Govt Preparing for a Global Crash | John Whitehead

Apr 26, 2021
John Whitehead, constitutional attorney, founder of The Rutherford Institute, and author of  Battlefield America: The War on the American People, returns to Liberty and Finance to discuss vital current risks exposed in his recent article “Financial Tyranny: Footing the Tax Bill for the Government’s Fiscal Insanity” and to answer viewers’ questions on our rights and how to reclaim our freedom. ARTICLES DISCUSSED IN THIS INTERVIEW: Financial Tyranny: Footing the Tax Bill for the Government’s Fiscal Insanity…… 2030 GOVT URBAN COMPLEXITY TRAINING VIDEO REFERENCED IN THIS INTERVIEW:…

One thought on “Govt Preparing for a Global Crash | John Whitehead

  1. Can anyone here imagine meeting John Whitehead in The Trench? I can’t. But if he did perchance show up, I do not think it would be a good day for him.


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