Happening Now: the Michigan democrat legislature is pushing through a bill that will make “hate speech” a hate crime punishable by $10,000 and up to 5 years in prison.


2 thoughts on “Happening Now: the Michigan democrat legislature is pushing through a bill that will make “hate speech” a hate crime punishable by $10,000 and up to 5 years in prison.

  1. Article 1, our sacred right to say what we will, being hit with the deep cruelty of ruthless tyranny. To control speech is to attempt to control the mind. Communism it is, that brings existence to this level. There is no better moment to fight for The Bill of Rights than RIGHT NOW. That, or prepare to wear a muzzle forever and to take one more step into slavery.


  2. This is a MAJOR line-crossing! Are we going to take it sitting down like everything else? Imagine the conversation between you & the guy you just got bunked with when you arrive to serve your time…

    You: So what are you in for?
    Cellmate: 2 counts of aggravated robbery & assault. You?
    You: I called someone a fagg0t.

    Let the cleansing begin! DTTNWOASAP!

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