In most of Europe if you share this video of asylum seekers destroying a bar, you’ll be the one thrown in jail, not them

5 thoughts on “In most of Europe if you share this video of asylum seekers destroying a bar, you’ll be the one thrown in jail, not them

  1. This is just one snapshot of what they’ve turned our world into. Every day we witness horrible inhumanity, exaggerated perversion, manufactured suffering and death.

    How will we convey to the children that the world was not always this wicked, dark, and scary? There is only one choice before us: to take back our world. To fight for it in whatever way we can, or Hell will be our destiny.


    1. Hear! Hear! Although I must say, I struggle more & more every day with “we”, “us” & “our”. The mind can often be
      t̵̶̵̶̵̶̵o̵̶̵̶̵̶̵r̵̶̵̶̵̶̵t̵̶̵̶̵̶̵u̵̶̵̶̵̶̵r̵̶̵̶̵̶̵e̵̶̵̶̵̶̵d̵̶̵̶̵̶̵ tested with thoughts about whether or not to stand up for those supposed “loved ones” who never stood up for me when it counted in the past. I’m sure many, if not all, here get exactly what I mean.

      1. Each looks through his or her own lens and moves accordingly. And I’m thinkin’ of that old adage:

        “If you’re neighbor is starving, you ain’t safe.”

        As a grandmother, I have to think of what I want to help create and what I want to leave behind. I want the young ones to know the glory of The Bill of Rights. They will discover parts of themselves they never knew they had within them, for no one will be lording over them or corrupting them. They will understand infringement and put it in check. They will know that all others have the same rights as they do. Liberty will be as common as breathing.


        1. Some good words there galen. That’s why this place is a good sounding board. I can throw my words at it & good words like yours or others can come back at me sometimes. They are always added to my thoughts & occasionally give me a way to add some balance to my initial take on things. Thank you 😉

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