How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett

Jul 19, 2020
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how someone can wake up their friend, family member or coworker. It is, of course, and unanswerable question, but I gained a new insight into the question of waking up recently that might help us understand and approach the question in a different way . . .

12 thoughts on “How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett

  1. I think we’ve come to a point that if you can’t realize somethings wrong .. than there is no point in Drumming it into a thick head
    I don’t have time like that to waste anymore
    Let alone the negative feed back it usually brings

    I’ve been very open with all those I know what I think and what I see
    From that point on its up to them , I don’t have time to drag horses to the watering hole , just to have them stand there

    Thankfully , I don’t have any sleepers in my immediate family .. wife and kids get it and so do most of my friends and some of my extended family
    I’ve done my job
    It’s time to center my attention on home

  2. I don’t have any friends and all my family’s dead, and all the ones around me are crazy in the head, I’ve learned to live in spirit – the others live in flesh, and in this selfish world those two ways of life don’t mesh….
    1775 MFRS!!!!!!!!

    1. Hey, thats my life also! Its all about being ready, now its solar time and what can I make work for me and my.

  3. Now how do we wake up James Corbett? Unless I’ve missed it, I personally have not seen him go the distance. This, while so many live with head on chopping block for daring to name names!!

    Here’s this:

    “The reason resistance to the Communist takeover of America has been so feeble is that we are not allowed to name the enemy: The Rothschild banking cartel, Organized Jewry, and Freemasonry. The banking system is run by a criminal cartel consisting mainly of Cabalist (Satanist) Jews lead by the Rothschilds. They have used Freemasonry to subvert all social institutions as Communists, Zionists, liberals, neocons, and progressives. Most of our so-called ‘leaders’ are Freemasons (Satanists). The elephant in the room is Freemasonry. They have been gnawing at the foundations of Western civilization for hundreds of years. Their goal is to control mankind through a world government. They are actively destroying all nations and all national institutions using debt, #scamdemic, migration, gender dysphoria, and BLM. Unless we name the enemy — The Rothschild banking cartel, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry — we are helpless to stop this rot. This Communist takeover signals the beginning of a New Dark Age that could last a thousand years. In the name of all that is decent, it must be stopped. Labelling patriots as ‘bigots’ and ‘racists’ is a typical Communist smear tactic. If it is antisemitic to defend truth, democracy, and freedom, then everybody is going to be an antisemite. Any writer who fails to identify the enemy … is complicit in their cover-up. They are wringing their hands while our birthright slips away.”
    — Henry Makow, 7/30/20


    1. ps: I recently learned a new word:

      akrasia – noun, chiefly philosophy: the state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will – From the Greek, a- ‘without’ + kratos ‘power, strength’

      In myself, I fight to overcome all self-censoring, in regards to naming the enemy. The biggest hurdle is with relatives and the playing nice game. If I really get this down I will take a leap in being a true freedom fighter. Ain’t perfect yet but am determined to improve, even if cousin so-and-so comes to hate me.


      1. Galen, thanks for the thought inspiring comment. Corbett knows how and who allows his bread to be buttered. Corbett has done much good, but hasn’t gone the distance. Like all of us we come to an understanding over time depending on how much we value a complete and truthful understanding, and the effort we put into it finding it.
        A good analogy would be a person learning a skilled trade.
        One starts out knowing very little, and over time, if one is malleable and has a willingness to pay attention to those who have gone the distance, they learn new things and methods that work better and discard the old, less effective, and sometimes untrue information. Eventually they become the ones that have gone the distance, the journeyman. Because it is a journey. He may not be a Master Craftsman but he’s well on his way, but the journey isn’t over. It’s only end is retirement. (:0 then instead of going fishing, he spends his time worrying about things like this)

        As a kid in the 1960’s I used to go fishing quite often in the summer with the farmhand Roy and his old buddy Reindel .We carried a washtub down the railroad tracks to the bridge, which was our personal “honey hole”, on the Manitowoc River. We usually struggled to carry a fish filled washtub back to the car. Times were much easier to understand in those days.There was national strife, but only three tv news channels pumping out the garbage, at that time. We didn’t have a television on the farm, how unfortunate.

        1. Well Bob, I don’t think it’s a “level of understanding” with Corbett. It’s been too many years that the truth’s been on the table and on both major and underground sites. If nothing else, he’s aware of what Congress is and who it bows to. And dual-citizenship is no secret. I think of how Henry and JD are tellin’ it every single day. No holding back. And I think of all the brave posters here, their tireless research, their dot-connecting, and in that light Corbett looks pathetic. Half-measures will never fill the jar and will eventually ferment all that is good in it. Low tolerance here for that, especially at this point in the game. Low tolerance.


    2. Wonderfully stated Galen, clearly the general populations have been placed into “Plato’s Cave”, and they refuse all input that counters their trained/brainwashed views.

        1. I was first attracted to his Propaganda Report, and the fact I felt he looked like my recently dead brother.
          Well, he ain’t my brother, and he does do a fancy dance around the Jew. He is controlled opposition, and as such, he doesn’t have the whole picture on display.
          I don’t give his site anymore of my attention. As for his exquisite studio, I know he’s been doing this a while, but how professionalized do you get before you aren’t one of us anymore?
          My support $$ only goes to this here Trenchers site. This is the ONLY truly free place, so I support the truth, however much it will cost.

  4. Sometimes ya just don’t because if they don’t get it by now, they’re never going to.

    It’s sad because we love them, but depending on just HOW deep they are into their being mind F’d, you may find your efforts have only helped the enemy and hurt you.

    It is war, after all, but not everyone knows they’re a combatant, or an enemy, and not everyone knows they’re an agent, and hell, some don’t even know they’re already a casualty.

    Regardless of their knowledge, they are.

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