Glendon Scott Crawford, Eric Feight Charged With Conspiracy To Provide Support To Terrorists

Huffington Post – by MICHAEL VIRTANEN

ALBANY, N.Y. — Federal authorities accused two upstate New York men Wednesday of assembling a portable X-ray weapon that they intended to use to secretly sicken opponents of Israel.

The indictment charged 49-year-old Glendon Scott Crawford, of Galway, and 54-year-old Eric J. Feight, of Hudson, with conspiracy to provide support to terrorists with the weapon.  

Investigators said Crawford approached Jewish organizations last year looking for funding and people to help him with technology that could be used to surreptitiously deliver damaging and even lethal doses of radiation against those he considered enemies of Israel. He and Feight assembled the mobile device, which was to be controlled remotely, but it was inoperable and nobody was hurt, authorities said.

“Crawford has specifically identified Muslims and several other individuals/groups as targets,” investigator Geoffrey Kent said in a court affidavit. According to the indictment, Crawford also traveled to North Carolina in October to solicit money for the weapon from a ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan, who informed the FBI. Crawford claimed to be a member.

The men appeared separately Wednesday in federal court in handcuffs and jail jumpsuits. Magistrate Christian Hummel ordered them detained until detention hearings Thursday. An attorney was assigned to each man.

Neither said anything to the crowd that filled the courtroom gallery. They could face up to 15 years in prison. Messages left on answering machines at their homes weren’t returned Wednesday.

“This case demonstrates how we must remain vigilant to detect and stop potential terrorists, who so often harbor hatred toward people they deem undesirable,” U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said in a statement.

The damaging effects of the radiation would have appeared only days later, authorities said. The investigation by the FBI in Albany and police agencies began in April 2012 after authorities received information that Crawford had approached the Jewish organizations.

Crawford, an industrial mechanic for General Electric in Schenectady, knew Feight, an outside GE contractor with mechanical and engineering skills, through work, authorities said. Feight designed, built and tested the remote control, which they planned to use to operate an industrial X-ray system mounted on a truck.

According to the indictment, the investigators had a confidential undercover source in place within weeks after learning of Crawford’s attempts to solicit money and later an undercover investigator introduced by the source. They recorded meetings and conversations, and in December investigators got court authorization to tap Crawford’s phones, the indictment said.

Last June, the undercover investigator brought Crawford X-ray tubes to examine for possible use in the weapon, followed by their technical specifications a month later. At a November meeting in an Albany coffee shop with undercover investigators, Crawford brought Feight, both said they were committed to building the device and named the group “the guild,” the indictment said.

Investigators gave Feight $1,000 to build the control device and showed the men pictures of industrial X-ray machines they said they could obtain. They planned to provide him access to an actual X-ray system to assembly with the remote control Tuesday.

According to court documents, the sealed indictment was filed the same day and both men were arrested.

GE spokesman Shaun Wiggins said they were informed Tuesday of Crawford’s arrest and he has been suspended from his job. They have no information that any employees’ safety was compromised or the act he’s accused of occurred there.

Dr. Fred Mettler, the U.S. representative on the United Nations’ Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, was unfamiliar with the specifics of Crawford’s plans but said it’s unlikely such a device could work. Radiation can be narrowly beamed, as it is in some cancer treatments, but the accelerators require huge amounts of electricity, are not easily portable and any target would have to remain still for a long time.

“I don’t know of any of these that you can use like a gun to aim at someone on the street,” Mettler said.

It’s at least the fourth terror-related arrest in upstate New York:

_ Six men from Lackawanna, south of Buffalo, were charged in 2002 with conspiring to aid terrorists by attending Osama bin Laden’s al-Farooq training camp in Afghanistan in 2001.

_ Two leaders of an Albany mosque who were snared in a 2004 FBI sting involving a fictional terror strike were each sentenced in 2007 to 15 years in federal prison.

_ Four men were convicted in 2009 in a plot to bomb synagogues and shoot down military planes with missiles

_ a case that began after an FBI informant was assigned to infiltrate a mosque in Newburgh, 70 miles north of New York City.

5 thoughts on “Glendon Scott Crawford, Eric Feight Charged With Conspiracy To Provide Support To Terrorists

  1. “…the investigators had a confidential undercover source in place within weeks..”

    Another FBI instigated sting to show the sheeple that they’re tax dollars are being used wisely.

    An x-ray gun? Give me a break.

  2. There was an article “out there” that told how to take the guts out of a standard microwave oven and easily convert to direct the microwaves in a linear fashion. It’s called a directed energy weapon. X-ray weapon, I don ‘t think so.

  3. I first heard about such a energy weapon back in the mid 90’s. Supossedly easy to build and used to wipe out say…a competitors computer system. Supossedly anyone near the target will get sick and die from cancer related illnesses within a few years and some of the directed energy bounces back at the weapon itself…hence the need for it to be fired remotely.

    After having said all that (alot of supossedly’ I have never heard of one of these weapons ever being built or used.

  4. Governments of the west have been using microwave bombardment of indaviduals and groups who are targets for political reasons. Watch this video explaining the implementation of microwaves for the purpose of assassination.

    So this x-ray device is definitely in the realm of doable. It’s strange they are being charged with helping terrorists since it was OPPONENTS of the masters of terror, Israel, and not jihad groups.

    1. Yikes! I had no idea that military mastery of microwave weaponry reaches so far back, with everything that needed to be known about it already existing in the early 1970s, when at that time Congress was only being informed of the CIA’s poison dart heart attack gun.

      So what Hugo Chavez claimed is true – the USSA bolshevik b@stards caused his cancer.

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