The first picture is what’s left of the driveway area after three days of cutting future firewood, and dragging off the branches.
All the grass you see was covered. There was no driving out.
The other pictures are a small sample of what hasn’t been taken out yet.
That’s all the pictures that this Hotspot garbage will allow being downloaded at this time without being a huge pain in the rear.
There is a hell of a lot more. Many seasons of firewood.
No loss of animals. No damage to shack or vehicles. All good.
(Laughing) Wishing I had more than a puny chainsaw, and a splitting ax about now 🙂
Glad your ok!
Me too.
all I got is a sawzall and a steak knife
dang that was a mess
That beats a pencil sharpener blade, and a Veg-O-Matic 🙂
Wicked night.
There is/was a Cherokee Purple tomato garden, and a potato and green bean garden under the trees in the first picture, so there actually was some damage.
Plenty tomatoes, green bean, and other things on the other side of the property that didn’t get hit.
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
To bad the shack didn’t land on Claus Anal Schwab, or any of them mofo’s, right?