

      It’s like they make her come out and say, “Hello! Remember me? Did you miss me?”

      Between her and Bush Jr., I don’t know who comes out more with the “Did you miss me?” tactic.

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