Patriots 4 Truth – by Guy Cihi
The factual events underpinning this version of American history are drawn from conventional history books, expository articles, and personal diaries. References are provided below. The difference between this telling and the history taught in American public schools is that the intentions of the actors described herein are more logical to the facts.
The facts suggest that it was the Crown itself that organized and financed Washington’s Continental Army. Without the Crown’s support there would be no US Federal Government and no Rothschild Central Bank in America today. Corrupt Federal Governments and Central Banks are how the Crown controls and enslaves its colonies. This article outlines how the Crown executed its plans to give the American Colonies the false impression of independence whilst maintaining control through a newly established, corrupt Federal Government, a Constitution that agents of the Crown drafted, and soon enough, a foreign-owned Central Bank.

The Actual War
In 1778 France and England declared war. This war is called the Bourbon War in Britain and the Anglo-French War in France. The beleaguered and bankrupt King Louis the XVI went all in on this war. Sadly it was a war that he would soon lose. Louis XVI would be the last king of France and he would pay for his defeat with his head. Americans are still paying for his defeat thanks to fiat debt enslavement. Louie’s failure ushers in the French Revolution; another British masterpiece of skullduggery, and gives birth to the French Republic under Napoleon.
British King George III was only just beginning to apply the Crown formula of divide and conquer among England’s commodity-rich colonies scattered about the world. The Crown’s enduring global domination can be directly attributed first and foremost to its central banking scheme; secondly to its Hegelian political deceptions, and thirdly to its advanced weaponry obtained through intellectual property theft.
Read the rest here:
‘The facts suggest that it was the Crown itself that organized and financed Washington’s Continental Army. ‘ ‘This article outlines how the Crown executed its plans to give the American Colonies the false impression of independence whilst maintaining control through a newly established, corrupt Federal Government, a Constitution that agents of the Crown drafted, and soon enough, a foreign-owned Central Bank.’
Super post, thanks Mary. Another great point is the truth about Ben Franklin, Freemason and member of satanic Hellfire Club, which is likely why those bones were found in his basement. Now folks can better understand why he said, “…a republic, if you can keep it.” He was mocking true patriots, then and now.
More about Ben Franklin here and his Hellfire Club activities:
As with so many so-called “patriots,” he played both sides but mostly for the benefit of the “Crown” and his Freemasonic buddies.
yw DL
The last paragraph:
‘There were a few brave and true American patriots alive at the end of the 1700s. Men like Jefferson, Stephen and Burr. These men gave us the Bill of Rights, the only American legal document that actually does protect Americans from total domination by the Crown. Until such time that Americans wake up and turn against the U.S. corporation acting in their name, the Crown will continue to rob and pillage America’s wealth. ‘
It is a daunting and exhausting task to undue the brainwashing
I didn’t like who the last paragraphs credits for bringing us The Bill of Rights. Jefferson even fought against it. It was George Mason who wrote most of it. But still, it’s a relief to be getting out from under so many of history’s lies. I don’t know if everything in this article is completely accurate, but I do know that those who have been uncovering the truth about the beginnings of our nation have moved from honoring the crown-serving aristocracy to honoring the nameless brave who fought for true freedom, at Lexington/Concord and beyond. And even though there were evil and tyrannical intentions from the get-go, in the peoples’ minds the true spirit of being at the helm of one’s own life is what was established by any victories won, be those victories real or contrived. It’s like the spirit got around the deception, the genie got out of the bottle,
thinking-people got the story that it’s their right to live free, so much so, that The Bill of Rights was crafted. What else could make all that dying worthwhile, but to assure the dissolving of all false hierarchy? And it’s where we are today: the spirit of freedom unleashed into the obnoxious lie that the government just wants to keep us safe.
“Instead of multiple policed territories, the newly united states became a federally managed, semi-autonomous tax farm.”
Neither is desirable, but “multiple policed territories?!!!! That doesn’t sound like what was being fought for.
“It would be unfair to describe Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Adams, and so many others as actual traitors, because there was no actual America at the time to be traitorous to.”
I call bullsh*t. Of course they knew what was being formed and that the people were sick of absurd and oppressive taxes. They were traitors holding onto their assets, and almost all of them owned slaves.
Had to take just a peek at what Jefferson owned:
Thank you Mary well said. Galen you are so honest. i dont give a sh*t about Us dollars….. they are not real. Was married 35 years ago and love my wife Bobbi. Thanks!
Thanks, Ken. Good for you. Love will always trump money. And as for honesty… Only I know what I don’t say. 🙂