Hanging in effigy: Bring back the most American of traditions

Eat Gruel Dog

It is time to let the bastards know what we think them. We need to start stringing effigies from light poles and trees.

Seriously, do so to celebrate the 4th of July

Label it “Politician” “SCOTUS” “Senator” or whomever suits your fancy  

People do not hear us speak, but trust me, if effigies start getting strung up people and the media are going to pay attention

Let those that you love know how you feel about them

I will be making and hanging one and will post the pics when I get it strung up


6 thoughts on “Hanging in effigy: Bring back the most American of traditions

  1. This might work. There would have to be hundreds of them but it would get the point across that enough is enough. The burning cross worked for the KKK, why not an effigy to let the elite know we’re finished with their crap.

  2. Putting up an effigy as suggested will also get you thrown in jail in many areas of the country for death threats.

    1. We shouldn’t worry about what they might do
      We should be more concerned with what they are doing and how its destroying this country
      And the lack of our voices being heard

      Sitting in our hands won’t solve anything
      Allowing them to shutter our protest out of fear
      Just validates their scare tactic ways

      1. You’re right, Samfish, sitting on our hands won’t solve a thing, but as we’ve seen time after time, the commies have not and are not going to listen to our voices, letters and public protests haven’t changed a thing except provide fodder for the commie news networks, and if you’re sitting in jail, you’ll be sitting on your hands anyway. Be smart and make other plans.

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