Illegal Alien Bashes Border Patrol Agent in Head with Rock, Agent Severely Injured

Breitbart – by Brandon Darby

A Border Patrol agent is suffering multiple head fractures after an illegal alien attacked him and bashed his head in with a rock, according to several Border Patrol agents who spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity. The attack occurred near the Ajo Station of the Tucson Sector.

The agent was new to the U.S. Border Patrol agency. According to the sources, the illegal alien tackled the agent and used a rock to bash the agent’s head.  

A drug trafficking group was apprehended earlier in the day, according to the sources. When the agent was attacked, he reportedly deployed intermediate weapons such as OC spray and a baton. One Border Patrol agent source told Breitbart Texas, “After the Ferguson ordeal, agents are so apprehensive about using their firearm that incidents like these may become more frequent. Agents are so hesitant that it is actually risking our lives.”

One Border Patrol source told Breitbart Texas that the agent was taken by an air ambulance and is currently conscious with multiple severe head fractures.

Breitbart Texas will provide updates as they become available.

Follow Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby on Twitter @brandondarby.


13 thoughts on “Illegal Alien Bashes Border Patrol Agent in Head with Rock, Agent Severely Injured

  1. “The agent was new to the U.S. Border Patrol agency. According to the sources, the illegal alien tackled the agent and used a rock to bash the agent’s head.”

    Don’t worry, Barry and DHS will let him go. After all, the alien was just misunderstood. He didn’t know what he was doing when he bashed the border patrol in the head with a rock. 🙄

    However, if I do it to a cop in my neighborhood, I’d be surrounded by at least 6 cop cars, half of the police department, dead or never see the light of day.

    I see how it is.

  2. Communist Dictator Obama has militarized the police force in just about every town and city in America – the motto being DON’T HESITATE SHOOT! – be it child, senior, pregnant woman – doesn’t matter……..

    It;s high time our Border be militarized with a DON’T HESITATE SHOOT motto…after all really the main job of the Feds have is to protect our country from invasion……….a job they firmly refuse to do….

    Obama and Congress – being the Israeli commie traitors they all are – pretend that our southern border simply can’t be protected – which we all know is total Bullsh#t……..what with all surveillance and drones and military we have we could quite easily secure it. But then that would keep these scumball commies from Nation Busting which is what they do best.

    How about McConnell and Boehner – we now know they gave Obama a wink and a nod to have his amnesty —- they should be hanged treason right along with all of Team Dark.

    1. Exactly! They tell the police to shoot first and ask questions later to us Americans, but when it is foreigners, it’s the exact opposite.

      Treasonous to the core!

      Hang the Commie bastard! 😡

  3. Agent deserved it for following seditious orders from an agency which takes orders from an invalid government infiltrated by traitorous zionists. First hit should’ve been lead from an American and not a rock from a wetback. Then maybe they would brush up on their reading and do what they’re supposed to be doing. ..securing the GD border!

    May all his family and loved ones suffer the same fate until he wakes and performs his appointed task and duty.

          1. I’m doing OK. My in-laws finally went back home after being here for a month, so now I have time to come back on here again and post things.

          2. A MONTH? 😯 WOW!!!

            I can barely handle being around my brother for 3 or 4 days (did it for a week once, though).

  4. “One Border Patrol source told Breitbart Texas that the agent was taken by an air ambulance and is currently conscious with multiple severe head fractures.”

    He’s lucky.

    At least there’s ZERO chance of brain damage.

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