Henry Ford’s ‘plastic hemp car’ from 1941

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by GiantRock62

Henry Ford’s ‘plastic hemp car’ from 1941
We might think that our ethanol and biodiesel “flex-fuel” systems are all very cutting edge, but biofuel development is of course nothing new. Way back in the 1930’s, Henry Ford was hard at work in the alt-fuels sector, and in 1941 he constructed a hemp-fueled and hemp-bodied prototype car. The “plastic” body panels were composed of 70% cellulose fibers, including industrial hemp, mixed with a resin binder, and apparently they were pretty sturdy: check out this video, in which a guy beats on the trunk with an axe and fails to leave a mark. Industrial hemp won’t make you high, kids, but its association with marijuana has historically been a major legal stumbling block. VIEW VIDEO OF FORDS HEMP CAR HAVING A HAMMER TAKEN TO IT !!

The reason marijuana was prohibited in the 20th century was to suppress hemp fuel and fiber production, which is inexpensive to make and naturally decentralized, so that small groups of people could profit from the capital intensive petrochemical alternatives that dominate our political process and economy today. Hemp will decentralize our economic system and return wealth and control to the majority. Hemp & marijuana both come from the same plant, cannabis sativa, which is the Latin, botanical name. Hemp is the fiber from the stalks and stems and the sterile seeds, while marijuana is the leaves, flowers and viable seeds. Some people believe that hemp with a low THC content is one species, and that it becomes a different plant, marijuana, when the THC level in the cannabis plant goes above 0.3 percent, but it is really the same plant. It is really about fuel, fiber and the synthetic subversion of the natural cycle. Drugs are only a smokescreen. Marijuana prohibition has always been about money, power, and control..

5 thoughts on “Henry Ford’s ‘plastic hemp car’ from 1941

  1. Everything that GiantRock62 wrote back in 2012 is correct, but not complete with regard to who caused the criminalization of hemp. Randolph Hearst did not want quality hemp paper to compete with his wood pulp paper. In most areas of the Continental USA, you can grow 2 consecutive crops of hemp per year; whereas, it takes 20-years to grow a tree.

    The other villain that sought to end hemp farming was E.I. DuPont because they did not want quality hemp fiber or hemp cellulous resin to compete with its synthetic fibers and plastics’ business units. Furthermore, even though DuPont sold-off its Fibers Division back in 2000, they still decided to invest their money in GMO corn and soybeans because these crops can be patented — hemp is a weed that cannot be patented.

    Hemp grows wild all over the Midwest and requires little moisture and no fertilizer. There are numerous other uses for hemp which include food, fuel, medicine, concrete, and clothing. Hemp would be an excellent replacement for wood, concrete, or any petro-chemical product derived from crude oil… and it is safely biodegradable.

  2. “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”
    – Ben Rich, Second Director of Lockheed Skunkworks

    Lots of advanced technologies are locked up in black projects.
    . . .

    1. How right you are, Cathleen. I was attempting to explain this to Angel-NYC over the last two days. I’m sure we also have the technology to neutralize radiation and provide free energy… but if TPTB have genocidal motives or, cannot profit from this technology, it will never see the light of day. Nicola Tesla learned this fact the hard way.

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