Illegal Aliens Protest Sheriff Joe Rally in Salem, OR

vlcsnap-2015-06-27-18h52m01s232Progressives Today

Sheriff Joe Arpaio was the special guest speaker at a rally in Salem, Oregon, presented by the Oregon Republican Party and Oregonians For Immigration Reform.

A large counter protest was organized by something called Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste and CAUSA.  

Here are the sights and sounds!

Sheriff Joe meanders across the street from his rally to greet the illegal alien mob.

Other sights and sounds from the illegal aliens and their allies, which include communists, National Brown Berets, union organizers, and others.

Wackjob signs from the counter protesters.

UPDATE! Another video video has surfaced of the confrontation, this one is from the Pro Joe angle (h/t Salem-Keizer Sentinel).


One thought on “Illegal Aliens Protest Sheriff Joe Rally in Salem, OR

  1. Oh gee…look at all of those illegals. Why aren’t they being arrested and rounded up? Hey Joe, you’re all talk. Where is your posse to round them up? DO YOUR DUTY or go take a shit for yourself!!!!

    And look at the Commie wearing the Mao Commie hat. Hope to see her on the battlefield.

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