Graham: ‘I’d Be Very Much Open’ to Sending U.S. Forces to Taiwan by PAM KEY

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that he is open to sending U.S. troops to Taiwan.

Anchor Shannon Bream said, “I want to start with China. You heard the report there about what Reuters has been calling a standoff in the Taiwan Strait. You served in the Air Force. We noted weeks ago a four-star general said he thought we would be in actual combat with China by 2025. Chairman McCaul said the same thing on the show. Where do you think we are? Where does this go?”

Graham said, “I think they are setting the stage possibly for a blockade of Taiwan. This Communist Chinese Party is going to test us dramatically this year and next year before the election.”

He added, “We need to train more aggressively Taiwanese forces. We need to put missiles back in our submarines. Biden won’t do it. The military has asked for the cruise missiles to be put back in submarines like the Russians did. We need more forces in the region. If you do those things, you could deter a blockade.”

When asked if he supports sending U.S. troops to Taiwan, Graham said, “So the question for the Congress, should we have a defense agreement with the island of Taiwan? We don’t. Should we have one? But yes, I’d be very much open to using U.S. forces to defend Taiwan because it’s in our national security interest to do so.”

8 thoughts on “Graham: ‘I’d Be Very Much Open’ to Sending U.S. Forces to Taiwan by PAM KEY

  1. Lindsey ” Light in his Loafers ” Grahamstein doesnt represent my country. The only thing this Puppet can do correctly is grab his arse with both hands for his handlers. If the Chi-Knees, Japa-Knees, Taiwa-Knees, Peka-Knees are not invading the united States for the Americas & they are not blockading International waterways it doesnt involve the Americas end of story.

  2. He’s always opened to sending people to war. When are we going to send him to war? Come on, show us all how it’s done, Grahammy.

  3. “I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is The Bill of Rights.”

    — Major General Smedley Butler


  4. Oh Boy. Good morning recipients of the Wednesday morning news!! Today you are gifted with the stirring news of the day. Just a sampling gives you a huge explosion at a dairy farm in Texas with 20,000 cattle dead. And in Indiana, a massive fire at a recycling plant causes thousands to be evacuated due to toxic and potentially lethal smoke. Also, the war-theater sees fires being stoked just about EVERYWHERE!! In health news, more and more cases of young adults are suffering strokes. But wait… Miss Yellen is tellin’ a story of success: U.S. finances doing great; pay no attention to the man behind the curtain closing all the stores in your neighborhood.

    In our next segment, more on our tireless and concerted effort to keep you safe by taking your guns away, followed by a peek into how trannies are doing at running the country. You won’t be disappointed and we know you’ll be watching because we’re always watching you. And that’s our start to the morning news. Have a woke day.

    But wait!! This just in: A group of American Nationals, approximately 300 Million strong, have shown up in every major city demanding that The Bill of Rights be upheld as The Supreme Law of the Land. The momentum this group is generating appears to be unstoppable. They proclaim their determination to see this happen – BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. More as the story unfolds. Now a word from our sponsors, Bud Lite, Disney, and Pfizer.


  5. Coming at you from your neighbour to the north, the tin foil hatters are spreading “conspiracy theories!” Tesla surveillance vehicles being hacked into and used as remote to target weapons powered by AI and a battery that burns hot and is very difficult to extinguish.

    There’s more! Childbase AI. A child porn data base out of BC being used to blackmail presidents and prime ministers!

    Chinese invasion of Taiwan is in the works.

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