Giffords to bring gun-control campaign to Portland

The Forecaster – by William Hall

PORTLAND — Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, will visit the city Saturday as part of a cross-country tour promoting anti-gun violence legislation.

Giffords and Kelly lead Americans for Responsible Solutions, a political action committee. The Portland stop is one of seven in their “Rights and Responsibilities” tour, which is intended to demonstrate support for expanded background checks of gun buyers.  

The tour will “remind elected officials that our cherished Second Amendment rights demand great responsibility,” according to the group’s website.

Then-Congresswoman Giffords was critically wounded in 2011 after Jared Loughner opened fire at an event Giffords was hosting in Tucson, Ariz. A dozen other people were injured in the mass shooting, and an additional six were killed. Since then, Giffords and Kelly have become vocal advocates against gun violence.

In April, both of Maine’s U.S. senators, Republican Susan Collins and Independent Angus King, voted in favor of a bill that would have required background checks in all gun sales at shows and online. The legislation failed.

In Portland, Mayor Michael Brennan and Police Chief Michael Sauschuck have beenoutspoken proponents of “common-sense” gun control measures.

The Rights and Responsibilities tour began in Nevada Monday and runs through Sunday. Besides Portland, it includes stops in Alaska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota and Ohio.

The Portland stop will include a lobster dinner with Giffords, Kelly and two winners of a random drawing, according to the website. Further detail was not provided, and repeated attempts to contact Americans for Responsible Solutions were not successful.

“Gabby and I are excited to hit the road this summer and meet so many of the great Americans who are standing with us to fight for common-sense solutions to prevent gun violence and protect our rights,” Kelly said in a statement.

6 thoughts on “Giffords to bring gun-control campaign to Portland

  1. Yawn! Let’s just re-hash another story.

    Don’t the elite have anything better to do? Doesn’t Giffords have anything better to do? Especially since her whole incident was as much of a false flag as the Sandy Hoax and the Boston Incident. I don’t believe that woman ever got shot.

  2. I feel bad for Gabrielle Giffords having to deal with the condition she was left to live with, but I’m really, really sick and tired of watching Mark Giffords prop her up in front of cameras for a New World Order agenda.

    . . .

    1. What condition? She’s faking the whole damn thing ALL THE TIME! Her and her husband are paid Zionist tools. That’s their condition.

    2. Thats right Cathleen. If Mark Gifford wants to do that he can do it in a nursing home to help her to eat/feed herself. The more I see of these things like this, the more that I think that they were paid off to take a bullet to get life time protection and moneys because they supported the anti-gun movement by takeing a bullet or two. It seems that way to me anyway.

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